New family?

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"I need you to behave" Alfred says when the four kids are home again, but upon seeing her greenhouse open Liana runs off "Get out" she says seeing a younger girl "How did you even get here? I only allow granny and Alfred in here without me" "B-but dad said I could explore" the girl says as she tears up "I apologize miss, I wasn't aware this is your greenhouse" a man says "Come on Roxy, give her the key". Alfred sighs, so much for that "Everyone, this is my son Sebastian and his daughter Roxy" he says "We know" Damian says "We may or may not have done some snooping around", instead of getting angry Alfred simply smiles "And I expected nothing less, I am however disappointed that master Bruce didn't". Adjusting is hard for the bats, Sebastian more often then not woke them up, well Liana sensed magic so she woke up before the knock, usually however she pretends to still be asleep, right now Alfred goes to check "Miss Liana" he says "Tired" she mumbles "You usually wake up early" Alfred says earning something along the line of 'opposing elements' "Come down before you can walk to school", when she passes the kitchen she sees a ring with a ruby on the counter, so she carefully takes it, stuffing it in her pocket when she hears footsteps "Your lunch miss Liana" Alfred says "And some breakfast for in the car" "Thank you Alfred" she says with a smile. At school she takes her time inspecting the ring "Swiped it off the kitchen counter" she says when Jason raises an eyebrow "I think it belongs to Sebastian" he says "He's not running around with fire magic on my watch" she mumbles taking off her own ring, which has an aquamarine stone, but is similar to the one she's holding", when the ruby stops faintly glowing Liana puts it back in her pocked before putting on her own ring again "Alright then" Jason says "What'd you do?" "Some objects have magic stored in them, I simply took it from the ring and put it in mine" she explains, the school greenhouse is a chaos, the fruit and vegestable plants are dying while the flowers are doing fine "Take better care of the plants" she says "At least half of those can't grow in this temperature" she adds while trimming the roses, cutting them off as well for the winter and putting them in her basket.

At home she puts the ring on a cabinet before heading to her greenhouse "Why'd you go home halfway through the day?" Jason asks as he walks in with Dick "Wasn't feeling that good" the younger of the two says "Hey guys, wanna see what I did with the extra space I have now?" Liana asks earning a nod "A table and chairs" Jason says "And a small stream for water, here" she says showing them a jar of light green paste "You rub it on your injury, put bandage on it and it'll help with the healing process, my own recepie" she says "And what's the blue stuff?" Dick asks picking it up "I'm still working on that" she says "Your tea miss" Sebastian says "Put it down on the table" she says trying to reach another jar, which Jason takes for her "And has any of you seen my ring?" "I saw it on a cabinet" Jason says "In the hallway" he adds "I shall leave you three alone". Dick plops down as Liana puts honey in the tea "This is a nice place to sit and relax after school" he says making Jason nod "No one who-" "Do me a favor and don't finish that sentence" Liana says taking a few flowers from the basket "I'm starting to wonder why I don't just join a different club, they can't even take care of their own plant while the flowers are doing fine" "They'd fall apart" Jason says with a small grin "The flowers are always neglected, since people rarely come there no one notices it" "You two are pretty popular right?" Liana asks tilting her head "Why don't you two visit? I could use someone to talk to, it's always 'Look, my cabbage is dying again' or 'Any advise on how to grow grapes', but when I ask about flowers they tell me to figure it out myself, the teacher in charge doesn't come by at all and it's frustrating". When she senses a presence she turns towards the path "Roxy, spying won't get you any friends" she says "B-but dad scares me" the young girl says "Scares you?" Jason asks as she walks over "He's mad because someone messed with mom's ring" "Ah that explains it" Liana mumbles "Tell me about your mother" she says "W-well, mom was kind, a bit of a hothead and she was very protective over me. I have a letter here, even dad doesn't know I have it". The three bats read the letter "Who'll break it to Alfred?" "What young miss?" Alfred says "Well according to this your son dated a fire mage who refused to give him part of her magic, the ring was meant for Roxy, don't drink the tea, there's a reason I put honey in mine, Roxy, are you familiar with mythical honey?", when the girl nods Liana picks her up and Alfred walks over "Why is it green?" Alfred asks "Because someone knows about my magic, or at least knows someone here uses it". Liana's out on partol that evening with Bruce when the topic comes up "So he got banned from the kitchen?" Batman asks earning a nod "Honestly, you do not marry a fire wizard and expect it to be easy. Sure it's custom to part with some magic, but fire wizards are... careful with that since it's can easily go out of control" Swan says "Got eyes on my targets" "Be careful" Batman says before the two go separate ways, Liana headng towards the two people. "Roxy misses you" Alfred says and he adds "But I understand why you-" "Someone's watching us" the woman says, but when Swan lands next to Alfred the butler says "It's alright, she's a friend" "She didn't mean me" Swan says and she pushes Alfred away before jumping backwards, barely dodging the electric blade herself "So even my own father is against me" "No I am merely speaking to my daughter in law" "You never filed a divorse so technically you're still married" Swan says bringing up the file "Which mean there is no reason to keep Roxy from seeing her" Alfred says "Nice ring" Kid Flash says and Swan says "KF, can you hand that over to the person who it belongs to, keep the sword as souvenir". When they return to Wayne manor Bruce gives Liana a nod, signaling he's proud of her "Alfred will be coming as soon as he can" she says heading to her room "Where'd dad?" Roxy asks "He'll be back soon" Liana says "Now go and get some sleep", however when she enters her room she sees the window is open and before she can find who's in there she can feel lightning "Isn't this a new low?" she asks eyeing the wizard, when the door gets thrown open the wizard tries to leave, but he's set on fire "That'll teach you not to sneak up on people" "Miss Liana are you alright?" Alfred asks "Fine" she says getting up "Just let me-", when she loses her balance she's caught by Alfred "Oh dear, how did they even find you?" "Probably a trade, they would've asked information for the sword" "You're the leader of the fire wizards, Vera" Liana says "And you're Merlin's youngest daughter, Liana, honestly, leaving the water wizards was a good choice, they're too easy to trust humans. Now get some sleep, I doubt he'll try again".

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