Part 7/His suffering.

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Head over to Webnovel to read two new chapters of PLRB,before they're published on Wattpad. :)


I bounce my leg off the couch slightly,trying to relieve my anxiety while resisting the urge to bite my nails,because I just got them done a few days ago.
"I'm so sorry about that. It was the hospital."
"Did someone off themselves?"
She stares at me blankly,making me think that I shouldn't make jokes like that.

"Sorry. Was just trying to lighten the mood."
"Do you have suicidal thoughts? Is that why you think someone else might have taken their life." She takes out her pen and notebook immediately,making me widen my eyes.
"No,no,no. I haven't had those thoughts since I was little. I may be mentally unstable,but I still wanna live. Don't you worry about that." I chuckle,her eyes set on me.

After her mother had been sick,Doctor Clarkson had canceled a few of our sessions,and even now looked tired.
She always looked sharp when we met,with expensive clothes and a smile on her face.
Now she just seemed worried about everyone and everything. Her clothes wrinkled,her braids clipped back into an updo.

"You were telling me about Amsterdam."
"Yes." I clear my throat and tell her everything that had gone on,with Lilly and Uriah,and the lab with Stefan,even about telling him what happened that night.
"You told him about the miscarriage?"

"And how did he react?"
I shrug "I don't know. He seemed...sad. Heartbroken. I fee like he blames himself."
"Why do you think that?"
"Because he hasn't talked to me or showed up at work for about a month."
"Hm." She writes something down in her notebook,making me want to just snatch it and read everything she has to say.

"When you told him that,was your intention to hurt him?"
"I don't think so. I just wanted him to know how much pain he had caused me,and hopefully leave me alone."
"And now he has. Would you be happy if he never showed up again?"
"I don't know."

"Do you want to forgive him?"
"No,i don't think so."
"So why are you not happy that he's finally out of your hair? You can work in peace,and go on with your life."
"Who says I'm not."
"You don't seem like you are."

"Well I am. There's just other things going on in my life right now,and Stefan is the least of of worries."
"If that's what you truly believe."
"Its is."
"Alright then. How is your grandfather?"
"Not so good."


The afternoon passed by quickly after seeing doctor Clarkson,I got some coffee,had some food with Lilly and Uriah,who finally made up about two weeks ago,and are taking things slow after finally communicating their issues.
Uriah promised to be more present,and Lilly promised to be more supportive and patient.
I visited Gramps,which lifted my spirits slightly,but seeing him not looks so well,was breaking my heart.

While Frank was annoying me and biting my toes in an attempt to get me to okay with him,I was pushing him away while looking over some of the files that were sent to the group chat.
It was something that I had to do,just something a colleague needed help with.
After Lilly finally went back to her apartment with Uri,the place seemed way too quiet now.

I was just about to get up and make myself some ramen,when I hear my doorbell ring,something that usually never happens,because my friends just walk in,and I never have un-announced guests.
After opening the door,I'm surprised to see two people in front of it.

I stare at them for longer than I should,before finally saying something "Hello."
"Hi. We're sorry to drop by like this. Can we come in."
I make way so they walk inside of my apartment,still leaving me with a thousand questions.
Why is Stefan's brother and sister in law here?

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