Dead or alive?

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Once Liana's annoying older sisters left the group changes "Superman" Swan says "There's a group of reporters heading our way isn't there?" "Yes, but you're getting backup" Superman says "We have to sink it. We can't do it without letting it blow up. A tsunami, that I can stop" Swan says and Renegade says "We have to get on that ship. Miss Martian, the bioship" "Come on Swan, let's see who's faster, we or them" Aqualad says so the two head off into the water "That's cheating!" Robin yells after them. The two are indeed faster "We have a problem" Aqualad says "Even if we let the water in it's not going to sink soon enough" he adds "Swan how much can you speed it up?" "Without overdoing it? Not sure", turns out that it's still not fast enough so Renegade says "Aqualad, take Swan and get in the bioship" "What about you?" Robin asks earning a smile "Saving people", before anyone has time to protest M'gann has to fly away and the ship explodes "Damian!" Red Hood yells and Swan dives back into the sea "Guys... I can't see him" she says looking around the wreckage "There he is" she says "Get to the mountain, Aqualad, I could use some help". At the mountain Black Canary is looking over the injuries "Question. How do we explain this to Bruce?" Dick asks while watching how Lia is removing all the water from their brother's lungs "We don't" Lia says "He's alive, but he needs his rest" Dinah says before getting the results and she sighs sadly "He's in a coma, I recommend going home and telling the truth" "Alfred, please bring Bruce to the batcave" Tim says, they had thought about it and decided that they would show the batcave, but not reveal who they are "By car" Tim adds and he looks at Damian "And we need Diana down here". So Damian is in his room when Alfred stops the car at the entrance "Alfred why are we here, more importantly, where are we?", he spots the kids and Red Robin is scolding Swan and Robin for something, Batgirl and Red Hood going through the files and even then it takes a while for Bruce to realize he's in the batcave "What did they do this time?" Alfred asks looking at Red Robin "They downloaded a shitload of games on the computer" Red Robin says "Not true" Swan says, luckily they're saved by a call from Superman "Let me" Black Canary says seeing all the kids glare at Superman "I just realize I have an appointment" he says and leaves "You need to stop an illegal weapon business, the leaders are currently on the docks" Canary says "Hold out until the team gets there and be careful". Red Robin takes a deep breath "Bruce Wayne. I'm sorry" he says "Your son Damian insisted on helping us this afternoon" "Alfred, we need to go home, now" Bruce says, the bats head off and obviously Swan is impatient as ever "We need to think about this carefully" Batgirl says "But-" "She's right." Robin says "Guys what I was trying to say is. One of them's a wizard, the one in the dark blue suit" Swan says "I'm not entirely sure how he hasn't sensed us yet, but he's strong" "That complicates things" Red Hood says "Can you take him on?" "Yes, but he uses a ground amulet, meaning he's extra strong" "Wait they're finished" Batgirl whispers "Miss Knight" the wizard says "I got your package" "Mom?" Swan asks. They jump down and Swan doesn't hesitate to send the man away with a wave "So Merlin's legacy continues" he says "I don't know what you're talking about" Swan says "Really?" the man asks and he sends boulders towards the two, but they're cut in pieces with water "I already trapped your teammates" he says, but Swan simple walks towards where he was standing first and she takes the amulet "Now, I wonder where you got this little trinket" she says. The fight is won and the police takes all three into custody "He only promised me my daughter!", Swan walks to Robin and Batgirl and she sighs "You'll never get away with this" the man says, but his eyes widen when Red Hood crushes the amulet. "We need to train you guys" Wonder Woman says and she sighs watching Liana "Are you worried about Damian?" "No, I'm worried about mom she has no idea what happened and the amulet belonged to mom" Liana says "I'm sorry. I'm going to see Granny".

"I fixed the amulet" Granny says seeing the young witch "Great" she mumbles plopping down on the only free chair "Not that anyone will ever use it again" "Lia, we're not finished yet" Tim says entering the shed "You know the guy who was captured, he went crazy at the police station, shot everyone in range, he's holding them hostage" "What do you mean, they're cops" Liana says, but they head off anyway and instead of going through the front door they crash through a window "Where are the others?" Swan asks looking at Batgirl "Taking the basement" the redhead says "We're bait then" Swan concludes before they leave the office "You take one more step little witch and she dies!" the man says holding a gun to Liana's mothers head "Why would she care?" Batgirl asks "She doesn't even know that woman" "Oh, you think everyone's memories were erased, but the fact I know you're Merlin's youngest daughter says otherwise" the man says "Do you need a distraction?" Red Hood asks "Yes" Swan says and when the man is surrounded by the heroes he starts to hesitate "Sorry, I honestly have no idea who that is" Swan says "Such a shame, really" he says "However" she says twirling the fixed pendant around her index finger "Since we can't do anything to stop you, maybe someone else can", she tosses the pendant up where Robin catches it before swinging towards the middle where he drops it on the ground "If you know what's good for you you don't take it" Red Robin says "And who else is gonna take it?" the man asks, but by the time he realizes it his hostage has already taken it and the building shakes "Move!" Red Robin yells, but the ground gives in before anyone can follow that command "The police station collapsed" Gordon says and his eyes widen, Barbara was in there, along with whoever the others of the batfamily are, they are trapped under all that "No" he whispers.

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