Mirror mirror

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"Master Bruce, why on Earth did you buy that mirror?" Alfred asks, the mirror didn't fit anywhere in the house, besides the attic maybe "I thought it would look nice in the second living room" "You mean the room where all the antique stuff is?" Damian asks "Well whatever" Jason says heading upstairs "Goodnight Bruce".

The next morning, way too early for anyone's liking, they all somehow end up in the backyard "Father there are strange people here" a boy says and Damian doesn't know how he can see his younger self "No greenhouse, no shed" Liana mumbles and she looks at the others confused "There's no me" she whispers, she always had a greenhouse, no matter how little plants she had, she summons an ice sword to block the one from young Damian and he raises an eyebrow, but they're soon surrounded. "We've had a rough night, so explain who you are and what you're doing here quickly" Batman says "Right well... we went to bed last night" Tim says "And we woke up... here" Jason adds making Batman sighs "Robin, put that sword away" he says "But father, we can't trust them!" he says and Liana looks up at Dami, who shrugs, so she tackles the younger version as he points his sword at Dick "If you point that sword at him one more time I will seriously hurt you" she says "You're just a-" "Dami!" the guy in a weird black suit with a blue bird yells when several floating ice daggers appear "Do I make myself clear?" Liana asks and the Red Hood says "I like that kid" "Very clear" Robin says so the girl gets off, taking his sword with her before letting the daggers disappear. "And that's the situation" Tim says "I see, well come in" Batman says. Bruce and Alfred are the most understanding while the others come face to face with their counterparts and Liana is looking from the sidelines with the two adults "Well this is weird" she mumbles plopping down on a chair and before Jason can start laughing his whooping cushion hits his face "Old" she says leaning back "So to be clear on this, that guy is me?" Damian asks earning a nod "Although I didn't realize he was so adorable" Liana says earning a chuckle "I didn't realize someone as cute lived with them" Drake says "No need to get jealous" Damian says seeing the glare Dick sends the guy. "So... you died?" Jason asks "I did" Jay says "Am I the only one getting confused?" Alfred asks "How about this? I call my family by their nickname and you guys with your full name" Liana suggest "So, who's glad Babs is spending most her days at home?" Dami asks "Did you by any chance buy an antique mirror? Gold with gems on it" Liana asks "I did, it'll look-" "Good in the second lounge where all the antique stuff is" Jay finishes for Bruce "How'd you know?" Bruce asks "Because our Bruce did that too" Liana says. "Lia, is it possible that there magic in the mirror?" Dami asks "Probably" Liana says "But if there is, I don't know how to activate it" "So we're stuck here until further notice?" Jay asks earning a nod. It's not all bad though and Liana surprisingly gets along with young Damian "And than the idiot destroyed the ship by himself, ending up in a coma" she says "And Jay and I were stuck in a building about to explode and he tossed me up so Dami could grabs my hand, ending up dead" "So how is he here if he died?" Jason asks "I mean, Ra's used the pit on me" "Eh... magic spell gone wrong I suppose" Liana explains "I tried to use magic to bring him back to life, but nothing happened, three months later he's a vampire and we find his grave opened from the inside. No one remembers though". Wally West comes to visit and is confused when he sees the extra people "I'm not even going to ask" he says "Dude, why haven't you replied to any of my texts?" "My phone is broken" Richard answers glaring at Liana "Whatever you wanna say West, don't" Damian says "Come on I'm gonna show you my sword collection" "You're coming too" Liana says dragging her boyfriend along before a fight breaks out "Game night tonight!" Jason and Jay both yell, making the three youngest groan in annoyance "I know a fun game they can play, search the entire mansion trying to find us" Dick says "We could patrol to get out of it?" Damian asks "Not a chance if I know Bruce" Liana mumbles.

That evening Liana finds an old newspaper in Bruce's office and she groans in annoyance "Of course" she says, deciding to ruin the game mood she jumps on Dami's back "I figured out what happened to the me of this world" she says showing the newspaper "Or what happened to all the mages, there's not a single mage left here" "They succeeded" Jay says "They killed them all during the grand festival years ago" Jason says "Grand festival?" Dick asks "It's a festival that's mages only, unless you come along with a mage, and everyone shows up, you know, before I erased everyone memories about magic" Liana explains "It happens once every 100 years" Alfred adds "I brought snacks" "How'd you know that?" Liana asks "Because you told me" he says. After an eventful game night everyone gets some sleep and while Alfred is checking in with Bruce a bright light covers the manor.

"Again?" Liana asks accepting Tim's hand, so he pulls her up, but it looks like they're back if the greenhouse is any indication "What the hell happened?" Jason asks "Right, it's the same day Bruce got the mirror, just midnight" Dick says. In the morning Liana decides to inspect the mirror "Interesting" Vera mumbles after appearing "I'm trying to find a way to deactivate it without breaking it" "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for school?" Vera asks "No, school's closed, teachers have a meeting". Vera sighs "Did you check all the gems?" "I was when you showed up" Liana mumbles before sighing "You try, I'll plop on the couch", Vera chuckles, wondering how long it will take before someone finds her.

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