Normal times

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"Liana got shot at the charity event, she will recover" Bruce says in an interview "Jason as well, they're not taking visitors" "What about Liana and Richard?" someone asks "I have no comment on that" Bruce says "Is commisioner Gordon alright with the fact his daughter is staying with you?" "As long as I take good care of her" "Jason Todd was seen on a date with Barbara Gordon-" "Again, no comment". "I'm still surprised that he handles that so well" Jason says "Tell me about it" Liana says "Dad used to handle wizard reporters" she adds, Alfred walks in and he turns off the TV "Alfred, we were watching that" "And there's a perfectly good television where Master Timothy is right now, miss Crock called, they're all worried" Alfred says "But I'm not allowed to walk" Jason says "It's not that far you big baby" "You were bleeding out the most" Jason says getting up "You didn't hear me complain until I almost passed out" "Yeah Bruce nearly got a heart attack". At the cave M'gann asks "Won't they figure out who you two are?" "No because we were with the other people outside" Jason says "Well Bats gave us vacation, what should we do?" Wally asks "How about we finish that interview?" Liana asks, so Artemis changes the channel, Barbara raises an eyebrow seeing the two "Is Liana staying with you indefintly or will she head back to her family?" "I haven't discussed that yet, but as it stands now she will stay at Wayne manor", the interview ends and Liana sighs, it was discussed, over the phone last night "You are staying with us right?" Damian asks "Honestly I'm not sure" she says "Mom wants me to live with them, but Bruce argues mom's house is too small and I'm dragged in the middle because I can understand both of them, Lea doesn't have anything to add other then 'It's her choice' and Luana's casual about it". "But you want to stay with us" Jason says "You have people around your own age, you have fun doing just about anything that involves teasing or pranking Tim" Dick adds "You keep Alfred company when you can't sleep" Tim says with a smile "But on the other hand you miss your sisters" Barbara points out "I miss them, true, but in the time between me erasing everyone's memories and them getting theirs back..." Liana trails off and she looks down "I would only get in the way of their daily lives". Batman walks in, having heard the conversation and he looks at the team "You guys will be stuck watching Zatanna for a while, Zatara's off world and Lia", when the girl looks at him he smiles "You're staying with your family, your mother noticed that the other two had a schedule" "That's great!" Dick says hugging Liana "She justs wants you to spend time there and maybe join them on vacations".

"What on Earth happened here?" Alfred asks after returning from a three day trip about a week later "Bruce tried cooking" Jason says "He set the kitchen on fire" Barbara and Liana say at the same time, Liana's holding an ice pack against her shoulder while Barbara has a bandaged arm "We tried to stop him, but failed" Damian says "Master Bruce, next time I have business somewhere else for a few days please let master Damian or master Timothy cook" Alfred says turning to Bruce "Or miss Liana if you can't find those two" "I wouldn't step into the kitchen right now" Tim says "Liana put the fire out yesterday, but it's still not dry" "Sorry, I panicked" Liana says and she looks at Tim "Are you angry or mad at me?" "No why?" he asks "You always call me Lia, even if you're running on minimum energy" "Who was in the kitchen when the fire started?" Alfred asks "Bruce and Tim" Barbara answers "Tim tried putting it out" Damian says and Alfred, being Alfred, drags the boy towards the living room "And he hit his head!" Barbara calls after the two "You two still aren't-" "Dami, finish that sentence and you'll get a bullet in you arm or leg" Jason says "Alright alright, let's just continue our day then" the oldest says making Barbara nod in agreement.

School is somewhat nice the next day, both Liana and Jason are excused from gym classes, Tim with his concussion stayed at home under Alfred's orders "Come on Lia" Dick says after school "You'll like this movie" "I'm not interested in those things, besides, I'd rather watch a movie at home, nothing beats hanging on the couch and eating Alfred's popcorn" "You got a point there" before the two can make their way to the alley they're surrounded by reporters "A few questions" one of them says "We're not going to-" Liana gets cut off "Are you two really dating? If yes, for how long?" "No comment" Dick says "Liana, how does it feel to live with Bruce Wayne? Do you miss your parents?" "Uh-" "Leave them alone will ya?" Artemis says walking over with Barbara "We just got out of school, do you think they have the energy to deal with you?" the blonde asks "W-well yes" the reporter says "Well we don't" Liana says "and if you're that interested, try other ways to get information the swarming the people you want to interview, it's rude, an invasion of privacy and you come off as if you're really really desperate to get answers before someone else asks then, so kindly piss off, all of you". When they're in the safety of the alley they they check behind them "They sure are persistant" Barbara comments "Arty give me a hand" Dick says climbing on the dumpster and helping Liana up, they manage to get on the roofs and Artemis sighs "They're acting worse then usual" she says "Yeah" Liana says "And worse then wizard reporters, that's saying something, trust me", deciding they can't stay there Liana calls the rain, hoping it will work "They were expecting rain" Barbara says "Let's get going, we'll need the rain as cover". They eventually get to the zeta tube and go in "Save!" Liana says hugging Dick, but Zatanna takes a picture "Relax" she says seeing the glares "Bats asked for pictures of how you guys are daily" "Delete that" Artemis says "We're not in costume and we're not exactly in the mood for this shit, we're late because we ran into reporters, well those two did" "I'm sorry, I'll delete it" Zatanna says "See it's gone" "Thank you" Liana says heading towards the living room.

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