First patrol

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Lia sneaks out of the room after her sisters fell asleep and she enters the batcave "Someone's eager to go" Dick points out watching the girl run down the stairs "Of course I am!" Lia says and Bruce says "You can change over there", in a few minutes Liana changes and she jumps on Tim his back "Water proof material, nothing that will restrict your movements so no cape" Alfred says and Bruce smiles "Now you need a name" he says, while he didn't entirely agree with the outfit he just let it as it is so Lia her sisters wouldn't suspect anything "Do I need a mask?" Lia asks earning a nod "Fine" she mumbles with a sigh "Blue Bat?" Dick asks, but Lia shakes her head "Too much like the other one" she says and Barbara, who was busy gathering some information says "Well your power is water" "I'll just pick a bird" Lia says and she sits down on the ground "Black Swan?" she asks and Barbara thinks for a while "Good one" she says and Lia looks at the batcomputer so she walks over and Barbara moves away "Next stop, Arkham Asylum" she says as a red dot appears on the asylum "How did you do that?" Barbara asks and Lia rubs the back of her head "I read a lot of books about hacking, I may or may not have hacked Bat his computer a few times for me and my sisters" she says and Bruce looks surprised "Then you hid it pretty well" Tim says, but Damien says "She tried once when I was using the computer, I kicked her off within two minutes".

They head off with Robin in the batmobile and Damien/Renegade taking Lia with him, they would all take a different route to the Asylum "Can you fight without your power?" Damien asks earning a nod "Yes, but it probably needs some work" Lia says and Damien speeds up after saying "Hold on", they were going to attack from four sides, Renegade and Black Swan the back, Batman and Robin the front, Red Hood and Batgirl the left and Red Robin the right "Alright then, everyone in position?" Batman asks and Renegade peeks inside "It's a madhouse in there, no wonder the alarm was set off" he says and Robin nods "The police is going to give us backup" he says looking at Gordon "Get inside and meet up in the basement where all the sane people are hiding" Batman says, but Black Swan comments dryly "We're not exactly sane either bats, be honest, who in their right minds would go and try to fix this?" "The police" Batgirl says with a chuckles "I like her" she adds and they hear glass shattering from the back "And we're in" Renegade says. Inside it's a complete chaos and it's harder to navigate then they thought it would be "Ugh these guys are like zombies, no wonder the place is locked down" Robin says and Batman says "Renegade, you two are awfully quiet" "They're stuck Batsy and about to drown too" Joker says and Batman says dryly "Yeah, good luck with drowning them" "You're not worried about them?" Joker asks and Robin says "No not really".

Renegade sighs and asks "Got any trick up your sleeve?" "Plenty" Swan says and she says "But let's just wait, unless you don't want to surprise the clown" "You two! It looks like Batman isn't coming to rescue you" Joker says opening the door and Renegade looks at his sister "Do it" he says and Swan smirks as she finishes freeing her arms and she uses water to keep herself floating "You're going down" she says and water pushes the clown into the water just as Renegade frees himself landing on Swan's platform of water and they leave the room "Permission to flood the place" Batman says and Batgirl says "Just get Renegade out first", Renegade leaves and Swan says "Alright then", she hears the clown says something along the lines of 'You'll regret this', but before he can complain more the place starts flooding.

The group meets up again and Batman says "Everyone should be back to normal soon" "That's a nice new addition you have Batman" Gordon says walking over "It's just a surprise you're letting someone with superpowers join" he adds and Renegade says "She's not going to use it as much as you think, right?" "Right" Black Swan says and she hides a yawns "I'll take her with me" Red Robin says and he leaves with the girl, Red Hood and Batgirl already left and Robin was stuck waiting for Batman to finish.

Back at the manor Lia manages to sneak into the room and into bed right before Lea wakes up "Ugh" she mumbles and looks at her sisters to see them both in bed asleep "Miss Leana, is something wrong?" Alfred asks opening the door slightly "It's nothing Alfred, just a nightmare" Lea says and the butler leaves. The next morning Dick and Lia are both looking terribly tired "Hey Lia, clue who could have joined Batman?" Luana asks, but the girl shakes her head "No I don't, we don't even know who Batman is" she says and hides another yawn "Come on you two sleepyheads, that's what you get for working on your homework until late at night" Jason says and the three head off with Alfred "Nanny, do you know what she's up too?" Luana says, but the woman says "No I don't" "That helps" Lea mumbles with a sigh "I better get going, the book store isn't going to unpack those boxes itself" she says and Bruce hands her her lunch.

Barbara is waiting for the three and Lia hugs her tiredly "I'm bringing my homework next time" she says and Barbara ask "Didn't you finish it?" "I did, in the car" Lia says and Dick says "Let's go, this afternoon is gonna be the best!", he pulls the girl along and Barbara crosses her arms with a smile "Those two get along better then they know" "Just like you two" Bruce says and Jason asks "They forgot their lunch didn't they?" "Yes they did" Bruce says handing Jason two lunchboxes "Don't forget to take them to the mountain after school, everyone's been eager to meet them" "Noted" Barbara says and she adds "We better go, see ya Bruce", they run off so they won't be late wondering what the day would bring, probably a lot of fun since they know when they arrive the other would be in the middle of sparring "Wonder if Kaldur and Lia get along" Barbara says and Jason says "Probably".

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