Broppy/Twover: Bullied

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This is another request from my Bestie @MagaOjelda8, I hope you enjoy it bestie. Branch and Twig were sitting at the table eating dinner but Branch kept staring at Twig because she was acting different and not only that she was dressed different. She was wearing blue rimed designers sunglasses, a grey long sleeve shirt and long black pants. Finally he couldn't take it anymore. "Hey Twig, is something wrong with you?" He asked worriedly. Twig looked at him through her sunglasses with scared eyes. "N-no. W-W-Why W-W-W-Would Y-You think that?" She said stuttering. "Well it's just because you have been acting weird and you have been dressing differently." Branch said. "Well I wanted to try a different style and personality. Oh would you look at the time it's time for bed. Dinner was delicious, love you and goodnight." She said and kissed his cheek quickly and ran to her room, when she got there he heard her slam the door. Branch looked at the direction she ran to confusedly. "She has been acting weird I know it! I think I will have to get help from Poppy. The next day. Branch invited Poppy over so they can talk to Twig. "Thank you so much for coming over so we can both talk to Twig Poppy." Branch said as he lead Poppy to Twig's room. "Oh it's no Problem Branch, I'm glad I can help." Poppy said flashing her gorgeous white smile. Branch sighed in his head, he always thought that Poppy was the most beautiful troll in the world and would do anything to admit his feelings for her but he couldn't. Poppy knocked on the door and was opened to reveal Twig with the same sunglasses from last night. "Uh hi P-Poppy. W-W-What are you d-d-doing here?" Twig said stuttering. "I'm here to find out why you have behaving and dressing strangely and since I'm Queen I won't take no for an answer." Poppy said with a serious look on her face and her arms crossed. Twig sighed because there was no getting out of this one. "Okay, I'll tell you. Just give me a few minutes?" She asked nicely. Poppy changed her facial expression to a sweet smile. "Of course, we'll be in the living room when you're ready." Poppy said. "Okay." Twig said and closed the door. Poppy and Branch walked to the living room and sat on the sofa in silence. Branch bit his lip and tapped his hand on his lap while looking at Poppy. Poppy seemed to notice and turned her towards him with a sweet smile, finally Branch couldn't take it anymore and decided to just spill the beans. "Poppy can I tell you something?" Branch said. "Sure Branch anything." Poppy said smiling sweetly. "Poppy I have feelings for you." Branch said blushing. Poppy's eyes went wide with shock. "I have had feelings for you for a long time since we first met, you're beautiful, you're sweet, you're a great singer and scrapbooker and I've always wanted to be with you." Branch admitted with a face that was almost as the same shade of blue as his hair. Poppy was still shocked but replaced her shocked face with the same sweet smile she always had. "Oh Branch that's so sweet, I love you too." Poppy said and wrapped her arms around his neck and brought his face closer to hers and kissed him on the lips. Branch went wide eyed but closed them and wrapped his arms around her back and returned the kiss because this is what he wanted to do for a such a long time. They separated for air and looked at each other with sweet smiles. "I love you Poppy." Branch said. "I love you too Branch. "Ehem." They heard Twig say and looked at her but when they did they gasped in horror when they saw her conditions. "Oh my gosh! Twig what happened to you?!" Branch demanded very upset. Twig looked at them with tears in her eyes and her lip quivering and just bursted out crying. "I've been getting bullied!" She said and hugged them both. Poppy and Branch looked heartbroken about what she just said and rubbed her back. "Is that why you have been acting and dressing strange?" Poppy asked.
Twig looked up at her older friend and nodded yes. "Yes It has." She said sadly. Branch suddenly became furious which frightened the two girls. "Are you mad at me?" Twig said looking like she was going to cry again. Branch calmed down and looked at his little sister. "No, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at those bullies!" He said bearing his teeth. "What are you going to do?" Twig asked. "I'm going to give those bullies a warning, if they ever mess with you again that's going to be the last thing they ever do!" Branch said. "I'll be back. Poppy can you look after her while I'm gone, try to cheer her up more?" He said looking at his new girlfriend. Poppy looked at him and smiled and nodded. "Of course sweetie, I'll do my best to cheer her up just be careful okay." She said. Branch nodded and kissed her cheek and gave Twig a hug and a kiss on her forehead and ran out of the bunker. When he was out Poppy looked at Twig and smiled at her which the latter smiled back because Poppy always felt like a big sister to her. "It's Okay Twig Branch will take care of everything. I have something that will cheer you up." Poppy said and pulled out a purple CD case out her hair that said Fall Out Troll Mania. Twig's eyes brightened up and she put on a huge smile when she saw the album because she was a huge Fall Out Troll fan. "You got a Fall Out Troll album? Oh my gosh thank you Poppy." Twig said excitedly. Poppy giggled and put the CD in the boom box. Meanwhile outside Branch stomped to find the bullies, searching everywhere for him but he saw Clover and Iris talking to Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz. Patrick and Pete noticed him and smiled widely and waved at him. "Branch Hey!" Patrick said which caused Clover and Iris to look at him too which made them excited. He smiled at all of them and worked towards them. "Hey Branch! How's everything going with you?" Clover said. "Oh everything is fine.....EXCEPT TWIG HAS BEEN BEING BULLIED!!!!" Branch said changing his mood to furious. The four Trolls gasped at his statement. "WHAT?!!!" Clover and Iris said now angry. "Is she okay?" Patrick said worried. "Well she is now because she's with Poppy who by the way is my