The Demon and The Angel Part 1

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This is an AU where Branch is a demon and Poppy is an Angel and Heaven and Hell are at war with each other but Poppy and Branch meet each other and form a forbidden love and Poppy is God's daughter(Peppy) and Branch is Satan's son(Thrash) I hope you all enjoy it.

Once upon a time there were two kingdoms who feuded with each other, one was the kingdom of Heaven. Heaven was a beautiful place where good people go when they pass away and it was ruled by King Peppy better known as God, he was an orange troll with pink hair and he had a beautiful daughter named Poppy who was an all pink troll with glitter freckles.

The other kingdom was the kingdom of Hell where bad people go when they pass away. Hell was a very hot place and it was ruled by King Thrash better known as Satan but he wasn't always a devil he was actually an angel but he wasn't a good one so he was thrown out of Heaven for all of the evil he did and eventually became ruler of hell. He had two children, the oldest was a son named Branch who was a handsome all blue troll with a purple nose. Branch was nothing like his family he was good and kind hearted but because of this he was considered a misfit along with his younger cousin Tiffany Sunshine who was also a kind hearted demon who was secretly in love with an angel named Spencer. And the younger one was a daughter named Barb who was a purple troll with a red Mohawk and she was a lot like her father.

"So father when are we going to take out those pathetic angels?" Barb said grinning evilly while rubbing her hands together.

"Would you please shut up? Honestly when have the angels ever done anything bad to us? If everyone here weren't such evil jerks then we wouldn't have to go to war with them all the time, why can't we just get along with them?" Tiffany Sunshine snapped at her cousin, Tiffany was a beautiful light pink troll with pretty silky soft lavender hair and eyeshadow with gorgeous blue eyes like her cousin Branch's.

"I agree with Tiffany! Why do we go to war with them? They're really nice and it's not their fault that Dad got thrown out of Heaven because he was an evil angel!!!" Branch said angrily glaring at his sister.

"Be quiet you misfits! Tiffany you're always singing soft rock songs as if you're an angel yourself and it's disgusting and Branch your always spouting some stupid gross poetry!!!" Barb yelled glaring at her brother and cousin.

"SILENCE ALL OF YOU!!!!" Thrash yelled pounding his fist against his throne. "Barb is right You two! When are you two going to start acting like demons and stop acting like you're angels!?" Thrash yelled at his son and niece.

"Like that will ever happen." Branch mumbled under his breath. "It's not like we were asked to be born in this place." Tiffany said under her breath.

"Come on Tiff lets get out of here." Branch said as he took his cousin's hand and flew out of Hell to go to Earth.

Meanwhile in Heaven Princess Poppy was looking down on Earth and sighed dreamily. "I wish I could go down there and see all of the beauty and maybe make some new friends like the mermaids, Centaurs and fairies, I bet they're really nice. But no I have to stay here and Prepare for the battle against the demons which I didn't sign up for. Why do we always have to go to battle with them why can't we just get along?" Poppy said disappointed. She looked around to see if someone was watching her then looked back down at Earth. "I don't think Dad will mind if I go down there for a little while." She said and flew down to Earth.

On Earth Branch and Tiffany were exploring and taking a look at all of it's beauty, there was grass, trees flowers of every color and cute critters of all kind.

"Wow this place is so beautiful, I wish we could live here instead of that oven we call home." Branch said and took out his notebook from his hair and started writing poetry about Earth and it's beauty.

Tiffany was walking around and admired all of the scenery until she heard a whimper and looked down to see a Fox with a broken leg. The fox noticed Tiffany and looked up at her with sad puppy eyes.

"Oh you poor thing you're hurt, here I'll help you." Tiffany said and bent down and put her hands on Fox's leg and used her powers to heal it. Once her leg was healed she got up and looked up at Tiffany with thankful eyes and yipped a thank you. "You're welcome." Tiffany said with a sweet smile.

The Fox left for a minute and came back with a pink hibiscus flower in her mouth. "For me?" Tiffany asked surprised the Fox nodded yes and gave her the flower. Tiffany smiled and took the flower and put it in her hair. "Thank you so much. I'll call you Flower." Tiffany said. Flower yipped excited and went on her way. "Bye Flower!" Tiffany said as she waved goodbye.

Poppy was finally on Earth and she was so excited about it so she went to look around, she was amazed by all of the beautiful scenery and the adorable animals. She saw foxes, birds, bunnies, dears and more.

She noticed a Fox pouncing in a field of yellow flowers and awed at the adorable scene. "Awww how cute." She said as she put her hands on her cheeks. "Hello?" She heard a male voice say. "Is anybody there?" The voice said again as it got closer until she saw a handsome blue troll wearing a black vest and black pants with demon wings and horns carrying what looked like a notebook and a pencil.

Branch stopped walking once he saw the beautiful pink troll, she was wearing a white dress and a flower crown made of white roses and she also had a golden halo above her head and she had big beautiful white angel wings.

They were just staring at each other completely awestruck and breathless, their eyes glowing in amazement.

"Who are you?" They said at the same time.

And that's all for today, I'm sorry that this took a while to make but I had my reasons also Tomorrow is New Year's Eve so Happy New Year's.

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