Bonding day

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With Superboy finally getting some attention from his 'father', the Bat family decided to head to the beach, as civilians of course "A private beach?" Luana asks looking around "Not only that, there's a beach house" Damien says with a smile and he adds "We're going to BBQ later today and stay here for the night". Bruce chuckles and says "Of course you'll be pairing up with rooms because this is the smallest house, Liana hugs Dick's arm and looks at her two sister with the cutest eyes she can manage "Alright" Luana says and she sighs "I'll share the room with Leana" Damien says before anyone can say anything else, this causes both the youngest to start laughing "Way to hide it Dami" Lia says and Bruce sighs "Why don't Tim and Luana share a room and Jason and Barbara?" he asks, so the four look at him like he's crazy "Actually-" Jason starts, so Damien says "I didn't know you liked older girls Jay" "Nah he just can't choose" Lia says and she slowly steps backwards seeing Jason glare at her "I gotta go" she says and runs of with Jason following her "She's faster" Bruce says and he adds "Unless she trips on the sand" "She does that sometimes" Lea comments bluntly watching the scene in front of her and she looks at Damien "Anything funny and I'll turn you into a lightning rod" she says and Damien smiles "Me, never, I'm not Jay" "You better not" Lea says and they see Jason and Lia come back soaking wet "Alfred packed some extra clothes for everyone" Bruce says so Luana asks "He's prepared for everything isn't he?".

That evening everyone is in bed when Bruce knocks on the door of the room Lia and Dick are using "Get into gear and meet me at sub" he whispers earning a nod from the two, Lia already in costume "I communicate with water and sometimes the sea animals" she explains and adds "I'll see you there", she heads to basement and sees an area of water "You can go without the sub right?" Renegade asks earning a nod "But my swimming skills won't match Kaldur's" she says and Red Hood says "Actually they do, he'll come too since it's the ocean", Lia jumps in and swims down and not 10 minutes later Batman, Robin, Red Hood and Batgirl join her "I see you can talk underwater" Kaldur says seeing Lia who nods at him "Rather not waste my breath though" she says and two dolphin's swim over "Grab one" he says and Lia says "This will be faster then swimming". At the underwater base Lia and Kaldur swim in to scout "You swim surprisingly good for someone without gills" Kaldur whispers and Lia shrugs mumbling "Water's my natural element", she quietly swims behind an enemy and before the poor guy notices what's going on she puts her arm around his neck "Got a hostage" she says and they swim off again "That guy looks important" Batman says earning a nod "I know, I snatched him away for that reason" Swan says and Kaldur says "She swims really graceful and quiet, my king would like to meet her, if you'll allow it" "That's fine, she will be used if we ever have to go underwater again" "Put me back in the water at once" the hostage says, so Lia makes the bubble around his head smaller "I suggest you talk" she says mentioning to the only thing keeping him alive "And I don't have much patience at the moment" she adds "Alright I'll talk you little elemental witch, your father was just as impatience as you were" the hostage says, so Lia narrows her eyes "My boss wants to flood every big city, he tried before and failed, this time he won't" the guy says seemingly noticing Liana's increasingly worsening mood "Why did he fail?" Batman says while Batgirl keeps an eye on Lia's water bubble "That girl's father got in the way, he went missing after that, her mother too" he says noticing the bubble getting smaller "And how do we stop him?" Red Hood asks "You don't" the guy says, but quickly changes his mind "You need to shut down the underwater earthquake machine, it's set to go off in three days" "Thank you" Batman says and Lia rolls her eyes "Fine" she says and makes the bubble bigger again "And if I find out you were lying you'll get to wish I killed you, because despite my age I know how to torture people" she says and walks off "What should we do with him?" Robin asks and Batman says "Aquaman will pick him up".

So the next morning Damien is chuckling while Leana is as red as Wally's hair, they could check cause the speedster came by "Not a word Damien!" Lea threatens and this catches Lia, Dick, Jason, Luana and Tim's attention, seeing they are eating breakfast "Then you have to go on a date with me" Damien says and Liana nearly chokes on her food "That escalated quickly" Jason says, but Luana whispers to the group "Oh Lea has a crush on him for who knows how long" "Got a plan?" Dick asks Tim who nods "I'm in!" Lia and Jason say at the same time and Barbara says "Me too" as she sits down "How on earth do you guys communicate?" Luana asks and Lia smiles "Without words obviously, you know, like you, Lea and me used to do" "You're kinda drifting away from us" Lea comments ruffling Lia's head "But it's good that you are trying to fit in with them" she adds. Having doomed herself Lea heads off around 12 with Damien on their date "We should check with our friends" Dick suddenly says and Lia nods "Good plan, call us when you need us Bruce" she says and they leave as well. "Yo dude" Wally says and Swan waves at the group "You need us?" she asks and Artemis sighs "The watchtower can't be contacted and our hideout is, as you can see, full of electricity at the moment because of an explosion nearby" "And how did that wipe our electricity out?" Robin asks, but Artemis says "We're not sure" "I really have to go" Swan says, but M'gann grabs the back of her jacket "You two are small and quiet, perfect to find that intruder that got in" she says so Swan says "As soon as I hit one spark I'm out of here, can't have my sisters wonder why the hell I got burned that badly" "Your sisters?" Artemis asks earning a nod "I got two older sister, well biological sisters" Swan says "But if they ever found out I'm with the batfamily I'm gonna get an earful". They head off and Swan and Robin get into the air vents "Ugh, I hate electricity" she whispers, she didn't like that day at all "Well they were right about us being small and quiet" Robin points out and he checks the map "This way" he says so Swan sweatdrops "Why don't we just cut off all the electricity?" she asks looking at the map, the hangar being close, but so is someone else "God damnit" Swan hisses seeing the moving dot get closer "Hope you can hold your breath" Swan says before flooding the air vents and they land next to Artemis "We have an intruder" Robin says seeing the archer check the hallway "I may have flooded the heat and motion sensors" Swan says and Wally runs over "Not just 1, we have an even battle on our hand" he says and the rest meets up too "Masked guys" Robin says and Swan growls "Hand over the elemental girl" one of them says so Swan says "You won't take me alive" "That's what your parents said" the same guy says, but he's hit with lightning "No one touches her without going through me" Luana and Leana say, both in costume "Guess they're outnumbered" Swan mumbles, but she was in oh so much trouble when they got back.

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