Part 6 / Dancing.

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"She don't wanna love,she just wanna touch" - Dirty Dancer, Enrique Iglesias.


Richard fucking Finn?
Of all people? Him.
How did I not connect the dots?
I bite my lip as I throw my clothes in the washing machine furiously.

After the new fact that I didn't know about Stefan,amongst other things...this is the cheery on top.
I left. My shift was over anyway,so I just came home while he remained talking to Lilly and Uri.
Fucking Finn.

I spent all my life fighting and talking shit against people like Stefan and his father,and now,here he is. Living in my house.
I water the plants and than hang up my clothes so they dry,then continue ironing the laundry basket from yesterday.

I tense up the second I hear the door open and close after a few seconds.
"Hey." He says walking into the living room.
"Hi." I grunt out and continue to not look at him.
"We need to talk."
"So talk." I reply.

"What the fuck was that?" He says crossing his arms over his chest.
"Don't raise your voice at me." I said,now fully looking at him.
"Why the he'll didn't you tell me who you were? Who your father was?" I hiss.

"What kind of fucking difference does it make?!" He says angrier than before.
"It changes everything!"
I run my hands down my face in frustration and then look at him again.
"Stefan Finn. Son of Richard Finn. Former governor of Florida. Racist,sexist, homophobic republican Finn." Finally he stays silent.

"He the opposite of everything I stand for Stefan. And you are probably too."
"That's ironic." He scoffs.
"Excuse me?"
"You were just giving Lilly shit about how she was judgmental about me. And now you're doing the same."

"I have every right too. And so did she. With the type of reputation your father has,I wouldn't be surprised if you lied about..." I stop when I see his jaw clench.
"What? Finish your sentence Charlie. What were you gonna say?" He says slowly.

"Nothing." I sigh "I have to go through my books then I have to go to work. Phoenix wasn't open yesterday,but tonight's it is. Don't wait up." I pick up the basket and walk towards my room.
He sighs too "I got a job,by the way."


"Three rum and cokes and two cosmos!" I shout to Uri over the booming music.
"Okay." He replies back as I walk over to another VIP booth.
"What can I get you guys?" I shout at the three couples,two of witch are too busy sliding their tongues down each other's throats.

"Smirnoff on ice." One of them says.
"And six red bulls." The girl says as I nod.
I pick up the previous order and place in this one,and then going back and forth for the next couple of hours.

"Charlie. That booth by the end are a couple of my friends. Everything they order is on me." Bill shouts in my ear as I nod.
"I'm sorry about your grandmother." I say in his ear,remembering the reason why the club was closed.
"Thanks. She was a mean old crab and left me nothing. She gave all her money to a cat organization." He says as I laugh.

     Wild,wild,wild thoughts...

I sing along to the songs that the DJ plays all through the night.
I sit at the bar since everyone is dancing and are mostly ordering drinks off the bar.
I feel at tap on my shoulder and turn to Uri,who points at the main entrance.
I turn and see that Cam is standing in front of Stefan.

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