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Here's your request MagalyOjeda8, sorry I didn't update it yesterday but Wattpad was being stupid and it wouldn't let me comment on anything. Branch was nervous, like beyond nervous. He was going to ask Poppy to be his date to his little sister's and her Acappella group. Sure he was proud of Twig but he was nervous about asking Poppy to go with him but he took a deep breath and gained courage and walked into her pod. "Hey Poppy." Branch said. "Oh hey Branch." Poppy said with a smile on her beautiful face. "So as you know my sister's concert is tonight and I was wondering if you would go with me." Branch said blushing and fiddling with his fingers. "You mean like a date?" Poppy asked with a heavy blush on her face. Branch blushed more when she said date. "Uh yeah sure unless you don't want it to be like that." Branch said almost stuttering. "I actually don't mind if it's a date, I do want it to be one." Poppy said as she nervously shuffled her feet on the carpet. "You do?" Branch asked surprised by her answer. "Yeah. I was actually going to ask you first." Poppy said looking at him with a smile. "Well Okay. I'll pick you up at six. Is that good?" Branch asked hopefully. "That's perfect. See you until then." Poppy said and kissed his cheek which caused his face to set on fire as his eyes widened. "Okay, see you later." He said as he walked out of the pod still in shock. Once he was out of the pod and far away from it he did a happy but goofy dance saying yes over and over again. A few trolls were looking at him in confusion but just decided to ignore it and continue to go about their day. 3 hours later. Branch was dressed in a nice green shirt and kaki pants. He grabbed some roses and went to Poppy's pod. He went in the pod and saw her wearing a pretty yellow dress and headband with white roses. "Wow Poppy you look beautiful but then again you're always beautiful." Branch said and handed her the roses. "Thank you Branch. You look handsome but you're always handsome." Poppy said and put the roses in a white vase, once she was done they both went to the concert. They found reserved seats courtesy of Twig, they both sat down unaware that they were holding each other's hands. Twig and her group came out all wearing sparkly black outfits. A few songs later, they sang a romantic song because it was their plan to make Poppy and Branch kiss.

Poppy and Branch looked at each other and started to lean in until they kissed. Twig smiled because her plan worked and continued to sing for the night. Okay bestie here's your request. I gotta go now because I'm at The Ale House and they don't have any outlets. Bye

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