Dangerous mission

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"You have some explaining to do young lady" Leana says, they had gone to the living area of the cave and everyone of course was surprised to see the two there "Well... I found the batcave by accident" Liana mumbles as she fiddles with the sleeve of her jacket "And well... I couldn't tell you two" "I'm more surprised you kept it a secret this long" Luana saya causing Leana to glare at her "Besides, I know who they are" Liana says crossing her arms "Yeah, like that isn't obvious" Luana comments dryly looking at Batgirl and Robin "And you should continue lecturing me at home" Liana mumbles earning a sigh and of course Batman has to arrive "You two, go home" he says seeing the extra two girls "Now!" "Whatever you say, but she better be uninjured when she gets home" Leana says and leaves dragging Luana, who is complaining, along "Noted" Batman says letting them through the zeta tube.

Swan sighs "You have the best timing ever" she says and she sees the confused looks "That were my overprotective older sisters" she explains "Lea was the one who shocked the guy from earlier". "You have a new mission" Batman says "We've detected movements from the Light, spy on them and find out what they want in that old tomb" he explains showing a map "The magical energy here is big, so I send Zatarra and his daughter ahead, Renegade and Red Robin are already there as well". They head off and Wally looks at Swan "I'm curious, why would Bats let you in the batfamily, but not your sisters?" "Cause I found it by accident and he had Renegade test me, I passed and joined" Swan explains "Besides, it's a bit full isn't it?" "She has a point" Artemis says looking outside "We already have people who use magic though" Robin says, last time the team met Zatanna the girl was head over heels for Robin, who seems more interested in someone else now. "Robin!" Zatanna says trying to hug him, but he sidesteps "Zee, he's not single anymore" Artemis says without thinking "Really, then who is he dating?" Zatanna asks so Artemis glances at Wally for help "This lovely girl here" Kid Flash says putting an arm around both Robin and Black Swan and they both turn bright red "She seems okay" Zatanna mumbles, but her father interrupts "The tomb is blocking all kinds of magic, some say two powerful wizards were locked away here "Can I keep watch outside?" Swan asks, that place was giving hee the creeps "I'll stay with you" Renegade says and he adds "We need to be careful here, if Swan doesn't want to go in something's wrong" "Everyone who gets in who has magic is in trouble, unexperienced people only though" Zatarra says "It seems they're trying to revive the wizard and control him" "This is the tomb of an elemental wizard, to bring him back you need a whole lot of magic and another elemental wizard" Batman says "Zatarra, we'll go in with most of them, Renegade, Zatanna and Black Swan will stay here to keep an eye out. Unless she suddenly wants to come, they already got what they need" "That Chaos kid" Renegade says after the others went in "And Luana" Swan says, but before either of the three can move they're hit with a dart and they get knocked out.

"Got the other three that were waiting outside" Luthor says as they're carried into the main room and Luana slightly glances at the villain, had she known they were going to revive their father then she wouldn't have send Bats that signal "Now there" Chaos kid says "I believe we can start" "You'll die in the progress" Luana hisses and Swan slightly opens her eyes, she was lucky it wasn't Lea "The other heroes should arrive soon, let's burn them all!" "Burn?" Swan mumbles quietly "And you'll die too" Luthor says "Actually not, you only need a little elemental magic, overdo it and this place comes down" Luana says "Wait where are the adult heroes?" Brain asks only seeing the kids "We might need a better plan" Zatarra says "No, Luana's element is fire, Swan can stop it forcefully" "But it could put her into a coma" Zatarra counters "That's true, she won't be that stupid, I hope" Batman says, he hadn't seen any of the girls use their full potential yet, Luana is pulled up and dragged into a circle next to Chaos kid "Start the spell" Vandall says, they had wasted enough time already. Black Swan fiddles with the ropes and she manages to cut it slightly, quietly, Swan tunes out the spell and she slowly sits up as all four of the elements they use activate, fire being the highest "Stop it, you'll kill everyone" Luana says and she looks at the wall, which starts cracking at the side, Swan rolls her eyes and she simply floods the place, trying to keep the fire in check "You'll never revive him" she says, she had gotten her fathers water magic, which sometimes was a downside, like now, especially since the place was about to come down on them "Renegade, get away" she says. The walls starts cracking some more and Luana manages to burn the chain enough to get it off and she kicks the Chaos dude away from the circle before aiming fire at the wall with the text "We're not leaving you two" Renegade says and Red Robin says "Trust them". Once everyone is gone(besides the villains) Liana aims at the wall too "You're overdoing it" Luana says, then again, so was she. The tomb falls down but the two are teleported away "They'll be fine" Batman says "They succeeded, they freed both of them".

Leana arrives at the tower she once called home and she floats up, going through an open window "They need to get their energy back, but Lia has more energy then Luana" "Mom!" Leana says hugging the woman "We missed you two" Lea says "You took gteat care of them" "I didn't. Bruce Wayne adopted us because living conditions were bad, Lia could have gotten seriously sick" Lea says "And she always was impressing people on the street" "Well how about you take these two and go back to Batman while we fix up the tower?" a man says walking over "Sure, but how am I suppose to get there?" "We can help with that" both say at the same time. At Wayne manor Tim is pacing while the others are quiet "Guys, a little help" Lea says and Dick shoots into action first, taking Lia "They'll be fine tomorrow, but they used up a lot of magic" Lea says before handing Luana to Tim "You should all get some rest" Alfred says "You have school tonorrow" he adds earning several groans knowing he's right.

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