The team

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Black Swan and Robin arrive at the mountain and they are instantly pulled over to Black Canary by Kid Flash "Alright then, before we continue our sparring lessons, these are Robin and Black Swan, your new teammates" she says and Lia hides behind her "Sorry she's a bit shy, why not have her spar against Kaldur?" Robin asks and Black Canary looks at the girl and then at Kaldur "Alright then, please go easy on her then" Canary says, but as soon as Lia sees the markings and the weapons she says "He doesn't have to go easy on me" "As long as you will go all out too" Kaldur says so the girl glances at Batgirl, Red Hood and Red Robin who nod "Alright then". The two get in fighting position and Wally notices that Lia has no weapons "Close combat only?" he asks and Black Canary gives the start sign, Kaldur runs at her with his water shaped in a hammer, but Lia narrows her eyes and dodges before knocking one of the weapons out of his hands after dissolving the water back to normal and she says "This could go on all day" she says grabbing it and a sword of water shapes back where the hammer was using the water on the ground "Interesting" Black Canary says and Swan chuckles "This is nothing" she says and Wally hits Red Hood with his elbow "Where'd you pick her up, I thought Bats was against super powered heroes" he asks and suddenly a small wave hits him causing him to fall down and look at the two sparring "Okay then, don't insult the girl" Artemis comments and the two continue sparring, which ends with Kaldur winning due to his experience and lessons from Black Canary, but when she grabs his hand to pulls herself up, which he offered she trows him on the ground as well "Always be sure the opponent is down, learned that the hard way" she says and she gets up "What else can you do?" Wally asks and Lia thinks for a while "I can breath underwater, one of my sisters can get hit by lightning and walk away without a scratch, the other is resistant to anything fire related, we used to have a circle, I'm weak against electricity, my oldest sister is weak against water" she says and she goes quiet when Artemis asks "That would mean four, what about the fourth one?" "Team, this is urgent" Batman says, but the batfamily, excluding Lia can see it's not that urgent "What is it?" Batgirl asks raising an eyebrow and Lia glances at her and then at Batman and she crosses her arms "We have information about bombs, I'll give Renegade the locations, he'll send you in groups of two", the screen closes and Renegade looks at the places he got "Alright then, Wally, Kaldur, Artemis, M'gann and Connor, you're off to metropolis" he says and adds "We'll take the other one, there are only two", the group leaves using the bioship and Lia plops down on the ground "There aren't any bombs are there?" she asks and Robin chuckles "No there aren't, how'd you figure that out?" "Batgirl's reaction" she says. Black Canary looks at Lia and puts a hand on her shoulder "If you want to talk, I'm here for you" she says earning a nod "Who did have that other power?" Renegade asks and Lia sighs "Our mother had that power" she says. After a while a screen appears and Artemis raises an eyebrow at Black Swan and Robin sitting on the ground playing chess "We already finished" Batgirl says from behind the two "It was a fake bomb" M'gann says and Red Hood is glad he's in the kitchen "Well that's a shame" Red Robin says dryly, but the group is distracted when Robin says "Checkmate" "Again?" Swan asks and she pouts "I hate this game" she says and groans "Hacking the batcomputer is easy compared to winning a game of chess" "You hacked the batcomputer?!" Wally yells and Robin says "Yes she did" "You must be smarter then Red Hood" Wally comments and Swan says "Not really" "Actually when I kicked Red Hood off it took 30 seconds" Renegade says and adds "Making you smarter then he is" "Or quicker" Robin says and Batman appears on a screen "And even the newest addition didn't fall for it" he says, making the bat family know that the other can't hear it "Batgirl's reaction was enough, one day I will learn how to read you like a book Bats" Swan says.

The other group returns and they see the bats doing their own thing "No patrol for you two by the way" Renegade says looking at the two youngest who groan in annoyance, but know why they're not allowed to go each night "Fine" they say at the same time and Swan says "Baked fresh cookies when we got back from our assignment, however Wally doesn't get any" "Why not?" the speedster ask and Robin says "You'd eat everything". That evening the bat kids were forced to stay at the mountain due to Joker gass in the Batcave, they would get an explanation later, but Lia can't sleep so she starts wandering around "Hey sis" Damien says from his place in the kitchen so she walks over "I can't sleep here" she says taking the mug hot chocolate "Well I guess I don't trust some people" she says sitting down across from him "Makes sense, Robin has had to stay here a few times before he joined the team, he also couldn't sleep the first two times, Red Hood took pity on him and let him sleep in his room since he was playing video games anyway" Damien says and he adds "I was checking if everyone was asleep, figured you'd be wandering around when I saw your bed was empty". Lia smiles slightly "You know, I've always wanted to have an older brother, now I have 4 and an extra older sister" she says and hugs him "That doesn't really help me though" she says causing Damien to chuckle "Finish your drink first" he says and he adds "You can sleep in my room, I have some gadgets I need to finish before tomorrow".

So the next morning Wally is getting everyone up early and Damien knocks him down while leaving his room "Here, sorry" Lia says handing her oldest brother a shirt, she was wearing one of Damien's old shirts and some jeans Barbara got from her room "Why are you here?" Wally asks before remembering what he was doing "Come to the living room, Bats and Superman are having a contest" he says so the two follow him "What's the contest about?" Lia asks sitting between Barbara and Tim "Superman is convinced he's a better father, cause he doesn't let kids at a young age join the superhero business" Jason says, so Lia raises an eyebrow "Actually, Superman is the worst father you could have, just look at Superboy, he never gets any attention, sleeps here at the mountain and probably feels like he's invisible to the man of steel most of the time" she sums up causing everyone to go quiet, but Superman looks pretty angry "I was only stating facts" Lia says with a sweatdrop, but Superboy pats her head "She's right you know" he says and Jason says "On the other hand, look at our batfamily, still could do with two more, but oh well" "Of course you say that cause you're so not interested in my sister" Lia says poking him "Superman. Spend the day bonding with your son" Batman says and he adds "Or I'll allow someone to let your apartment flood with water" "Sounds fun" Jason, Dick and Lia say at the same time, but Superman leaves with Connor "This will be an interesting day" Barbara says with a smile.

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