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Hey everyone, once again this is a Broppy/Twover request for MagalyOjeda8 but don't worry because after this chapter I will do everyone else's. It was a beautiful day in Troll Village and Branch and Twig were spending the day together because today was Siblings Day. It was a very special day because every troll who had a sibling was spending it together and it was very special to Branch and Twig because they were so close. They spend a really fun day together doing things like old hide and seek games they used to do when they were little. They were at their favorite cafe and Branch was feeding her her food order which she was not amused. And after lunch they went to swim at the pond but When they were done swimming they got out and Twig was cold but Branch shared his towel with her. When they finished their fun day together they started walking home unaware that they were being followed by a strange figure. The stranger jumped in front of them surprising them both. The stranger grabbed Twig's arm and pulled her away from her brother but her brother grabbed her other arm and tried to pull her away from the stranger but the stranger knocked Branch out by hitting him on the head and took Twig away. The only thing Branch heard was "BRANCH HELP!!!" From his sister before his vision was completely engulfed by darkness. The next morning Branch woke up and saw that he was in Poppy's pod and laying in her bed. He blinked away blurriness in his eyes and sat up and turned his head to see Poppy sitting there next to him looking at him with a worried face. When Branch saw her he began panicking because he was in the troll of his dreams pod laying in her bed with her in the bed sitting next to him. "Branch calm down! Now what happened?" Poppy said grabbing his arms worriedly. "Yesterday me and Twig were spending Sibling Day together and after that we were walking home but someone was following us and he or she jumped out in front of us and grabbed Twig's arm to take her away but I grabbed her other arm to get her away from the stranger but they knocked me out and took her away!" Branch said sobbing. Poppy was shocked and started panicking because she knew how much Twig meant to Branch and Poppy was always like a big sister figure to Twig too but she took a deep breath and and wrapped her arms around Branch in a tight hug which he returned and buried his head on her shoulder. "It's Okay Branch we'll find her and save her. Because she's your sister and you love her... and I love you." Poppy said tearing up and buried her face in his soft beautiful sapphire hair. Branch raised his head to look her in the eyes. "You Love me?" He said shocked. "Yes." Poppy said looking down embarrassed while more tears formed in her eyes. Branch raised her chin so she can look at him again. He had a huge smile on his face. "I love you too Poppy." He said and kissed her lips. Poppy was shocked and blushed but she closed her eyes and returned the kiss. When they pulled away they smiled at each other and got up to go look for Twig. They looked all over the forest but there was no luck and were about to give up until they heard a scream. "That sounded like Twig!" Branch said. They both ran to the place where they heard the scream and saw Twig tied in rope being held by none other than CREEK. "LEAVE ME ALONE GET AWAY FROM ME CREEP!!!!" She yelled. "GET AWAY FROM MY BABY SISTER CREEP!!!" Branch shouted angrily. Creek turned around and smiled devilishly. "Well well if it isn't the grump and the Queen." Creek said and Grabbed Twig and pulled out a knife and held it to her throat. Tears ran down Twig's eyes and Poppy and Branch gasped in horror. "Branch Poppy please don't let him kill me!" Twig begged as more tears ran down her cheeks. "Don't worry little sis nothing is going to hurt you because I'm going to beat the crap out of Creek before he gets the chance!!!" Branch yelled assuring her. "Oooh I'm so scared. He won't do anything to me Twiggy and this is your last day alive." Creek said scaring Twig even more. This made Branch even more angry and he began to walk towards Creek. "Don't take another step I don't think you want your precious sister dead do you!" Creek said glaring at Branch and held the knife closer to Twig's neck. Branch stopped and bent down on his knees. "I have a deal for you." Creek said. Branch scowled at him more. "And What is that Creep?!" He said furiously. "You either breakup with Poppy, give her to me and crown me as king or don't do it and I'll kill your little sister and take Poppy myself!" Creek said smiling evilly. Branch glared at him even more, there was no way that he was going to let Creep take away the love of his life and become king and have her living miserably and there was certainly no way he was going to have the traitor kill his sister so not being able to take it anymore he stretched his hair and slapped Creek so hard he released Twig. Branch grabbed Twig