Part 19/ Partially.

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"Go on and tear me apart. And I don't care if you do." - Sky full of stars,Coldplay.


"You went to boarding school?"
I scrape of what's left on my plate before putting the dish in the sink.
"Yes. When I was thirteen. My dad thought my attitude was getting a little out of hand,and sent me to this stupid catholic girl's academy out of town." I answer Stefan's question.

"I cried for two whole months. That was until she came back." Lilly smiles.
"Two months? That's it?"
"Yes. I started a rumor and made a nun cry,so my dad took me back home. After making a deal to not push Meg in the neighbor's pool,of course."

We all move from the kitchen to the living room after cleaning up the dishes ,to just sit around and talk while the tv plays something in the background.
"Why were you pushing Meg in
Mrs. Cole's pool again?" Uriah asks.
I shrug "She was a little bitch who hated getting wet."

"Thanks for diner guys. I can barely breathe." Stefan smiles.
"Are you kidding? It's the least we could do.How is your arm,by the way?" She asks pointing to the bandages.
"It's okay. Doesn't hurt. Just gonna leave a scar." He smiles.

"Oh please,he thinks he's Bucky Barnes with that thing." He sticks his tongue out at me as I shake my head.
"How does this work with you guys? Does one of you want to hook up,and the other just agrees or...?"
Lilly smacks his arm as he laughs.

"No,you see,we have a punching card.
And we have a number of allowed of requests."
"Are you for real?" He asks as I throw a pillow at him "No you stupid fuck. It works just like any other relationship. We hook up when we both want too."

"What's up guys?" We turn our heads and see Jeffrey,Uriah's former roommate walk in and drop his bag on the floor.
"I thought you moved out?" I mumble out as Uri scowls at me.
"Yeah,but my girlfriend broke up with me,and now I have nowhere to stay. So I'm crashing here for a few days."

"This is Stefan." Lilly points to him as they both wave casually.
"Jeff,are you hungry? There's still some chicken left." Lilly asks as he shakes his head.
"No thanks Lill. I'm actually in the mood for some caramel..." He moves behind me and touches my arm.

"You disgust me." I pull away as he laughs.
"Hey Charlie. You still single?"
"As far as you're concerned,I'm married with four kids." I push his face away as he laughs.
"Fair enough,have a good night." He walks off to his room.

"Who are you married to?" Stefan asks with a smile.
"Ryan Reynolds."
"Your obsession with him has to stop." Lilly laughs.
"Hey,I have his last name. All he has to do is sign the papers."
"Poor him." Uriah adds on as a proceed to throw another pillow at him.


All these damn words are engraved in my brain as I repeat them over and over again.
Finals have the literal power of sucking the soul out of every student on this entire campus at the end of the semester.

I guess that's the point,but It still sucks seeing everyone stressed and on the verge of a mental breakdown.
"Charlie." I look up at Stefan,who has red eyes. We both have been studying all night,him in the kitchen and me at my desk.

"We need some sleep." I sigh and look down at the words on the textbooks who seem to be blending together.
"I think I need to go over this one more time." I rub my eyes.
"No,you don't. I quizzed you,and you quizzed me. We're both good. We did out best. Come on gorgeous." He walks towards me as I groan.

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