The Smurfs meet The Trolls part 1

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It was a beautiful day in Smurf Village and Papa Smurf, Smurf Willow, Smurfette, Hefty, Clumsy, Smurf Storm, Brainy and Smurf Blossom were taking a camping trip in the forest for a few days.

"It was a great idea to take a camping trip Papa Smurf." Smurfette said to her father figure, Papa smiled at her comment he loved all his little Smurfs so much and he wouldn't trade them for the world.
"You said it Smurfette, I'm so excited to go camping!" Smurf Blossom said ecstatically causing her fellow Smurfs to chuckle at her zaniness.

"Smurf Blossom remember to work on that filter okay?" Smurf Willow said towards her daughter figure she loved all of her Smurfs including Smurf Blossom but her optimism could be a little too much for the Smurfs to handle but nevertheless she loved Smurf Blossom as much as she loved all of the Smurfs.

"I can't wait to scientifically discover all the flora and fauna." Brainy said looking in his guide book causing Hefty to roll his eyes at his brother's antics, he loved all of his brothers including Brainy but he was a know it all which got on everybody's nerves. "Brainy, Papa Smurf said that the reason for this camping trip is to spend time together and that includes no books or scientific discovery." Smurfette said scolding Brainy like he was a child who was always on his phone.(yes I'm making modern technology exist nobody's going to be using them though.)

"She's right Brain man, just leave the book down and enjoy the nature." Hefty said as he took a breath of fresh air and smelled the nature, Smurf Storm rolled her eyes at his comment. "That sounds nice and all but I'm going to be roughing it and practice my archery on Clumsy." She stated in her natural tone causing Clumsy to gasp in fear.

"Oh geez I don't feel comfortable with that Stormy. Can't you just practice on a tree?" Clumsy nervously said to her he didn't want to be a living target due to how clumsy he was and because he was scared. "Nobody is going to practice Archery on anybody and no books or arguing with each other, we're all going to spend time together." Papa Smurf said glaring at Storm, Brainy and Hefty, they all nodded their heads in agreement glaring at each other.

They continued walking but stopped as Papa looked at the map confused. "This can't be right, we were supposed to see a lake on the map but there's no lake here and it says we arrived at our destination." He said looking at the forest in front of them, Smurf Willow looked at the map because she was just as confused as Papa was.

"Hmm maybe we took a wrong turn." Brainy said looking at the map, they all started looking at the map and pointed out they in fact did miss a turn until they heard singing.

"All together you and me hair in the air and we're a family!" They heard people singing so they decided to worry about the problem later and go investigate the singing. "We got everything we need hair in the hair we're so proud to be." They heard the singing again and got confused over the choice of lyrics. Hair in the air? What was that supposed to mean.

"Celebrating who we are yeah we've made it through the dark, harmony's everywhere put your hair up in the air." They heard the singing getting louder and stopped when they heard the source of the singing, thousands of rainbow colored creatures with multi colored hair that was as the song described it sticking up in the air were singing, dancing and hugging and were happy as they could be.

"Put your hair up in the air." The song finished as a beautiful all pink rainbow colored creature with a blue dress and a green crown-like headband with blue flowers embedded in it jumped in the air and landed on the ground safely right next to a handsome all blue rainbow colored creature with a green vest made of leaves and brown shorts with green patches.

The pink female and the blue male held each other's hands as they were walking towards where they were hiding. "That was a great song number Poppy as always, your beautiful voice never fails to surprise me." The blue male said to the pink female causing both of them blush. Who were these creatures, were they a different breed of Smurfs they didn't know or hear about?

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