Secret Lovers Part 2.

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They were following Poppy to the secret location trying not to be seen or heard by her, when they arrived at the location they did their best to stay hidden and not draw attention to themselves.

They arrived at a beautiful swamp with lights and a picnic table with a record player set up and got a whiff of something delicious cooking, Poppy gasped at the beautiful sight and put her hands on her heart Whoever did this Poppy was lucky to be dating them.

"Hello my beautiful flower." They heard a familiar voice fact it was very familiar until they saw who it was and that's when their jaws dropped, standing right next to Poppy dressed nicely was none other the village grump himself Branch. Their friend and Princess was dating Branch.

"Hello my handsome grey prince." Poppy said as she turned to face the handsome troll and kissed his cheek which shocked the pack, they couldn't believe this two trolls who were exact opposites and enemies were dating.

Branch smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist and dipped her and started peppering her lips with kisses causing her to giggle and kiss him back, the pack couldn't believe their eyes their friend the village's princess was in love with and making out with the village grump they all had to be dreaming.

"Oh my guh, this can't be real." Smidge whispered as she watched her friend kiss the grey troll, Poppy and Branch pulled away from their kiss and looked at each other with love struck faces and rubbed their noses together oh my guh this was too cute.

"What is happening?" Satin said shocked. "I don't know sis." Chenille said equally as shocked by the romantic scene in front of them, Creek was right which was right which is a surprise because he was a stupid mindless mofo and he was never right.

"I have a present for you my princess." Branch said to Poppy in his sexy voice that gave her shivers. "I have a present for you too my prince." She said in a sexy whisper that drove him crazy. They both let each other and presented each other their gifts for one another.

"A flower for my beautiful flower." Branch said lovingly as he put the pretty flower in her beautiful and shiny pink hair causing her to gasp with a smile and causing the SnackPack to quietly gasp in shock, it was the same type of flower he was watering earlier. "Oh my gosh it's my favorite flower! But Branch how did you find it? These haven't been seen in years." She asked shocked towards her boyfriend, the grey troll smirked at her which made her shiver a little.

"Well I remember you telling me that they were your favorite flowers but were hard to find so I did some research and found the seeds to grow them by going to Meadow Spriggs and Karma and they gave them to me and to make it a long story short I have a bush of them growing in my garden all for you my love." Branch said as he dipped her and kissed her lips again which yet again Poppy kissed back, this caused the girls minus Smidge to tear up quietly at the beautiful story Branch told Poppy it was clear as day those two were meant for each other just like Romeo and Trolliette.

After the loving couple separated from their kiss Poppy presented her gift to Branch which made him smile with love in his eyes for her. "I made this for you because I remember you made me one last week so wanted to return the favor and I wanted to give you my heart just like you gave me yours." She said giving him the locket and watched him put it around his neck as she pulled out hers and put it around his neck and they smiled at each other with all the love in the world.

Branch offered his hand for her to take which she did in a heartbeat and they made their way towards the table where the food was served, he pulled the chair out for her like the gentleman he was. She sat in her chair and he pushed her in towards the table she wasn't far from the table before sitting down himself and pulled off the covers on their platters to reveal 2 plates of steak and steamed vegetables which looked real appetizing. He pulled out a bottle of sparkling apple juice and 2 wine glasses(I'm trying not to make them drunk.) popped open the bottle and poured it in the glasses and they clinked their glasses together to say cheers for their first date as they smiled lovingly at each other.

"All right gang I think we should leave so they can enjoy their date." Biggie whispered quietly but loud enough for the rest of the pack to hear, they nodded their heads and agreed to leave the love trolls alone and quietly made their way back to the village. As they were making their way back to the village they were all talking about how perfect Poppy and Branch were together and how cute they were and even made a ship name for them which they called "Broppy."

As they made their way back home they all said good night to each other and decided they were going to tease their friend tomorrow about her secret relationship with Branch, meanwhile with Poppy and Branch they finished their date and Branch walked her home. "Thank you for tonight Branch I had a great time tonight." Poppy said with a loving smile, Branch returned her smile and kissed her hand.

"I had a great time too Poppy." He said with all the love he had for her. "Well I guess I should be turning in for the night" she said not really wanting this night to end. "Yeah me too." He said also not wanting this night to end, they leaned in and kissed each other for the last time for the night and pulled away and looked at each other with lovestruck smiles. "Good night my handsome prince." Poppy said as she opened her door and waved goodbye at him.

"Good night my beautiful princess." Branch whispered lovingly to her which caused her to smile at him with love before she blew a kiss to him which he caught and put it on his heart and closed her door, he sighed lovingly and made his way to the bunker thinking about Poppy and how amazing his first date with her was she was his whole world and he wouldn't have it any other way.

And that's it for this 2 parter I really enjoyed it, now I'm going to make a one shot about the trolls meeting the smurfs because I've been watching a lot of Smurfs lately and I just wanted an excuse to write about them meeting the trolls and mistaking them for a different breed of Smurfs at first and then I'm going to write a request for _True_Colors


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