The Tale Of The Pink Ghost part 1

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Don't think that this is going to be based off of Are You Afraid Of The Dark because of it's name because it's not, just because every episode is called The Tale Of [x] doesn't mean I was inspired by that show to write this one shot...Okay maybe a little XD

It was the night before Halloween and Branch with a group of his close friends...and Creek for some reason decided to go to a haunted house but little did each of them know that this would be a night neither one of them will forget.

"Why are we wasting our time going into a stupid haunted house?" Branch said questionably, his friends all rolled their eyes at his response because he was always such a Debbie downer. "I actually agree with Branch. Why are we here again?" Delta said as she put her hands on her hips.

"It's the last night before Halloween and we all know we're going to a costume party tomorrow so we decided why not give the local haunted house a try?" Barb said smiling as she had her arm around Riff who also had an arm around her. "Yo I heard it's actually haunted." Darnell said as he eyed the haunted house with uncertainty. "What?" Branch said sarcastically because he didn't believe it, Creek smirked evilly at him and decided to piss him off.

"Oh yes it's true Branch. Haven't you ever heard The Tale Of The Pink Ghost?"Creek said as he stared at the delicious glare Branch threw towards him. "No you Creep I've never heard of that story before because it's not real!" Branch said crossing his arms and looked away from the creep. "Oh but it is Branch in fact it was all over the news." Creek said because he just loved getting on Branch's nerves.

"As much as I hate to agree with Creek it's actually true Branch, it all happened last year." Trollex said upset since him and his girlfriend grew up with the girl the story was about. Maya had to hold back tears as she remembered what happened to her friend. "And why do you agree with him Trollex?" Branch said glaring at the blue techno troll and was unaware of that the sad looks the couple had, Maya glared at him tired of his attitude.

"Because Me and Trollex knew Poppy Kendrick the pink ghost!!! She was our childhood friend and she was a beauty queen every time she won a pageant she would donate the money to charity she was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside and when we found out she was killed we were absolutely devastated!!!" Maya said as she broke down in tears as she recalled all the memories of her pink friend, Trollex being the loving supportive boyfriend he is gave her a hug and rubbed her back as she cried in his chest.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I had no idea guys that was totally insensitive of me."Branch said feeling bad about his behavior and snapping at the upset couple. "May I ask what was she like?" He said with a little smile. "She was beautiful and kind, she was a beautiful singer and dancer. She loved creatures of all kinds and she would always visit hospitals to go cheer up the sick and injured patients no matter what age they were but all the other beauty pageant contestants were jealous of her because she was more beautiful than them and because she would always win and they didn't like that she would always donate the money because they were selfish, greedy and rude." Trollex said as he glared at the thought of those other contestants, he didn't care if they came up to him and Maya to apologize he would never forgive them for what they've done to their friend.

"And that's when they decided they have had enough, so that's when they came up with a plan to eliminate her...permanently."Maya said as she was on the verge of bursting into tears again that Trollex had to hold her tightly.

"So what happened?" Branch asked curious about what happened next, he knew his friends probably didn't want to continue the story but he really wanted to know what happened to the girl.

"One night she was home by herself because her dad was on a business trip to California so she was watching movies and the other girls were outside her house with wood, nails, gasoline, scissors and matches." Trollex said as he remembered the awful and gruesome memory of his friend being burned to death.

"No way!!!" Barb said shocked, she didn't need to be told about what happened next because she already knew where this was headed. How could anybody murder an innocent troll like that?

"So after they barricaded the doors and windows and cut the WiFi and landline they poured the gasoline all over the house and lit the match the house was officially on fire."Maya said in horror and anger. How dare those girls do that to sweet Poppy? Ever since she was killed Maya felt like a part of her died.

"Poppy smelt smoke coming from somewhere so she went to go check to see if she left anything on or plugged in but she didn't find anything although she still smelled smoke and that's when she saw fire coming from all over the house so she ran to the door to escape but it wouldn't budge so she tried the window but it didn't open either so she tried calling the fire department but there wasn't a signal and her landline was cut so she tried screaming for help but the neighbors didn't hear her." Trollex said all at once while he was struggling to hold back his tears but he was sadly failing so Maya had to hug him to comfort him. All of Their friends...except Creek looked at them in shock and sadness none of them knew that they were going through so much pain.

"Poppy heard evil laughter coming from outside and knew that the other contestants were behind it so she tried to break the door down but the wood was strong and she burned to death saying she will get her revenge on those girls. The police and fire station were called and the girls were all arrested for what they did and their parents were very angry and disappointed in them but Poppy's poor father got a phone call and told him what happened and that his daughter got burned to death." Maya said taking over the story telling while she was still comforting Trollex. Everyone was crying from the sad and tragic story...except for Creek that is because he was too busy laughing his stupid ugly ass off!!!

"Oh my gosh that has got to be the funniest made up story I've ever heard!!!" Creek said clutching his stomach from how hard he was laughing. Everyone glared at him and balled their fists. "THAT IS NOT FUNNY YOU JERK?!!! GOD WHY DO WE EVEN HANG OUT WITH YOU NONE OF US CAN STAND YOU!!!!" Branch yelled at the top of his lungs and beckoned his friends to follow him and just leave the creep behind.

They walked towards the entrance still mad but that went away because they decided not to listen to that jerk, they saw a big group of other trolls of all ages including an all orange troll who must of been the tour guide and her name tag read "Tug Deluth" and another troll on the left sitting on a stool dressed as a security guard. He had grey orange skin and pink grey hair with grey streaks which meant he was miserable and depressed, Maya and Trollex recognized him immediately but decided not to say anything. He looked at all of them with a miserable glare on his face which made them all feel unsettled.

"Who's that?" Branch asked eyeing the older troll, everyone all shrugged because they have never seen him before. "Who knows? He's probably just someone they hired to be the security guard in case something happens." DJ Suki said as they joined the whole group. After they heard the tour guide explaining the rules annoyingly they all went inside the house unaware of the pink presence spying on them wondering why they were in her resting place.

That's all for today folks but I while update again and get to the good parts but for now stay safe. Ciao.

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