Part 2 / Him.

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I have never been a person that has felt much emotion. I'm usually happy or angry.
That's about it.
But right at this moment,I couldn't stop feeling emotions,they all hit me like a big truck.
It was him.
Stefan fucking Finn.
He was practically my boss.
Does he know I work here? Did he do this on purpose?
Maybe it was just a coincidence...

Yes,out of thousands of companies in New York,he coincidentally invested in this one, dumbass.
What do I even say? Does he want to talk to me?
I wanna punch him in the fucking throat.
Why does want to keep hurting me?

"Charlie? Charlie?! Earth to you..." Nur laughs awkwardly as I pay attention to the men who are looking at me awkwardly.
And then there he is,never taking his green eyes off of me.
"This is mister Finn. The investor." Nur says as he reaches his hand out. Which I'm supposed to shake. You can totally do that.
"Sir this is Charlotte Reynolds,one of my best students..." The professor introduces me before I interrupt him.

"Excuse me." I walk past them all and straight into the bathroom. Luckily no one was in there,so I ran into a stall,closing it and getting on my knees,throwing up all the content of my stomach into the toilet bowl.
After I'm done,I feel even worse. I feel sick,and there's a like a heavy weight on my chest,and it keeps hurting and hurting.
Causing me to start crying on the floor of a bathroom stall.

"I can't , I can't, I can't-..." I whisper to myself "I can't do this. Oh God."
"Charlie?" I hear the bathroom door open,and Nur's voice.
"I'm in here." I stand up,wiping my face and mouth,getting myself together.
"You okay? You ran away pretty quickly."
You have no idea.

"Yeah. I threw up."
"Oh my Goodness. Are you feeling okay? Do you want some water?"
"I'm fine. I just need to leave. I'm just gonna go home."
"You want me to drive you?"
"No,no. You're having fun. I'll just take a cab."
"If you're sure."
"I'm sure. Go." I laugh and listen for her footsteps walking out,before I get out of the stall and get myself together.
Wiping my eyes and cleaning my hands.

Once I get out of the bathroom,I grab my coat quickly,not saying goodbye to anyone and make my way to the hall,putting it on,texting my friends that I'm going over to their place,while pressing the button for the elevator.
Of course this piece of crap elevator decides to stop working now and take forever,when it was just repaired two weeks ago.
I hear footsteps on the tiled floor behind me,making me turn around.

He was walking slowly towards me,like I was a scared baby gazelle and he was the scary lion,not wanting me to escape.
I press the button two more times,and when it doesn't do anything,I pick up my dress and start walking towards the stairs,trying not to look at him at all.
"Charlie..." Him saying my name makes me walk even faster,but he catches up on the top of the stairs,grabbing my arm,turning me towards him.

I look at him for a second,just for a second.
And even that managed to completely shatter me.
He didn't look the same,then again neither did I. His hair was shorter and he had a full beard,he seemed bigger,like he has been in the gym nonstop for the last year and a half.
The only thing I did was let my hair grow down and gain weight below the waist...
Thank you late night sad snacks and drive throughs.

I couldn't stop myself,I thought that I was over everything,over him,but having no closure and all that anger built up inside of me just made me snap.
Before I can even stop myself,my hand connects with the side of his face,making him back away a step. My hand stings as I breathe heavily,he looks at me and doesn't even look angry,he just looks sad.
Not waiting another second,I practically run down the stairs,and into Uriah's car.

"Hey," He turns around laughing "Was the party that bad?"
I chuckle,my heart still beating a mile a minute "You have no idea."

A heck of a way to spend New Years,huh?

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