Vampires and fire

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Liana and Dick arrive at the cemetery three months later, wearing their school uniforms, the sky is dark and gloomy, but when they arrive at the grave they stop "What..." Dick asks looking at this girlfriend for an explanation, which she can't give him "I don't know... why is the grave open?" she asks so she calls Bruce "Liana, I'm in a meeting-" "Jay's grave" she says "It's open" she adds when Bruce falls silence "How?" he asks "It looks like it was opened from the inside" Dick says so they set it on speaker "From the inside?" Bruce asks "Yeah". Bruce is now sitting in his office and he starts thinking "Lia, your attempt three months back" he says "Failed" she says instantly "I don't understand, we were here last week" Dick says, but the phone falls down and Bruce can hear fighting "Lia, use fire!" Dick yells and something screeches before the line does quiet again "Come on" Dick says and the phone is picked up again "Bruce, we need to talk when you're home again" Liana says.

She first discusses the encounter with Granny, who says one things "Vampire" "A vampire?" Liana asks "Okay so how do we unvampire someone?" "You need the right potion and the means to get the vampire to drink it" Granny says earning a sigh "I think my spell failed terribly" Liana admit "I will have a potion ready as soon as I can, in the meantime, be careful, he saved you, so he might be drawn to either you or Barbara". "I'm a terrible sister, I shouldn't have done the spell and if I undo it now he's still dead" Liana says staring at the ceiling of her room "Well right now he's undead" Dick says trying to lighten the mood, but it's not really working "I should've listened to you" she says "Lia, you never listen to anyone once you want to do something, that's who you are" he comments "And I wouldn't mind if Granny's potion worked".

Tracking Jason is easy, finding out where he's going is easier, Barbara's house "What's wrong?" she asks seeing Black Swan, who puts the potion on the desk "Get Jason to drink- Get off of me!", she can't get her now vampire brother off her back so she let's go of the window and the tried to get him off, but even if she uses fire she'll just scare him off, the hit on the ground is softened for some reason and she sees why "Idiot!" she yells seeing Robin and they see Jason  jumping up again, but Barbara, despise not having been on patrol in a while manages and she managed to kick him down grabbing the potion. "Should we be glad the commissioner is working late?" Robin asks earning a shrug before Swan gets to the room "In case this kills him again, I'm sorry" she says pinning him down. When they finally manage to get him to drink it they let go "Eh better dead than living like this" Barbara says earning a sigh "This is gonna leave some bruises" Swan mumbles, but a gunshot makes them run to the window and they see Robin falling down, seemingly in slow motion, as he had been on his way to the room. Barbara jumps down while Swan goes after the shooter, easily catching up and she takes the sniper rifle with a force Black Hood wasn't expecting "So killing Red Hood isn't enough?" she asks, the slightly older girl is terrified right now, but Swan's arm is grabbed when she wants to use an ice spell "Don't" Jason says "Even if you kill her" he adds loosening his grip "It won't do anything, you know that, you will live with the guilt of killing someone" he says "She shot Robin" Swan says, but Jason points to Superman who's heading their way with Batman "Take care my little swan" he whispers. Batman is not happy with the fact another one of his sidekicks is shot and Superman raises an eyebrow when Swan looks away "Why am I here? I was on patrol" he says, but Batman removes Black Hood's helmet "Go" he says earning a nod. "I can heal him" she says kneeling down next to Robin "I already got the bullet out" Barbara says and she puts a hand on Swan's shoulder "So what do we do with Jason?" "I'm not sure" the mage says, but she does know what she can do "He won't have long" Batman says walking over and Swan clenches her fist "There is... one thing I can do" she says "I... I can share my water magic with him, it has natural healing properties, but..." "You'd be bound to each other, he dies, you're fine, you die, he dies" Vera says appearing "Jay you need to make a choice right now" she says when she finishes healing Robin "I heard it" he mumbles and he looks at Barbara who looks down "But you shouldn't-", he starts coughing up blood Batman looks at Swan "-mess with things like this" he finishes, but Barbara looks at the two, she knew very well they shouldn't mess with things like this, but seeing him on the verge of dying is different than Robin, Renegade and Swan coming home and telling her, so she grabs Swan's hand and puts in on Jason's heart "W-wait Babs" Swan says, but a bright light covers them. When it fades Swan nearly collapses and she glares at the red head "Are you insane?!" she asks "I don't have enough magic to erase everyone memories of him dying!" "Hadn't thought of that", they don't have to when a wave of energy comes from the ruined warehouse and Liana makes a water bubble around them right before it hits them and she dissolves it when is passes.

"Look the newspaper!" Liana says the next morning when she finds it in Damian's room and the headline changed "Jason Todd in coma after getting caught in an explosion", she stares at it for a while and she gets tears in her eyes before running of to Jason's room where he's still more asleep than awake and she hugs him tightly "Hey little swan" he whispers "Liking the new nickname" she mumbles burying her head in his shirt "You are aren't you?" he asks quietly, only for a new weight to join the bed "Who else knows?" "Babs, dad and us three". Alfred smiles when he enters the room and he takes a picture of Dick and Liana laying on either side of Jason, while Jason is holding them protectively "Don't worry Master Bruce" he says entering the study "I found the missing two kids" he says showing the picture and Bruce smiles at that "I always though Jason would be a bad influence on them, but they're a good influence on him" he says "There is a warning though, since we don't know how long master Jason was a vampire a few traits might linger" Alfred adds "I'll keep that in mind" Bruce says before going back to his work.

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