Part 33/ The graduates.

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I take a few deep breaths,trying to calm myself down,looking around at all these people,everyone wearing blue robes and hats,all just as nervous as I am,but I and the other students that are giving a speech seem more nervous.
"Baby,It's going to be great. Stop stressing it." Stefan puts both of his hands on my face,giving me his million dollar smile.
"I know. It's just the anxiety. Ugh. Is my dad here?" I look around.

"Uriah just called them,they're looking for a parking spot." I nod.
"So,we're graduating? Who thought this day would come." He tries to lighten the mood.
"Is anyone from your family coming?" I ask,making his face drop and shake his head
"I didn't invite them."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want anyone here."

"Stefan,college graduation is a big deal. You should at least invited your brothers. They'd be proud of you."
"Yeah,they're big shot lawyers,and I just graduated architecture."
"And what's wrong with that? At least it's something you love."
"Charlie,I really don't wanna talk about it."

"I just don't want you to feel like you don't have anyone here for you. I'm here. And so is Lilly and Uriah. We are so very proud of you."
"I know,sweetheart. Thank you." He kisses my forehead.

"Is that my brilliant granddaughter? The top of her class,college graduate?!" We turn to see my dad rolling my grandpa in a wheelchair.
I feel like the smile i had on would crack my face,but I didn't care,I ran to him and hugged him.
"I didn't know you were coming!" I squeeze him as he laughs.
"I wasn't gonna miss my favorite grandchild's graduation. Also I heard there was gonna be a dinner with an open bar." I laugh.

"Why are you in a wheelchair? I know you're not that old."
"I had to pretend I wasn't feeling well so they would let me stay at a hotel over night. I'm healthier than him." He points to my dad who only shakes his head.
"Thank you dad." I hug him as grandpa starts talking to Stefan.

"Let me take a picture,I need to brag on Facebook later." Dad says taking out his phone as I smile and back away,holding Stefan close to me.
"Son,unless I pay for your tuition,get out of the damn picture." I laugh slightly,mouthing a "sorry" to Stefan as he backs away,shaking his head.

Eventually the ceremony starts,all four of us,standing on stage and waiting to say our speeches.
"Good afternoon everyone. It is a beautiful day here in New York City. Some of you probably know me,wether for good or bad,I don't know..." That sparks a laugh "I am Charlotte Reynolds. I am graduating with a bachelors degree in microbiology today."
The next few minutes i talk about the university,the professors,the curriculum and such,raising moral for the faculty.

"So I should probably say something sentimental,something that I'm not good at," I chuckle "But,these have been the best and worst years of our lives. The years where we discover who we are,and what we want in life. Where we discover friendships, and family,love and heartbreak. Going to parties,and then regretting it the next day...Nonetheless,weather it was a good or bad experience,it is one we will remember for the rest of our lives. The people that we grew close to,will remain with is for the rest of our lives." I look at Stefan,who smiles when I say that.

"I am the child of an immigrant,and I know that most of you are too.Or you're the first person in your family to go to college. I would like to thank out parents for all the hard work they do so we can have this opportunity. And I would like every single person in this room to be proud of yourself. You did the damn work. You made it here.Congratulations class of 2019. We did it."
They clap as I go back to my seat,and then proceed to give each of us our diplomas.

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