Part 12/ Just dinner.

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I play with the watch on my wrist,it feeling a little bit bigger on my hand than the person who It belonged to previously.
"Do you want another beer,Charlie?" I snap out of my thoughts,shaking my head at Uri's question.
"You okay?" He asks,heading towards the kitchen while Lilly brings plates for our takeout food.

"Yeah. Just missing Gramps. I used to spend Fridays with him." I smile.
"I'm sorry,honey. At least you can feel good about the fact that you always visited him and never let him feel abandoned."
"Thank you. That means a lot to me."
"We never really got to talk about it,but what the hell was Stefan doing at the funeral?" Uriah says while he sits down,giving us each a bottle of water.

I shrug "They told him at the office. He wanted to show support. We're friends,remember?"
"So he didn't try anything after that? He didn't use your emotional state at his advantage,did he? Because I'll kick his fucking teeth in-..."
I roll my eyes "No,Uriah. Nothing like that happened."

"Besides,isn't he dating that model?" Lilly asks.
"Actress. And no,they broke up actually."
"Hm. So he's single,and you're finally dating. What a coincidence." She wiggles her eyebrows,making me roll my eyes.
"Shut up."
"What? You're going on a date?!" Uriah seems way to surprised for my opinion.
"Yes. His name is-..."

"His name is Wesley and he's a soccer player! He's 26 and plays for New Jersey team. He's really cute."  I state at her as she goes on and on.
"Damn. Their team sucks." Uriah laughs as Lilly hits him.
"I know right! I almost said that to him." We both laugh.
"You are both terrible people."
"He invited me out tomorrow night. Do you guys wanna come?" I ask,digging into my noodles.

"Oh,we're going to Philly tomorrow,remember?  Uri's cousin Casey,is getting married."
"Was Casey the dietitian,that looks a little like Halle Berry?"
"Oh my God. She's absolutely gorgeous."
"I know. And she's marrying a doctor."
"Wow. Good for her,honestly." 

"So Wesley." Uriah changes the topic again.
"He's cute and nice. We've been out two times. And I think I like him. We'll see how it goes."
"To moving on." He raises his glass of water to mine,making it clink.
"To moving on." I repeat.



"You look absolutely gorgeous." He says in my ear over the loud ass music.
I did not think that we were going to have our third date in a loud club,with hundreds of people so close to me.
"Thanks." I say a little pissed off,taking a shot and feel it burn down my throat.
He continues to laugh with some of his friends,smoking and ordering more and more drinks.

"You okay,babe?" He asks,as I nod,counting the minutes until it turns 11,so I can call an uber and get the fuck out of here.
"Why don't you show her the private room?" One of his friends suggest,grinning from ear to ear,as Wes takes my hand and leads me to the back of the club.

I'm hesitant,but nonetheless go so I can explain to him that I don't feel so good,and that I want to leave.
"You having fun?" He closes the door behind him,leaving us in the dim lit room,with two couches,a small bar and a small window.
"Yeah. Just don't feel that well." I smile as he walks closer to me.

"Maybe I can help." He says before placing his lips on mine,cornering me against the wall.
I try to kiss him back for a few seconds,not exactly knowing how I feel about it.
"Wes,I don't feel so good. I want to leave..." He ignores me,and instead kisses me deeper,his hand moving towards the button of my pants.

"Wes..." I warn him one last time,but seeing as he wont stop,I grab his fingers and twist them back,causing him to groan and pull away instantly.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
Oh he sounds mad.

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