Sleeping Poppy part 4

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While Branch was looking for the other strings back in Pop Village Poppy was having a hard time staying alive and started to gasp and choke in her sleep, her friends were all starting to panic and started doing chest compressions.

"Come on Poppy stay alive, you can do it Darling." Queen Essence said as she pushed on Poppy's chest as hard as she could while she had tears in her eyes. "Please don't die Poppy, we all need you, the pop trolls need you...Branch needs you." Trollex said as he put his ear on her chest to listen to heartbeat which was dangerously slow, tears started to form in his eyes.

"I know Branch is doing his best to retrieve all the strings but I hope he comes back soon because Poppy's not doing so good." King Quincy said to Barb who was pacing back and forth while she bit her fingernails with a panicked expression. "He needs to hurry back, time is running out and pretty soon the pop trolls won't have a queen anymore and my best friend will be gone forever!!!" She said as her voice started to crack and tears started to run down her face, Delta wrapped her arms around her and let her cry in her chest tears started swell in her eyes too and she looked back at the sleeping queen who was still having trouble breathing. "Please hurry back Branch." She said in her mind.

Meanwhile in the dungeon Lavender was smirking and laughing evilly as she heard about Poppy slowly dying, her plan was working she didn't care that Branch didn't like her but one way or another he will be hers and she will be the new Queen of pop whether the trolls liked it or not. Darnell and Cooper glared at her because they knew what she was thinking.

"We know what you're thinking and you won't get away with it you sorry excuse for a pop troll!!!" Darnell said as he screamed in her face which was a bit of a shock since he was usually calm and chill. "How could you do this to your queen!!!? My best friend and adoptive sister?!!! SHE NEVER DID ANYTHING TO YOU!!!!" Cooper yelled angrily as tears started to fall down his face, he couldn't believe it his best friend and sister for so many years was slowly losing her life all thanks to this witch Darnell embraced his brother in a hug and patted his back.

"Awww boohoo so sad, everyone is acting like a bunch of crybabies including you two, when I become Queen my first decree is to banish all of the pink trolls and the trolls who love Poppy and Branch will soon be mine." Lavender said as she cackled evilly, Darnell and Cooper glared at her so hard it seemed completely out of character for them. How dare this narcissist think she will become Queen?!

"First of all narcissist you won't become Queen because we will make sure you won't ever be allowed in Pop Village ever again and second if you do become Queen then you'll have banish all the trolls in the world including Branch because he loves Poppy too so you won't be able to rule anybody and won't have a king to rule beside you!!!! Are you really that DUMB?!!!!" Cooper said angrily it shocked his brother to hear him talking like that but he understood where he was coming from, Poppy was their friend and His brother's adoptive sister for years and he knew what it was like to lose a loved one for so long.

Meanwhile Branch just retrieved the Country and funk strings, all was left was the rock, classical and pop strings and something in his mind told him that Poppy was having trouble staying alive he needed to hurry before the love of his life will be gone forever. "Please stay strong my love I will be back soon...I can't loose you too, you mean more to me than anything else in this world." He said as tears started swell in his eyes and silently cried, even if he did hurry back it would probably be too late. Why does everyone he loves always gotta leave him forever alone with an aching heart?

Sheila noticed him crying and tried to cheer him up. "Please don't cry Branch, everything will be okay. Just you wait and see, you will save Poppy I just know it this is exactly what that Lavender troll wants you to feel so don't give her the benefit." She said with a sincere smile and handed him a tissue, he took it and wiped his eyes then blew his nose he knew she was right so he put on a brave face and pushed the negative thoughts away.

"Thanks Sheila you're right." He said smiling and in his mind he imagined him and Poppy on a date holding hands while the song I could fall in love by Selena played in the background, they were eating spaghetti and vegan meatballs when all of a sudden their noses booped as they were slurping the same noodle and Poppy looked away shyly and Branch smiled lovingly at her.

Next they were at a carnival and were eating some pink and blue cotton candy, Branch had the pink and Poppy had the blue. They were winning tons of games and prizes, Branch showed off his strength in the test your strength game which made Poppy blush and giggle while she felt his muscles.

And lastly they were on the Ferris wheel as it came to a stop when they were on the top and fireworks were lighting up the night sky as they looked at each other, the fireworks reflected in Poppy's beautiful pink diamond eyes and Branch's gorgeous turquoise eyes. They started to lean their faces closer together as their eyes started to close until their lips touched, Branch wrapped his hands around her waist and her arms wrapped around his neck.

Branch snapped out of his daydream with a small smile on his face, as soon as he saves Poppy he was going to declare his love for her and make that daydream a reality and maybe even....propose to her. Nothing or nobody was going to stop him from being with his true love, "Hold on Poppy I'm coming." He said in his mind with confidence.

And that's all for now I hope you like it and Part 5 will be here soon also the song "I could fall in love." Does not belong to me it belongs to the late singer Selena who was always a beautiful Angel.


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