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"Say what now?" Swan asks looking at Bats in disbelief "They want to see how you prepare for missions and what you do on a usual day, they'll be staying three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday" "But some of our secret ID's are the same as the usual name, not everyone wears a mask" Renegade points out "Which is why Artemis needs to pick a new hero name and Conner needs a mask and some different clothes".

The next day Artemis, now Tigress, arrives with Swan and Robin "You guys are late" Red Hood says "Well obviously" Swan comments "How's it going here?" "Miss Martian is giving them a tour, not of the bedrooms of course, but the rest, I believe a few Leaguers showed up" Renegade says and the three head towards the living area and Swan sighs "The cookies are burning!" she yells after clearing her troat so M'gann comes flying in "Anything else I can show them?" M'gann asks making the others look at each other "Have you shown them the library?" Swan asks after thinking for a while "No I haven't, thanks Lia". So the day continues, training with Black Canary, the Bats being the Bats and the reporters trying to take everything in, no one else had been inside Mount Justice "Give me the controller" Swan says trying to grab it from Kid Flash, who zooms through the room and the computer announced that Batman arrived, so they go to greet him "Team I have a mission for you" he says "Vandal Savage and Chaos kid have been working together and we tried to take them out, but with so many off planet we failed, this is where you come in, I have send their last known location to the bio ship, Renegade, take whoever doesn't fit and fly the jet" "I'll go on the jet" Robin and Swan say at the same time, making them look at each other before smiling and Batman clears his throat "Your task is to find out exactly what the plan is and stop them".

They consider the mission easy, since they have Liana and her magic she's keeping Chaos kid busy along with Zatanna, the two work surprisingly good together "Got the cat" Swan says holding the struggling cat "Give him back!" Klarion says, but Zatanna knocks him out with her spell "Let's help the others" Swan says. Vandall is harder to take down and his focus is on the two magicians at first and it takes some time, but they finish "Ice won't fix that" Robin says holding Kid Flash up "Won't fix that either" Swan says mentioning to Renegade. Since the jet has healing supplies they manage to patch everyone up as good as possible "Renegade, Kid Flash, Black Swan and Zatanna are injured, Swan and Zatanna aren't as bad, but we need Black Canary for the other two" M'gann says "Vandall was hard to beat, Klarion was down in minutes once Swan got her hands on the cat" "His name's Garfield" Swan says.

They get back and the injured ones, which is all of them, are checked by Black Canary and they're surprised when Alfred shows up, dressed in all black with a mask "Agent A, what a surprise" Renegade says "This happen more often?" Swan asks quietly earning a nod from Red Robin "Of course it does" Robin comments dryly "Everyone appears to be in order, doesn't the bioship have medical supplies?" "Not really" M'gann says "Fix that" Batman "Now I need you guys to stay here for the weekend, I have a mission", he looks at Red Hood and Batgirl before looking at Robin and Black Swan "Behave" he adds "Black Canary will oversee your missions until I get back" "So we can't-" "No", the reporters are surprised to see he answered before the question was finished.

So they watch TV after BC showed the reporters their rooms "Can we please watch something else then the static for once?" Tigress asks when Superboy changes the channel, again "That's it, I'm reading in the library" Swan comments standing up "Oh yeah, we're not gonna find her again" Red Hood says "At least not until she's hungry" "I'm gonna stretch my legs a bit" Robin says getting up five minutes later and he walks off "Or him" Kid Flash says "Still that was harsh from Bats" "Not really" Batgirl says.

Swan and Robin are in the air vents, considering they still fit, above the library, both having a stack of books "We can't even cuddle, that was harsh" Swan mumbles "I know why he said that, don't agree with it" Robin says and he sighs before looking around "I didn't realize this part was here" "I found it after that part came apart, the hatch literally drops you in front of the library door" "So you fixed the panel and now you have your private reading area" Robin says earning a nod "I'll be right back" he adds.

He comes back with some pillows and blankets, three blankets cover the ground around the hatch while the pillows are put in a corners "The others are still arguing about what to watch, it's-" Swan covers his mouth "I swear he went this way" they hear the reporter say "How do you lose someone who's carrying blankets and pillows?" one of the cameraman asks "Well they said we could explore". Luckily the bedrooms are locked, but Robin sighs when the group leaves the library, only for Batgirl to walk in with Red Hood 'Look up' Robin sends his brother "Let's grab some books" Red Hood says, when the two are in the ceilling as well Batgirl chuckles "That explains it" "Well technically I am reading in the library" Swan says "Just out of everyone's way, try playing music, it's hilarious" "So you were the one who scared Red Robin and KF shitless" Robin says "Yeah it echoes through the airvents reaching just about everywhere" "That was brilliant" Batgirl says "Why does everyone we want to question disappear?", Liana grabs her phone and puts on some classical music, putting the phone between her and Robin and the surprised people and scared heroes are worth the trouble they will no doubt get into.

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