Part 20/"I'm still yours."

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"I'm a bit nervous." She says as she steps out of the car,holding her dress so she doesn't trip.
"Yeah,me too." I exit after her,thanking the driver before we stand in front of the beautiful venue.

Nur was wearing a beautiful black long sleeved dress,that almost touched her feet,and had gorgeous beige flower details on the front and around the waist,paired with a matching creme hijab that just made her beautiful green eyes pop when she was wearing dark makeup with it.
I on the other hand was wearing a tight fitting pleated dress,that was very low cut,and also a very risqué thigh high. It was a bit see through,but in an appropriate way.

Needless to say,we were both looking way too good to be this scared to walk into a party.
"Let's do this." I take har arm into mine as we walk through the huge doors,where the staff asked us for our tickets before letting us make our way past the foyer,and making it into the beautifully decorated ballroom.

It was packed with people,lights hanging everywhere as waiters made their way through the crowd,the band playing soft jazz in the background. We found some of our colleagues,most of out conversations about how good we all looked and asking where we bought what.
The professor walks by with his beautiful wife,and informs us about who we should and shouldn't impress,and like little children warns us about the consequences if we don't behave.

"Has Stefan seen your dress,at all?" Nur slowly whispers in my ear.
"No,he hasn't. Why?" I frown as she pulls away with a smile,her eyes behind me.
"Because I think you're going to give pretty boy a heart attack." I turn my head,and sure enough he's looking at me.

He looks so fucking good. Him in a suit and bowtie just seems to have a special kind of effect on me.
He looks me up and down,his eyes lingering on my exposed thigh,before he licks his lips,meeting my eyes again,slowly raising his glass,making me smile.

"Good. Because it was expensive." I say as we both laugh,moving along so we meet more people in the party.


"Should I be jealous that everyone gets to see you in this dress?" He whispers in my ear,while I took a moment away from the crowd to admire the artwork that was up for auction tonight.
"Not really. I've only been looking at one person all night." I turn to face him,holding the glass of champagne in my hand.
"Oh is that so? Lucky bastard." He smiles.

"Do you like the dress?"
"I do. A lot. You look like the artwork that should be hanging on the wall."
"That's a nice complement,mister Finn." I say the last part to remind him where we are.
"Agh. Mister Finn." He groans "It's not fair that I can't tell people here that you're sleeping in my bed tonight."

"And If I don't?"
"I'm going to go get a drink,and then Nur and I will come over and say hi to your boss."
"Okay. I'm his favorite though,so you should be nice to me."
"I'll take my chances." I walk past him and towards the table that had glasses of drinks on it,grabbing Nur and walking towards were they were all chatting.

"Good evening." The professor re-introduces us to Stefan's boss,one of the three partners in his architecture firm,who had only been at the office twice.
"Agh yes,Miss Reynolds. I believe we met on New Years. But you were quick to leave." He reminds me of the first time I had seen Stefan in two years.
"Yes. I was very sick that night,I apologize."

"No need to apologize. I hope that Stefan was easy to work with. We should be done with the renovations by spring.An exciting time for our companies."
I smile "He was a bit tedious,but we managed."
He smirks as he looks at me,shaking his head slightly.

We chat for a bit,and even though he seemed a bit pretentious,he was otherwise a very nice man,who was telling us about his plans for the future of the company.
"If you'll excuse me,I promised to introduce the professor to some important clients." They move away,leaving only some of us and Stefan in a small circle,making casual conversations,while he kept looking at me.

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