Merlin's legacy

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"Mom you're alright" Luana says seeing her mother "Yeah I'm fine, don't worry so much" "Did you find our sister?" Leana asks "More or less, she seems confortable where she is now" "Is it the girl living with Bruce?" Leana asks earning a nod "But why would she hate talking to us?" Luana asks "I don't know, you can ask her". "Can't believe you dragged me over here" Liana says glaring at Alfred "It's no use if you keep lying to them and yourself miss Liana. They are your family" Alfred says "I have to do some shopping, when I get back I expect you to be inside, talking with your sisters" "Damn butler. Always telling us what to do" Liana says sitting down on the ground against the house "Dami woke up last night" she says making Leana narrow her eyes "Are you serious or trying to get out of this?" "Oh I'm quite serious" Liana says and her phone goes off "Lia-" "Wally! Never thought I'd be so glad to hear you, yeah, I guess. Wait you what?!" she yells in her phone "Please tell me Arty already scolded you", she waits for a moment before standing up "Yeah I'm coming". She turns to the others and says "Sorry my friends need me", she runs off, but Luana quickly loses sight of her "Damn she's fast" Leana mumbles.

"You saved me from an awkward situation so consider yourself lucky" Liana says when she sees Wally on the beach "Okay everyone outside?" she asks "Yep that's everyone" Artemis says "Still don't get how you set the whole mountain on fire thought" "A prank went wrong okay?" Wally asks. Once the fire is out Liana gets a call from Alfred, who sounds way too calm "Miss Liana, may I ask why you didn't follow my instructions?" "Oh yeah sure, Wally set our meeting place on fire, don't know how though" Liana says earning a sigh "Well lucky for you miss Luana and miss Leana will be staying with us for a while, so you have-" "Did you just cut off Alfred?" Dick asks earning a nod, but Liana looks at her phone and pouts "Bye phone" she says making a water bubble around it "Oh Tim'll fix it" Dick says "Let's go".

"Wait what? I'm getting my own room?" Liana asks looking at Bruce in disbelief "Yes, our two guests will stay at the guest floor, you and Barbara have lived here long enough to move to our floor" Bruce says "Consider yourselves officially part of the family". Dinner is midly awkward, Tim and Jason are giving Liana advise on how to decorate her room while Damian and Dick are 'interrogating' Leana and Luana "We gotta see the greenhouse" Luana says "Your butler must take good care of it" "I can hardly take the credit miss Luana" Alfred cuts in "I only check on the flowers when miss Liana isn't able too" "Wait she keeps the greenhouse in order?" Luana asks "She certainly doesn't look like the type to get her hands dirty" "Comes from the person who's eating fries like that" Liana counters "Oh boy. Jason's rubbing off of you" Bruce says. He has to leave for a work emergency, which the heroes don't trust, so they wait for half an hour before a few of them sneak off "Work emergency my ass" Red Hood and Black Swan say at the same time when they reach the docks "Swan, check the situation up close" Red Robin says so she gets in the water "Alright heading towards their position" she says. "I don't know mr. Wayne, we can't fit all of these boxes in here" a man says "If you can't then you won't get all the money" Bruce says "Alright we'll try our best, but these bombs are dangerous, one wrong move and we're goners" the man comments "Which is why the boat is fully automatic, even the tiny bit or fraction will set them off" Bruce explains "So be very careful".

The bats can't believe their eyes and ears as Swan slowly swims towards the front of the boat "Well" she says "Bruce may need him memories back" Renegade says "There are more of these things, no ship ever got to their destination though" "I think I know where they're bringing these, we need the bioship" "Spit it out" Robin says "You know how earth wizards are so secrerive? Well water wizards aren't and from what the animals are telling me they've gotten pretty close" Swan says "We'll get the team and the bioship, you follow that ship" Red Robin says "But be careful to keep the water around it steady. I'll track the ship from here" Renegade says.

The ship is indeed heading straight towards the water wizards, so Liana tries to warn them "You're Merlin's kid, you can do it" a lot of them after Liana explained the situation "Actually you should solve it" she says narrowing her eyes "I came to warn you, but I'm not joining you again" "Our leader already tried" a young wizard says "Then you have to move" "Swan I hacked into the ships system" Renegade says "I'll lead it away, but I need it to crash into ice or something" "Okay, make a giant wave and freeze it, easier said then done" Swan mumbles before she swims up again.

She keeps following the ship and once she can't see any animals she swims ahead and makes a giant wave "Come on" she says as she starts freezing it.

"Mr. Wayne, the ship is off track" a worker says "That's impossible" Bruce says "And scanners show it's heading straight towards a frozen wave" "That was the last shipment", Red Robin and Red Hood take Bruce and bring him to the batcave "Swan get to a save distance" Renegade says, but she says "Don't worry, M'gann got me out on time, I do have one problem, there's a piece of ice stuck in my arm".

"There you go miss Liana" Alfred says "Don't move your arm and give it plenty of rest" he instructs her "Yes sir" she says before walking to Damian "Come on I'll get you to bed" he says, they were the only ones left down there, not counting Alfred and a still knocked out Bruce Wayne "Her room is between master Richard and miss Barbara" Alfred says so the two head upstairs.

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