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"Bats we swear the cave is haunted" Kid Flash says "The music playing ghost is back" Red Robin says "I can hear that your ghost likes classical music" Batman says "I called because my mission might take longer" "Alright then you two, let's find this 'ghost' of yours" Renegade says.

Swan hides a yawn as she leaves the library heading to her room in the evening "Bats will be away longer" Renegade says "If he's on a mission with Wonder Woman that doesn't surprise me" she says "Where are the others?" "I have no idea" Renegade says "Kid Flash and Red Robin wanted to look for the ghost, but they fell asleep om the couch" "Odd... Batgirl and Red Hood fell asleep earlier as well, Robin and I woke them and send them to bed, Robin's in his room as well", this gets Regenade thinking "Have you seen our guests?" "Not for a while now, I do however sense a magical presence" Swan says "Coming from... the library, which I just left, great" "Hey, next time you wanna scare people, try rock" Renegade says as they head there, for whatever reason Black Canary pulls them into the infirmary and locks the door "What's going on?" Renegade asks "Short version, someone has sleeping powder and it went into the air vents" she explains "But so far you're the only ones still awake" "We were heading to the library" Swan says seeing the group that had been looking for them "The presence, it's moving, but it's masked" she says "Can you negate the powder?" Renegade asks "Not without flooding the vents, again, which I'd rather-", having been in the airvents the longest she finally falls asleep and Renegade catches her "We need to get rid of the powder" "How?" Black Canary asks "We'll start with one room... Wait, do the air vents end up in our bedrooms?" Renegade asks "I don't think so". Robin opens the door and he quickly lets the two in "Thank god" Renegade says, he's stumbling slightly "Lay down for a bit" Robin says "We're working on a plan, but so far no luck" "Wait I might know-" "Renegade!", half catching his older brother Robin sighs "Renegade is out, so is Swan" he informs the others "They might know something that helps though, any clue when they'll wake up? I mean, Red Hood hasn't woken up yet" Batgirl says "So we're not getting answers and we'll have to leave eventually for food" Aqualad cuts in making the others chuckle "Sleeping won't make you hungry" Artemis deadpans.

When Batman arrives he instantly realizes something's off, KF and Red Robin still asleep on the couch, and he finds the rest in a similar state, all except one, so he wakes Swan by throwing water in her face "Make a bubble, we gotta go" he whispers so she makes a water bubble around her head to prevent the powder from putting her to sleep again "One of the cameramen wasn't in the infirmary" she says quietly, it was too quiet "The mountain almost seems haunted" she adds wrapping her arms around herself "Watch out!" Batman says and they move out of the way of something, it's a handful of powder, which explodes "You're supposed to be asleep" the man says, but Liana's deep in thought "I might know how to wake the two in the living area" she mumbles "Give me some time though", KF and Red Robin shoot awake when Liana blasts music next to them "Here" she says handing Kid Flash her re-breather and she gives them a bubble too. They manage to wake the others and catch the guy without too much trouble after that "All in all that was pretty interesting" the reporter says "Thank you for giving us this chance", their peace is disturbed by sudden music "This time we'll find it" Red Robin says so he runs off with Kid Flash while Robin starts laughing when Renegade texts him they went as pale as ghosts with a hint to play different music "I kinda like classical music" Swan says and "You never play it at home" Batgirl says "For obvious reasons" Red Hood mumbles so they continue reading in peace and Swan slowly dozes off, so Robin takes her book and closes it, not forgetting to bookmark it before covering her with a blanket. "Wouldn't it be nice to spend a night asleep without interruptions?" Batgirl asks "Yeah it would" Robin says tossing her a blanket before taking Red Hood's book and bookmarking the page before closing it. Batman can't find them when he has a new mission, the others can't find then either "They're supposed to be in the library" Red Robin says "You'll have to do without them" Batman says, but he's fine with it, those four have it hard enough as it is with juggling their hero and civilian life.

Alfred is in a good mood more and more and no one can figure out why "I stole some cookies, from right under his nose" Jason says making the others raise an eyebrow, they decided to have a giant sleepover in the living room the colder it gets "Now that you mention it" Liana says "I burned my cookies and made a mess" she says "He checked my arms for burns, shooed me to my room and cleaned it, while humming" "We need to find out what's going on, fast" Dick says with a sigh "I mean, he even helped us set this up" Barbara says making everyone nod. The group is quiet for a while and they hear Alfred walk down when the phone rings "Wayne Manor, can I help you?" he asks and Tim takes out his night vision goggles "You arrived? That's great, yes once all the kids are at school or work I'll pick you up at the airport", Tim glances at the others "He's smiling?" he asks quietly "Yes they'll love having you around, trust me". Tim, having started as a detective at Gotham Police earlier is looking into Alfred's family while Damian does the same, the younger ones can only speculate "I'm gonna be sick" Liana whispers "What? From all the couples?" Barbara asks earning a nod "I know what you mean" the redhead adds "Thank god" Barbara says when her phone goes off "Babs, are the others near you?" Tim asks "We found something" Damian adds to that so she looks around "Lia's here, we're avoiding the couples, lemme add Jay" "What'd you find" Dick asks "It seems Alfred has a son, who was married, wife left him, didn't take the kid" Damian says "So there's a very good chance we'll have two extra people, wait Bruce is calling" Tim says, Bruce is not amused "You two... I thought you trusted Alfred" he says, so Liana rolls her eyes "Then did you know he has a son?" "And granddaughter" Damian asks "I didn't" Bruce says "Now get back to making homework, not on the roof or in a small empty classroom, Tim, Dami, get back to work".

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