girlfriend now cheering her up but she's got a black eye and scars all over her body!" Branch said sadly. "Oh my gosh, poor girl." Pete said with hand over his mouth. "So now I'm trying to find those stupid bullies." Branch said with anger. "Well take me and Iris with you." Clover said. Branch nodded and they searched everywhere for the bullies, when they finally found them they saw a sight that made them all angry. They saw the bullies picking on Twig again and calling her names like "freak." And "stupid." And "non troll.". Branch, Clover and Iris all beared their teeth in anger, they were about to confront the bullies when suddenly a light pink wolf jumped in front of them and growled at the bullies. This could only mean one thing: Tiffany is the pink wolf and she's about to give the bullies a piece of her mind. The bullies became scared when they saw the wolf and became even more scared when they saw her show her razor sharp teeth at them.
"If I ever see you bully my cousin again I will tear your arms and legs and eyes off your bodies and shove them down your throat so you can see me tear your lungs out of your stomach!!!!!" She said with venom in her voice. That triggered the bullies and they all ran away to never be seen again. Tiffany changed back to her troll form and turned to Branch, Clover and Iris who were at Twig's side, her eyes widened in horror when she saw that her cousin had fresh new cuts on her body with blood pouring out of them. "We have to get her to the hospital quickly!!" Tiffany said. They all nodded and ran towards the hospital with Twig in Branch's arms. They had Tiffany gather everyone at the hospital so they could see Twig. When everyone got there they were all scared and sad when they found out, Poppy ran over to Branch with tears pouring down her cheeks. "Branch I'm so sorry! This is my fault, she said she wanted to get some fresh air and I let her without going with her!!!! I'm so sorry!!!!!" She said sobbing uncontrollably. Branch looked at her sadly and put a hand on her shoulder. "Poppy this is not your fault, you're responsibility is to be queen and look after everyone not know where every troll is or where they're going to be, so this not your fault, IT'S THOSE STUPID BULLIES FAULTS AND THEY BETTER NOT COME BACK!!!!!" He said. Poppy nodded understanding. Dr Plum had Twig be put into a room and started to treat her wounds right away. Everyone had to wait in the waiting room so they didn't interfere with the procedures. 2 hours later everyone was pacing around and hoping that she was okay. Dr Plum stepped out of the patient's room and walked towards the waiting room with a relieved look on her face. She coughed to get everyone's attention and they all turned their heads towards her, looks of hope on their faces. "She's Okay But She was badly injured so she's going to have to stay in the hospital for a week to recover. You can all go see her if you want." Dr Plum said. They all sighed thankfully and walked to her room, she was in the bed with tubes in her nose and stitched up scars but very much alive. They walked in the room and they all gave her hugs and kisses and presents, they all said that they were happy and glad that she was alive. They all heard male screaming and they all turned their heads towards the door when suddenly Spencer came running in all sweaty and out of breath. "I heard what happened!!! Is Twig okay?!" He said worriedly. Everyone looked at him and laughed at his silliness. "Um, is it okay if I talk to Twig alone for a few minutes?" Clover said. Everyone looked at him and nodded and walked out the room closing the door. "Twig I have to confess something to you." Clover said, Twig nodded and let him speak. "Twig I love you. You're sweet, beautiful and are bestest friend to both of my sisters but most importantly you are loyal and would do anything for anybody." He said spilling his heart out. Twig's face became shocked for a minute but changed it to a sweet smile. "I love you too Clover." Twig said, it was Clover's turn to become shocked for a minute but his face changed to a sweet smile too. He leaned down towards her and kissed her lips. Her eyes widened in shock but she closed them and let herself melt in the kiss, they didn't even hear the door open when Branch walked in. "Hey Sis I just wanted to-" Branch said but stopped when he saw Clover and Twig kissing. They heard him talk and their eyes widened as they pulled away. Branch's shocked face became furious as he stared at Clover. "Hey Branch, surprised to see you here. Clover said nervously smiling and laughing when he saw Branch's angry expression. Branch was about to lunge himself at Clover so he could end him when he was stopped by Poppy who came in as well. "Branch! What did I say about ending my brother!?" Poppy warned him. Branch sighed in shame with his eyes closed. "That if I end him you will end me." He said. Clover and Twig laughed at their siblings because they were like an old married couple. After 1 week of staying in the hospital Twig was finally released and was good as new, now no single scar was on her. Everyone threw her a party to show her how much she meant to them, she certainly was living the life now, no bullies to pick on her anymore, she had a boyfriend now and she's got great friends and family who care about her like they always did and always will which she already knew she had and she was so grateful for them. They even had Fall Out Troll to play at the party which they gladly excepted because they always saw Branch and Twig as their brother and sister, they even wrote a song for her called "Princess Twig." Yup her life was perfect and they never saw those nasty bullies ever again because rumor has it that they moved away from Troll Village because they were scared of Tiffany and they should be and hopefully they stayed out for good. Okay here you go bestie, this was probably my longest one shot ever but I'm not complaining. And here's the picture madamphoenixdiamond drew for you

 And here's the picture madamphoenixdiamond drew for you

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I hope you like it anyway ciao everyone.

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