Circus of love part 2

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Poppy was in her dressing room and was sitting on her vanity, she looked at her reflection with a sad frown and sighed. "They'll never know the truth...that I'm a ghost and that I'll never move on to the afterlife." She said sadly and took out a photo of herself when she was younger wearing a top hat and a blue dress with an older orange troll with pink hair and a big bushy mustache dressed as a ringmaster...her father, she wanted more than anything to see him again. Her poor father probably didn't know that his precious daughter was dead and still wandering the earth. She was startled when she heard a knock on her door and tried to hide her ghostly glow. "Come In." She said. Her door opened to reveal Branch the clown. "Oh hello Branch." Poppy said nervously. "U-Uhh hey." Branch said shyly. "Is there something you wanted to talk about?" Poppy said. "Uhh well, I just thought since we're going to be working together we might get to know each other better." Branch said hoping she would say yes. "Oh yeah sure, come on in." Poppy said. Branch closed the door and sat on a chair that was next to the vanity and faced Poppy. She was so beautiful and sweet, he just couldn't get her off his mind and he didn't want to either. "So What do you wanna know?" Poppy asked. "Everything. Like what got you in circus business?" Branch asked her. "Well my family has been in circus business for generations, I guess you could say that it's tradition." Poppy answered. "Really?" Branch asked. "Mhmm." Poppy said. So for the next few hours they talked and got to know each other and laughed. Poppy thought that Branch was really cute but it would be nice if she saw him without the makeup, luckily for her Branch read her mind and took out a hanky and wiped the makeup off. After when the makeup was gone Branch revealed his face and he was so handsome. Poppy felt herself blushing, she already knew that he was cute but she didn't know that he was a looker but she didn't care about looks. "What time is it?" Branch asked, Poppy looked at the clock and it said 7:30 PM. "Wow we must have been talking for a long time." She said. "Yeah." Branch laughed. "You know Branch, I was actually going to go and have dinner. Would you like to join me?" Poppy asked blushing. Branch was blushing up a storm. She wanted to have dinner with him?Alone?like a date? "You mean like a date?" He blurted out and he immediately regretted saying that. "Umm if you want to call it that then yeah." Poppy said chuckling nervously. "Sure I would love to, just let me get rid of some of this get up and I'll be out." Branch answered. Poppy looked at her own clothes and agreed with him. "Yeah, I'll do that too." Poppy said. Branch and Poppy nodded at each other and Branch exited her room with a dreamy sigh...still there was no way that she was finding out...that he was a ghost.(pretty much the whole crew are ghosts but no one else knows that about each other except for Satin and Chenille obviously.) He floated to his dressing room, unknown to him the rest of the crew watched him with their jaws dropped. He was a ghost too?! And he was leaving Miss Poppy's dressing room? What was going on? But they didn't think much of it as they as their faces all formed mischievous smirks. They were going to get Branch and Poppy together if it was the last thing they did. After Poppy and Branch were ready they headed to the restaurant and had dinner, they talked and laughed and were starting to fall in love with each other but they didn't know it yet.  After dinner they headed back to the circus tent and decided that it was pretty late and get ready for bed. "I had a really great time Branch." Poppy said blushing. Branch was blushing too and chuckled while he rubbed the back of his neck. "You're Welcome Poppy, I had a really great time too." He said. Poppy quickly kissed his cheek which shocked him and made him blush(can ghosts even blush?) "Uhh we should do it again sometime." She said. "Yeah sure." Branch said. "Goodnight Branch." Poppy said. "Goodnight Poppy." Branch said. Poppy opened her door and closed it as she sighed dreamily. On the other side Branch sighed too as he had a thousand thoughts running through his mind, he turned around and was shocked when he was face to face with the rest of the crew with smirks on their faces and had their hands on their hips with raised eyebrows."Uhh how long have you guys been standing there?" He asked. "Ever since you left Miss Poppy's dressing room earlier." Guy Diamond said, Branch's jaw dropped when he said that. If they've been standing there since earlier then that means they know his secret!!!! "And just In case you're wondering, we know you're a ghost." DJ Suki said. Branch was sweating nervously as he bit his lip. "But that's okay because so am I!!!" The crew said all together but after that they all looked at each other dumbfounded. "Wait you're ghosts too!!?" They all said together including Branch but they all shook it off. "Look that doesn't matter right now, what matters is you have a crush on Miss Poppy don't you Branch?" Guy Diamond said slyly, Branch glared at him with a blush on his face. "No I don't!!" He denied, the crew all shook their heads because they knew he was denying it. "Go ahead and deny all you want Branch but just you wait because by tomorrow night we'll have you and Poppy together." Guy Diamond said sassily, Branch looked at all of them as if they were crazy. "Yeah okay, go ahead I'd like to see you all try." He said as he was walking to his room. "You mark our words Branch, You and Poppy will be together!!!! YOU WILL!!!!!" Guy Diamond yelled. "Goodnight Guys." Branch said as he closed his door. The crew gathered around in a circle and started to think of ways to get those two together.

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