Mirror Mirror part 2

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The next day, after Vera and Liana deactivated the mirror Black Swan returns from patrol with Red Hood and she groans in annoyance "I do not need this right now" she says and she lands behind them. "Dami we don't have a greenhouse or shed" "But we're outside of the manor" Damian says and Liana raises a giant wave "Someone's not happy" Red Hood comments leaning against the wall in front of the group "Shit" Tim says and the door opens "Black Swan, please do not flood the manor with your magic" Alfred says "Alright" she says and the waves covers the group "You guys cannot have a worse timing" Robin says landing next to his brother and Tim glares at Swan "Really? What's so bad we have to be trapped in this ice prison?" he asks "Bruce is missing once again" Red Robin says landing next to Swan along with Renegade "And we have no idea where he is" he adds "And this is bad how?" "Try to imagine this, we're left 'defenseless' without Bruce, the Joker always seems to think he can draw out Batman by attacking us" Red Hood says "And the last time Bruce went missing I died" "Swan!" Robin yells running over when she nearly falls over and she coughs up blood "We need to get you inside" Renegade says "My magic will heal me" she says, but she coughs up more blood "Who did that?" Damian asks "The same bastard who took Bruce" she says "How are you so sure?" "Two days ago Bruce was coughing up blood, must be how he marks his targets", she falls on her knees and she puts a hand over the cut on her side "Note to self, make the new costume more layered" she says. Renegade helps her up and looks at Alfred "Call the doctor please" he says "Right away master Damian". Inside Thompson is quick to give an antidote though "I've seen this before" she says "Just not with someone so young" "Dami I don't feel so good" Liana mumbles leaning against her brother "When is your new outfit ready miss Liana" Alfred asks "Not anytime soon" she mumbles closing her eyes for a moment "Can we help track down Bruce?" Richard asks when the doctor is gone "No, imagine if you get back poisoned" Dick says "And off to bed with you Lia" "They're so cute together" Jason says "Is what you say now" Jay comments "You remember how she was when she threatened Damian over there right?" "Yeah" Richard says "That's not cute anymore, that's scary" Tim says.

They use Swan as bait, since he still thinks she's poisoned and she has a tracker hidden in her jacket "Got her location" Robin says "Let's go" Renegade says "Alfred, make sure they don't leave the house" "We're wasting time" Red Hood says "Red, you're staying here for information" Renegade says before they head off. Swan is thrown into a cell and she catches the vial thrown at her "Those quick reflexes will be gone soon enough" "Okay... water's not supposed to be that color" Swan says "Correct, I mixed my toxin in it, bye bye", the heavy doors close, but on top of having water mixed with the toxin it's like walking in a swamp "You know" Bruce says "You could freeze it" "What do you think I'm trying to do and burning the toxin out won't work either" "Maybe not, but what if you started a fire above the water?" "There's something I can do, take the antidote and hold your breath" she says, when she mixes clean boiling water with the toxic water it begins to burn the poison out and she groans "Not fast enough" she says. Thankfully the door is broken open by Superboy "We caught him" Tigress says "We need to get them out of here" Superboy says.

They regroup in the mountain after bringing Bruce home "You're safe!" Robin says hugging his girlfriend "W-what happened?" Lucy asks "Bat business, mostly" Renegade says "We have to stay here though" "Right" Robin says "Sorry I wasn't there to help out, I kept asking how long it'd be until we arrived so they dropped me off here" "Understandable" Swan comments dryly "Now if you'll excuse me, I need a shower" "When is she returning home?" M'gann asks mentioning to Lucy "She's getting on our nerves a little" she explains "How's her training going?" Renegade asks "Horrible" Connor deadpans "Is she even fit to do this?" "Probably not" Red Hood says "Wasn't there a rule about you not carrying those weapons around?" he asks turning to the person who killed him, even if no one remembers "You're carrying yours" "Because I didn't work with the Joker of all people! I didn't nearly kill people!" Red Hood yells "But I wouldn't intentionly hurt you" Lucy tries defending herself, Swan, who had been rather tired thanks to the whole situation suddenly makes a small fireball "Do you remember what I said?" "I'm not holding them" Lucy points out "Get out of here, now!" Hood orders "And don't show your face here ever again!".

Lucy, for some reason, is actually sad they kicked her out "You alright?" someone from school asks, but Lucy just rolls her eyes "As if you care" she says earning a smirk, god she hated school "No I don't, no one does actually", but before the girl and he group can say more hurtful things something taps on her shoulder "What is it Lia?" "First of all, only my friends call me that, second, you're blocking the hallway, move, I'm not sure you can get good grades by bribing female teachers" Liana says "In fact, that teacher got fired, someone posted a video" Jason says. Looking at the Wayne kids now, Artemis and Barbara included, Lucy feels the scene is familiar, as she had been on the receiving end of one of these situations earlier "I didn't bribe-" "Really?" Dick asks, getting his phone and he finds the video "It's all over the internet, you should be glad your father hasn't called you yet" he adds watching the girls face pale, with the hallway free Liana takes her boyfriend's hand "You know she's going to get you back right?" "If she does I'll have you, Jay and Artemis" he says almost proudly "Don't we have history?" Barbara asks "You're right, we gotta go" Jason says "Don't cause anymore trouble" he adds "Trouble finds us Jay" Liana says.

"I am happy to inform you they have left, I believe they left some presents" Alfred says opening the door "Also, miss Leana called this afternoon, about your mother" "Is she alright?" Liana asks "I am afraid she passed away last night, your sisters were unsure how to tell you" Alfred says, if it starts raining a bit harder after that no one feels the need to mention anything.

When Lucy leaves she sees Alfred usher the kids in, saying something about the guests having left, also seeing that it's raining, she decides to see if she can still use the Zeta tubes "Access denied" the computer says "Swan" she says seeing the hero walks quickly and even with the mask the expression is clear on her face "Here" Swan says tossing the girl an umbrella "I'd go home if I were you" she adds before getting in "Recognized: Black Swan" the computer announces. The next day Liana is inseperable from Jason's side and their new teacher, who apparently is Liana's sister, gives the young girl a tight hug "It was coming" Luana whispers "But it's not fair" Liana says "Al told you, didn't he?" "You or Lea wouldn't, at least let me come to the funeral", Artemis walks over "Come on, Alfred made your favorite lunch" the blonde says "Artemis" Luana says "Take care of her" "Of course I will, she's my friend" Artemis says "Besides, with how everyone is, I doubt that'll be hard". That day after school Lucy heads home and tells her parents everything, her father giving her a glare when she tells them she accidentally got Jason in a coma, which makes her suspects he know something she doesn't "Lucy, this is your brother, Connor" Louis says showing her someone she saw a lot before she got kicked out "Yo" he says, not seeming to care in the slightests, needless to say, her life got a lot harder and a lot more confusing.

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