Black Hood returns

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"Batman, we can't allow her near the team again" Black Canary says during a meeting "I know, but Superman wouldn't shut up until I agreed" Batman explains "But the second she goes against them outside of training will be the second Jason is allowed to shoot her, in her leg of course. He knows as much" "She's dangerous, she nearly got someone killed" Wonder Woman says, not feeling the need to add 'one of the kids' because they all know how much she cares about the bat kids "Also why is he out of jail?" J'on asks mentioning to the man of steel "He showed good behavior, I'm still keeping an eye on him though".

Swan growls at Lucy when the girl is standing next to Black Canary "Alright, you'll be sparring, you can't use physical weapons, powers or mind reading, please also limit the telepathy" she says "Swan and Lucy". Swan just hands her pouch to Red Hood, while Lucy is putting her weapons to the side "Is that everything?" Robin asks crossing his arms "Yes" Lucy says "Double check" Swan says "Or triple check". Once satisfied that are all the weapons Swan moves to her fighting stance, though it doesn't last very long and the others wince when Lucy hits the ground harder then needed "Bit overkill?" Robin asks, but Swan shakes her head "She nearly got Red Hood killed, nearly killed you, she shouldn't be here." "I agree, but Superman wouldn't stop pestering Batman until he agreed, he thinks she deserves a chance." Canary explains and she calls the next pair "Feel free to burn her hair if she gets out of line." Red Hood points out "Or... freeze her for a few hours." "Don't give her ideas." Red Robin tells him "Oh I've got plenty of ideas already, none of them are as a nice as burning her hair." Swan points out.

They all eat dinner at the mountain and Lucy's poking at her food "Don't worry, it's not poisoned." M'gann tells her "I could poison it for you if you prefer." Swan points out and she earns a sigh from Red Robin "What's your problem with me?!" Lucy snaps, so Swan narrows her eyes at her "My problem is that you nearly killed both Red Hood and Robin, your father should still be in prison for trying the destroy Wayne manor over stupid jealousy and you are useless!" the mage tells the other girl, who looks away "I'm not useless." "No you kinda are, at least if you take away Red Hood's guns he can still kick your ass." Renegade points out from his position on the couch "Take away Swan's magic and she will kick your ass, take away your weapons and you're a coward." "I'm not!" Lucy yells, but even Artemis is growing tired of the girl "Enough!" Tornado tells them when he enters "Lucy, if you cannot cooperate with the team Batman wants you to leave." "But mom-" "Not our problem!" Jason cuts her off.

Sadly enough Superman decides to join them next training session to observe Lucy, who gets pitted against everyone, not at once though "Come on, she can't be that bad." he says, but Robin has her down in seconds, even Flash is done fairly quickly despite not using his powers and Swan just dodges the first attempted punch before sweeping Lucy's leg from under her "I can't work with her, she's not allowed to use her weapons in the field and she doesn't improve on hand to hand combat." Canary points out "Red Hood is allowed to use his weapons." "Red Hood didn't nearly kill someone twice." Renegade deadpans at the man of steel "Take her and leave." Swan tells Superman, who thinks for a while "What if I train her?" "She'd die." Superboy deadpans "M'gann, take her memories." Black Canary says "No!" Lucy tells her "You can't erase my memories!" "Then you should've thought of that before." Renegade points out.

They suspect it won't be the last they see of Lucy, but they can always take security measures "At least she hasn't gone back to being a villain." Jason says watching the news later at home "Those memories got erased too." Liana mumbles and she sighs in annoyance "She's gone, but you don't seem more at ease." Damian deadpans at the mage, who looks down at the ice cream in her hand "No, I just feel like we'll see her again, but not in a friendly setting," she explains "it's weird since she doesn't remember us though." "She does, we go to the same school." Dick points out.

Three weeks later a newspaper shows a familiar helmet, only this time the targeted city is Central City "Come on! Why?!" Liana asks letting herself fall against Jason, who pats her head "Oh there she is now." Dick mumbles. Lucy is looking very very pleased with herself and the three, Barbara's home with the flu, share a worried look "Oh hey Lia! I got a job!" Lucy tells her "First of all, only friends call me Lia and lastly, weren't you too young to be hired anywhere?" Liana asks, making the other girl frown "No, there's this gun store that hired me in Central City." Lucy explains "Uhhuh." Jason deadpans, not believing that for a second "I'll give you the address so you can check it out." Lucy offers, making Liana nod "Sure I'll check it out.".

They call Barry, who promises to look into it and Dick says quietly "It would explain where she gets the weapons." "Yeah, but look, hitman for hire, what if she doesn't stay in Central City?" "Then we'll know soon enough." Jason assures her "But I can't lose-" she trails off and looks down.

They head to Central city for a gala and Liana, Jason and Barbara all feel uneasy "It's too open." Jason mumbles, wrapping his coat better around himself "Too many hiding places." Lia adds quietly. It goes surprisingly well, though after the speeches and pictures Liana suddenly hears something behind a few tree branches and she barely has any time to react since she can't use her magic out in the open "Lia!" Dick yells so she closes her eyes when the gunshot is heard.

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