quickly. "Quick Twig run!!!" Branch said. Twig ran as fast as she could into the bushes and hid. Branch and Poppy began to try to fight Creek off but he was too strong. He'd hurt Poppy and made her weak. Branch saw this and ran to her side. "Poppy!" He yelled and cradled her in his arms as tears formed in his eyes. Twig gasped quietly in horror and tears formed in her eyes too. She gasped again when she saw Creek walking towards Branch and made him weak as well. Branch groaned in pain and tried to stand but he couldn't. Twig was about to run until she saw that her brother about to get killed, she ran out the bushes. Just when Creek was about to stab Branch Twig blocked her brother from being killed and got stabbed instead. Branch saw this and gasped in horror as more tears ran down his face. Twig fell to the ground and was gasping for breath. Branch became furious and stood up with his health restored and threw himself at Creek and started to beat him up with everything he had until he wrapped his hair around Creek's throat and began to choke him to death while pinning him down. Creek gasped for air one last time before he closed his eyes lifeless. Branch let go and stood up and rushes to his sister quickly with tears in his eyes. Unknown to him Poppy regained her health and stood up to see that Twig is injured. Branch looks up at her and gasped when he saw her all better. Poppy bent down and sat next to Branch with tears in her eyes. "Poppy..." Branch said and wrapped his arms around her. "Branch we have to get her to the hospital quickly." Poppy said seriously. Branch broke the hug and nodded. Branch carried Twig in his arms as him and Poppy ran to the hospital quickly. They ran by Tiffany, Clover and Iris who looked at Twig and gasped in horror when they saw the state she was in and ran behind Poppy and Branch. When they all made it to the hospital they went to the desk. "We need a room quick! My sister has been stabbed!!!!" Branch yelled in tears. In an instant Spencer came running towards them. "Come with me!" He said ran to room number three with all of them following behind him. "Quick put her in the bed." Spencer said. Branch put Twig in the bed and looked at her in tears. Spencer came up to him and put an arm around him and gave him a box of tissues. "Don't worry Branch I'm going to make sure that today won't be her last day." He said giving Branch a reassuring smile. Branch wiped his eyes with a tissue. They all leave the patients room and go sit in the waiting room until Spencer gives them some news. Clover and Iris were both pacing back and forth while Tiffany was shaking like a leaf and Poppy was crying while hugging Branch. They all thought that Twig wouldn't make it. Pretty soon they all started crying. Three hours later Spencer came in and got their attention. They all turn their eyes towards them with looks of hope. Spencer had a smile on his face which made them all confused. "She's alive but she's going to have to stay here three days to fully recover." He said changing his smile to a serious face. They all jump and leap with joy but stopped when they saw everyone staring at them as if they were crazy. "Spencer can we go see her?" Tiffany said to her boyfriend. "Of course, follow me." Spencer said. They all followed him to room three but he said to wait just a second so they can surprise her. "Twig you got some visitors here to see you." He said and stepped aside so they can come in. Twig gasped when she saw her big brother, Poppy, Tiffany her cousin and her friends Clover and Iris. The second Branch saw her he ran to her and hugged her tightly and kissed her cheeks numerous times. Everyone smiled when they saw the siblings hug. Three days later Twig was fully healed up and was aloud to leave the hospital. Branch took her hand and began to walk home with her. When they were inside Branch led his sister to the kitchen and surprised her with a big lunch with her favorite snacks, food and desserts. She gasped and hugged her brother tightly which he returned. They both enjoy their nice lunch together. The next day Twig was at the library. Clover walked towards her. "Hey Twig?" He asked. "Yes Clover?" Twig said with a blushing face. "Can you meet me by the willow tree in the meadow in two hours?" Clover said. "Of course." Twig said excitedly. "Okay see you there and wear your best." Clover said and left. Twig was smiling ear to ear now and left the library squealing loud. She went home and ran in the bunker saw her brother with Poppy. They both noticed her and smiled sweetly. "Hi Twig." Poppy said. "Hi Poppy." Twig said excitedly. "Well you're all excited. What happened?" Branch said. "Clover asked me out on a date!" Twig said and jumped up and down. "Really?! Oh Twig I'm so happy for you!" Poppy said grabbing Twig's hands and jumped up and down with her. Branch rolled his eyes with a smile when he saw his two favorite girls jump up and down like excited kids on Christmas. "Well we have to get you ready so