Night club

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This is an au where Grandma Rosiepuff doesn't die but Branch is still a depressed troll so his friends Guy Diamond, Cooper, Biggie and Fuzzbert take him to a night club to cheer him up. It was a beautiful night and what better way to waste it than going to a freakin' night club? Branch's friends took him out to cheer him up because he was always so depressed. They were all in Guy Diamond's red convertible singing along to songs on the radio except for Branch. Eight minutes later they were at the night club and Guy Diamond walked up to the valet who was a purple troll with blue and green hair named Creek. "Creek my good man, do me a favor and park her in my reserved spot and make it snappy." Guy Diamond said handing Creek the keys which the purple troll took and walked to the car while mumbling something under his breath."They don't pay me enough to do this job." He said and went to park the car. The five trolls walked in the club and saw everyone dancing to the deafening loud music or at the bar getting completely wasted. "Tell me again why we're wasting our time here?!" Branch said irritated. "Because my friend you are depressed." Guy Diamond said obviously. "Gee thanks Guy Tell me something I don't know!" Branch said sassily. "What Guy is trying to say Branch is that you are so depressed all the time and we took you here to cheer you up." Biggie said."Well thanks guys but I don't think I belong here but I'll stay just for you guys." Branch said feeling guilty for complaining. "That's the spirit Branch, besides there are a lot cute ladies here maybe one of them will catch your eye?" Cooper said. "I doubt it but let's just go and enjoy ourselves because we look stupid just standing here!" Branch said and pushed his friends to the bar where their friend Aspen Heitz was the bartender. "Aspen!!" Guy Diamond said which caught the orange troll's attention and smiled at seeing his friends. "Hey guys!! What's up?" He said grabbing five glasses. "We wanted to cheer Branch up so we brought him here, maybe find some cutie." Guy Diamond. "Well that won't be hard because Branch is the most good looking troll in town and finding him a honey will be a breeze." Aspen said smirking and handed them their drinks which were just plain sodas because they didn't drink. "The usual because I know you guys don't drink." Aspen said. "Thanks Aspen. Keep the change." Guy said and gave Aspen five twenty dollar bills and went to the stage. "Alright all you lucky trolls out there give it up for our next singer who is also my best friend, the beautiful Miss Poppy Kendrickkkkkk!!!!" A red Troll with orange hair and a pair of headphones said. The five boys sat at their table and waited for the female to come out. The drapes were pulled and out came the most hottest troll Branch has ever seen. She had light pink skin, dark pink hair with pretty bangs, hot pink eyes and nose and adorable glitter freckles. She was wearing a short black dress that ended above her knees and by the looks of it looked a little too tight because her big breasts looked like they were about to pop out. She was also wearing black shoes and a black headband, she also wore thin red lip stick and thick eyeshadow. She was absolutely gorgeous but Branch could have sworn that he's met her before. "Wow she's a real hottie, eh Branch?" Guy Diamond said smirking and elbowing Branch. Branch just stared at her and admired her beauty and sighed with a smile on his face. "Okay everyone I'm going to sing a very special song but I'm going to need a partner. So which one of you guys want to come and sing with lil, ol me?" Poppy said winking flirtatiously at everyone. "Excuse me! I know someone who would love to sing with you Miss Kendrick." Guy Diamond said raising his hand. "And who would that be Mr Diamond?" Poppy said curiously. Guy Diamond pulled Branch by the arm and out of the booth while still wearing his goofy love struck smile. "This handsome lad right here." Guy Diamond said which caught Branch out of his daze. "Wait what?" He said. "Alright come up here cutie." Poppy said winking at him. He nervously walked up the stage and looked at her while fidgeting with his fingers. "And What's you're name handsome?" Poppy asked. "Branch Timberlake ma'am." Branch said nervously. "Alright Branch, we're going to sing a song together. You up for it?" Poppy said. Branch took a deep breath and gained confidence. "Yes ma'am." He said. "Ha Okay Sweetie you can stop calling me that and just call me Poppy." Poppy said politely. "Okay Poppy." Branch said. "Alright 1...2...3!" Poppy shouted.

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