Lucy Kent

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For some reason Lucy seems to have remembered she got Jason killed, so Batman seeks her out, when she's Black Hood and the team just returned from a harsh mission. "Come" he says seeing the dejected girl, he hoped Swan was too tired to try an attack her, but Lucy's out of luck and Swan is hyperactive, while Red Hood is chuckling, he couldn't go, but that doesn't mean he isn't enjoying the fact Swan and Robin are jumping around. "Swan, I'm warning you, guys, meet your new teammate", Red Hood and Robin instantly hold Swan back when Black Hood appears, but Batman says "She remembers, so she'll be your new teammate" "LET ME GO!" Swan says "Wow what got you so annoyed?" Artemis asks "She shot Robin!" Swan says still trying to get free "And was the reason Red was absent" Robin deadpans, half tempted to let Swan go "You need a name change and costume change, but I will keep an eye on you" Batman says "You are to stay at the mountain when you're not at school" he adds "And don't, under any circumstances, piss of Red Hood, Swan or Robin" "Right, I suppose I should introduce myself, I'm Lucy Kent" Black Hood says and she looks down "And the building wasn't supposed to explode, as I mentioned to Swan before-" "Robin, Hood, teach her the rules of Gotham" Batman says "Swan, don't hurt her, you're staying here for tonight, agent A is out of town and Renegade, Red Robin and I have some things to do" and with that he's gone. "Just to be clear" Swan says when she's let go "If you even as much as hold one of your guns I will seriously hurt you" "Okay let's go" Tigress says pulling Swan away from the group "We can work on your new designs" she adds "Keep her busy!" Robin calls after them, but he looks at Lucy with a glare before stalking off to who knows where. Liana and Artemis are in the hidden reading area, trying to design an awesome costume because as Jason had put it 'Your current outfit is fine, but you can use fire for heavens sake, you need something that will blow them all away'. "So" Robin says when he lands with a stack of books "Canary is training her, see where her strengths are" he says "Although so far she's pretty..." "Useless" Jason says popping by and closing it "M'gann beat her without her powers" he explains "So her only strength is the fact she can use guns?" Artemis asks "No, that can't be right" Dick says "Considering..." "Clark Kent is...", the four think about it for a while and they get a text from Wally saying Lucy is annoying the hell out of everyone, so Liana holds out her hand to Jason "Here" he says handing his phone before handing the others earbuds and Liana picks the loudest song she can find in Jason's playlist while Artemis texts Wally to cover his ears before the music is blasted through the entire mountain and the cursing and screaming they hear is so worth the trouble they'll no doubt get into and Lia chuckles when that's done. "Do we have seven mysteries of the mountain?" Jason asks earning a confused look from the mage "It's basically a number of mysteries no one can explain" Artemis explains "Well we have the music playing ghost" Artemis says pointing to Liana "The werewolf in the forest" Dick says referring to Wolf "The invisible guitarist" Liana says pointing to Jason and they go quiet "Well... I could make apparitions with my ice magic" "Save those for a full moon" Jason says checking "Make that... today, Wolf is at it again". So a number of choices is given "So... mummies, dragons, bats or wolves?" Liana asks "Dragons" Jason and Artemis say at the same time "Mummies, we can make everyone think the mountain is build on an ancient resting place" Dick says earning a sigh "I know" he says "Call Luana" "No" Liana says while making the figures disappear "Is that... a radio?" Artemis asks seeing something in the corner, but the blanket covering it is quickly fixed "No, yes, maybe" she says "Okay fine, Tim got my phone once and I had to delete all my classical music". The four sit in silence and Jason takes a book while Liana and Artemis go back to design task. "So what now?" Dick asks taking a book as well "Jay switch" he says opening it and they switch books "Lucy Kent, child of Louis Lane, unknown biological father, stepfather is Clark Kent" Liana says pulling up the file "That makes sense" Artemis says.

The next day Liana wakes up and she sits up "Oh, need more blankets" she mumbles and she sees Lucy going through the bookshelves so she jumps down quietly after checking the time "What's with the snooping around?" she says scaring Lucy "Swan! Well I... no one wants me here, which is understandable, but even Black Canary is disappointed in me, I failed everything yesterday" "Again, it's obvious you're not from Gotham, in Gotham you need a lot more skills than Metropolis, probably why you'll be assigned to a different city, if I think I know Bats as good as I do". She ends up being right and Lucy gets assigned to Happy Harbor, but at the manor she goes to find Damian, who isn't in the usual rooms and when she checks the room it's empty "Alfred where's Dami?!" she asks finding the butler making dinner "He moved out" Alfred says "He didn't tell you?" "No, when was this?" "A few days ago" "H-he left without telling me?" she asks "I am sorry miss Liana, but he left you his adress". Liana calls and she sighs "Lia, I'm sorry" he says "But you were busy taking care of Jay and didn't look like you could have me moving on top of it" "It's fine" Liana says "B-but Dami, can I come visit?" "Sure, be careful if you do though, it's as bad as Gotham here in Bludhaven. Got any news?" "We have a new teammate" she says with a sigh "But she went from villain to dragged into the team, she's useless Dami, only able to shoot targets with her gun, Canary has her work cut out for it. She also likes snooping around and the others don't like her either, I mean... she shot-" "I know, but if you were a villain, even if it's a not good one and you're dragged into the hero business" "It's Lucy, from school" "That compiclates things", they end the call because Alfred calls her for dinner "I'm visiting Dami tomorrow" she says "After school" she adds.

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