Part 10 / Holiday spirit.

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"Don't make me fall in love again,if he won't be here,next year." Santa tell me,Ariana Grande.


"I would totally be Gryffindor."

"Oh please. You're straight up Slytherin."

Tuesday night,November 21st,we're sitting in a booth at a Chinese place Charlie obviously picked,since she was so sick of burgers and fries,so we agreed.

"You would be one of the wizards that works for Voldemort." Uriah says smiling as Charlie throws a chopstick at him.
"What do you think Hufflepuff?" Charlie asks me with a smile.
"Slithering. Definitely. "

"Okay,enough of Harry Potter. Tell me what you guys are gonna do through thanksgiving break?" Lilly says louder so we stop the over hour banter we have been having.
"I don't know. It's my first time not going home. I let Charlie be in charge of what we're gonna do." I shrug as she smiles.

"Why aren't you going home again?" I ask as the smile on her face fades.
"I always run into your dad. And he always asks me why you won't come home. Come on Charlie,stop being stubborn and just..."
"Lilly."Uriah says looking at her as she lowers her head and stops talking.

"Sorry,I just..."
"Its fine. My dad and I just don't get along. Besides,I couldn't leave Stefan alone. "
I smile "Yeah. And we're gonna use the time to study."
"Okay.But my mom is gonna kill me because I didn't bring you. Just saying." Uriah says as Charlie hugs him.

"You exited to se Zoe and Anthony?" Charlie asks Lilly as she nods.
"Yes. They're my sister's kids." She explains to me as I nod "Rose said they have been asking for me since summer."

"What about you Uri? Exited to see your brand new nephew?" I ask as he also grins.
"I honestly can't wait. Me and Lilly bought him some clothes a couple of days ago."
"Nephews are great. Mine are probably the only thing I'm gonna miss this year."

"I didn't even know you had siblings. Let alone nephews?" Lilly says.
"Me neither." Charlie says raising her eyebrows.
"I have two older brothers. James and Tyler. James has two sons: Joe and Duncan.They adore me."

"I'm sorry dude." Uriah says sincerely.
"It's fine."

After an hour or so,Lilly and Uriah go back to their place since they have to pack before leaving tomorrow morning,so we said our goodbyes.
Charlie and I decided to walk back home and not take a cab,because why stay warm?

"Movie that scared you shitless when you were little?"
"That movie scares me,why the hell did you watch it when you were little?" She asks laughing.
"My brothers made me watch it. Cold?"

"No. For some strange reason I was terrified of Pinocchio. That lying fuck scared the shit out of me."
"Thank you for ruining Disney for me Charlotte." Immediately she scrunches her nose in disgust.
"Don't. Ever. Call me that."

"It's nothing. I just don't like it. You can make me a grilled cheese when we get home, Stefan Mason Finn."
"We get it. You read my police file. Tell my your middle name so we can be even."


Must not make a sound so the devil woman doesn't kill me.
Be careful.

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