Secret lovers Part 1.

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It was a beautiful day in Troll Village and the SnackPack were all taking a stroll...all except Poppy because she had Princess duties to attend to.

"It's such a beautiful day it's such a shame Poppy has Princess duties." DJ Suki said admiring the beautiful day her friends nodding in agreement also a little bummed their princess friend couldn't be out with them but hey when you're royalty life has other plans for you.

"Friends minimize your auras and picture Poppy with us." Creek said even though we hate his stupid guts and oh god I HATE HIM I HATE HIM AND STUPID SMUG FACE AND HIS STUPID ANNOYING VOICE!!!!(No offense Russell Brand) anyway back to the important stuff.

The pack rolled their eyes in annoyance at Creek's talk about minimizing their auras and all thought at the same time just wondering why the heck did they hang out with him until they came across a certain bunker they didn't know they were crossing.

"Uh oh this is Branch's bunker, if he sees us here he's going to be mad." Biggie said as he started to sweat nervously the pack agreed with him and started backing away slowly until they heard humming and looked to see what was going on and what they saw shocked them to their very core.

They saw Branch tending to a rose bush but it wasn't just any regular rose bush it was a bush of beautiful sparkly and glowing light pink roses.(the roses from A Flower For Poppy.) this wasn't the only thing that shocked them, they noticed that he seemed to be in a love struck daze and picked a rose to sniff it.

"I can't believe We're going on our first date tonight, a date with the troll of my dreams. My beautiful pink troll who's name starts with a P." He said with a smile and looked at the rose lovingly and held it close to his heart, this shocked the pack even more. Branch was in love?!

They all backed away slowly but froze when one of them stepped on a twig and knowing that Branch had the best hearing out of all the trolls heard it from a mile away and turned his head with a glare on his face but changed his facial expression when he saw nothing and turned his attention back to the rose with a loving smile and kissed it. "I can't wait my beautiful flower." He whispered quietly to himself in case anyone was around.

The SnackPack bolted out of there as quick as lightning eager to get out of there before Branch sees them, they couldn't believe it Branch was in love with a pink troll who's name starts with a P. "I can't believe Branch the village grump is in love with a pink troll who's name starts with a P." Smidge said with wide eyes.

"We gotta tell Poppy!!!" Guy Diamond sang in his auto tune voice, they all nodded in agreement except for Creek because he had a feeling something was up. "Guys I was thinking, maybe Poppy is the pink troll who's name starts with a P." He said honestly, the pack looked at him dumbfounded and started to laugh.

"That's a good one Creek We thought you were serious there for a moment." Cooper said wiping a tear from his eye from how hard he was laughing, Creek glared at them and rolled his eyes because they never took him seriously because he was an idiot and we all hate him so much but what if he was right about this situation?

"I am serious." Creek said deepening his glare, they all looked at him like he was crazy or was from a different planet or species. "Seriously? Poppy and Branch dating each other and kissing each other?" Satin said with sass. "They're always at each other's throats they can't stand each other, and besides it doesn't make sense." Chenille finished the sentence with an equal amount of sass.

"She's happy, he's grumpy." DJ said.

"She's pink, he's grey." Guy Diamond said.

"He's a boy, She's a girl." Cooper said, his friends looking at him with a "really?" Look.

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