Twover babies

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Okay this is another Twover one shot for my bestie MagalyOjeda8  but be warned bestie because this one might be short. Okay on to the show. It's been months since Twig's been pregnant and she was dew any day now. Branch still threatened Clover to be a good father to the child and a good husband to Twig which made Poppy have to pull his ear for threatening her brother although she did threaten Clover too. Spencer offered to show Twig and Clover the gender reveal but they wanted it to be a surprise. Tiffany helped Twig with breathing instructions for when the baby came. Twig and Clover were sleeping in their bedroom one night when suddenly Twig started to feel pain. She woke up screaming, her screaming woke up Clover who became worried for his wife. "Clover I think the baby is coming!! Call Spencer and everyone else!" Twig said in between breaths. Clover nodded and did what he was told. Twig and Clover got dressed and hurried towards the hospital where Spencer and everyone else were waiting for them. Spencer brought her a wheelchair and hurried her towards a room. She got out of her clothes and got into a patient's robe and laid down on the bed. Spencer came in with a nurse that had orange skin and green hair with blue eyes. "Okay Twig start pushing and try to breathe." Spencer said. Twig started pushing and let out a loud scream. "Keep pushing, I can see the head!" Spencer said. Twig let out one more loud scream as the baby came out. "It's a boy." Spencer said as he looked at the baby. He had his mother's blue hair and eyes but had his Father's pink skin and nose. The nurse wrapped the baby in a blue blanket and gave him to his mother. Twig looked at the baby with a happy smile as he slept in her arms. The happy moment was cut short when she felt another pain and realized she wasn't done yet. The nurse took the baby to be cleaned as another nurse came in...well she wasn't a nurse. It was Doctor Plum Plimsy. "Sis, What are you doing here?" Spencer said shocked. "Hey we had a deal that if the troll who had twins of different Genders you would deliver the boy and I would deliver the girl." She said annoyed with her brother. "Ugh fine." Spencer said annoyed at his sister. "Okay Twig breathe and push, I can see the head." Doctor Plum said with a smile. Twig let out a loud scream and pushed as the other baby came out. "Just as I knew, it's a girl." Plum said with a smile and handed her to Spencer who wrapped her in a pink blanket. She had her father's pink eyes and hair but had her mother's blue skin and purple nose. Spencer gave her to Twig. Twig looked at her with a tired smile. She couldn't believe that she just gave birth to two beautiful children. Doctor Plum took the baby to be cleaned and to join her brother. They heard a knock on the door and Spencer opened it to reveal his wife and their and Twig's family and friends. "Little Sister!!! I'm so proud of you!" Branch said as he and Poppy gave her a warm hug. "Yeah Twig congratulations." Poppy said as she continued to hug her sister in law. "So where is the new cutie?" Tiffany said Ready to see her new baby cousin. "I think you mean cuties my love." Spencer said as he wrapped an arm around her. "WHAT?!!!" Everyone except for Twig and Spencer said. "Yup it's true, I gave birth to a handsome boy and a beautiful girl." Twig said with a smile. "OH MY GOSH I GET A NEPHEW AND A NIECE ON THE SAME DAY?!!!!!" Branch said with a big smile and gave his sister a big hug. "Uh Branch I think we should leave her to get some rest." Poppy said to her husband as she looked at her sleepy sister in law. "Oh sure." Branch said. "Wait, I have names for the babies. I was thinking Sticks for the boy and Sage for the girl. What do you guys think?" Twig said almost dozing off. Everyone smiled at the names and nodded. "They're perfect names." Clover said and kissed his wife's forehead as she fell asleep. Branch kissed her forehead as well. "Sleep well sis." Branch whispered and left the room with everyone else. They went to go see the babies and saw the ones that said Sage and Sticks. "Aww Little brother, Sticks looks just like you except he's got Twig's eyes and hair." Poppy said smiling at her new nephew. "Yeah and Sage looks like Twig but has Clover's eyes and hair." Branch said smiling at his new niece. "They're both adorable, congratulations little brother to you and Twig." Poppy said and gave her brother a hug. Branch was so proud of his sister and her husband and when she leaves the hospital him and Poppy are going to throw the biggest party for them. Okay bestie here it is, I hope you like it. Anyway ciao.

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