come on." Poppy said grabbing Twig's hand and took her to the latter's room to get her ready for her date. Two hours later Clover came to the bunker and knocked. He was hoping that Twig would answer but to his disappointment it was Branch. Now he had no problem with Branch and he even looked up to the older troll and thought of him as a big brother but the older troll would always threaten him if he did anything to his sister and from the familiar look on his face he could tell that this would be another one of those times. "H-Hey B-B-Branch." Clover said nervously. "Clover if you do anything to my sister like taking her virginity or make her cry I'm going to make you wish you were never born." Branch said in a dangerous voice. Clover gulped when he saw the danger in Branch's eyes. "Branch please stop threatening Clover." They both heard Twig say and turned around to see a glaring Poppy with her arms folded standing there with Twig who was also glaring with her arms folded dressed in a beautiful emerald green dress, she had make up on and her hair was curled to the side. She also wore some accessories like a headband to match her dress and silver earrings, necklace and bracelets on each of her wrists. Clover gasped when he saw her beauty. "Branch how many times do I have to tell you to stop threatening my brother?" Poppy said. Branch sighed. "Lots of times." He said. Twig walked towards Clover and smiled. "Hey Clover, you look really handsome tonight." Twig said looking at him. He wore some dark blue pants with a light blue shirt and a dark blue vest and a black bow tie. "Thank you Twig and you look beautiful tonight." Clover said and offered his arm to her which she wrapped her hands around it. "Ready to go?" Clover asked. Twig nodded. "Yes." She said and they left the bunker. "Have fun guys!" Poppy said. "But not too much fun if you know what I mean or I will rip you apart Clover!" Branch said. Poppy looked at him and rolled her eyes and playfully elbowed him in his rib. "Oh quiet you." She said and they both went back into the bunker. "Meanwhile why don't we have a little 'fun' of our own?" Poppy said to Branch flirtatiously eyeing him with half lidded eyes and a seductive smile. She put her bare leg on the coffee table to show him what she meant. Branch stared wide eyed with a heavy blush on his face but shook it off and grabbed her hand and took to his bedroom and locked the door. Meanwhile with Twig and Clover they made it to the willow tree. Twig gasped when saw how beautiful it looked and when she saw a picnic blanket and picnic basket. Little fireflies were flying everywhere. They both sat down on the blanket and Clover opened the basket surprising Twig with her favorite snacks and desserts. As they ate the fireflies put on a little show for them. After the little show they finished eating and Clover took a deep breath and was finally going to confess to Twig how he felt. "Twig can I tell you something?" He said. Twig looked at him and smiled. "Yes of course you can Clover." She said. Clover grabbed her hands and looked into her beautiful blue eyes. "Twig ever since I met you I have been in love with you. Your beautiful and sweet and you're always such a great friend to my sisters." He said. Twig gasped in shock but replaced her shocked face with a smile. "Clover I feel the same." She said. Clover smiled widely when he heard her say she loves him back. "So will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Yes!" Twig said excitedly. They both leaned in and kissed but after one minute it turned in to a make out session. After five minutes they pulled away for air. Clover and Twig stood up and the former began to roll up the the blanket and put it in the basket with the left overs and offered his hand to the latter which she took and Clover walked her home. After they reached the bunker they kissed and pulled away. "See you tomorrow Clover." Twig said smiling. "You too Twig." Clover said. Twig turned around and went inside. Clover walked home and when he made it home he saw Poppy there all dressed and ready for bed. "Hey Clover. How was your date?" She said. "It was perfect." Clover said. "Tell me everything." Poppy said. So Clover explained what happened and got ready for bed, when he was done he pulled the covers and got in the bed and covered himself with the covers and fell asleep dreaming about Twig. Back at the bunker Branch was sitting on the couch reading a book and dressed for bed. He turned his head when he heard the elevator and saw Twig looking happy but exhausted. "Hey Twig how was your date?" Branch said, instead of telling him everything she just went into her room and got ready for bed. Branch just sat there confused but he figured since she was tired she should go to bed and have her explain everything tomorrow. When Twig was ready for bed she got in the bed and fell asleep dreaming about Clover. And that's all for now, bye everyone.

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