Prisoners in love part 1

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Branch was running away from the Bergen Chef, he was trying to avoid being used as livestock. He didn't want to get some female pregnant only to have their child to be cooked into whatever sick dish she was going whip up, he'd known about this for a while now but didn't think much about it because surely he thought that the Bergens weren't that heartless but clearly he thought wrong.

Just when he thought he was about to make it to his bunker he tripped on a rock and fell on the ground, he groaned in pain and annoyance but that went away when he felt the Bergen grab him and put him in a cage. "Let me go you ugly monster!" He yelled at the Bergen, she looked at him annoyed but smirked evilly.

"Oh but if I do that then who's going to mate with the beautiful princess? You're the perfect match for her." She said sinisterly, this caused Branch to raise his brow in confusion. Princess? What Princess is she talking about? He's lived in Pop village his whole life and he's never seen a princess. He's seen the king a couple of times but never a princess.

His thoughts were interrupted when the Bergen opened the cage and put him in a room which was tiny for the Bergens but big enough for trolls. "Now stay in there until the breeding is over oh and say hello to your new friends." Chef said as she walked away and laughed evilly, Branch looked around and saw a group of different looking trolls, there were 2 Rock trolls holding each other the female had a ripped ear and the male had a hat over his eyes. There were 2 Techno Trolls, the male was dark blue with emerald green eyes and the female was mint green with purple hair. He saw a yellow yodeler with an orange country troll and 2 pink funk trolls, the male had blue dreads and gold tinsel on his neck and the female had pink hair and was holding on to the male in fright.

He noticed all their clothes were ripped and they were all scared, they all looked at him in sorrow because that evil Bergen caught him too and was going to force him to mate with the Pop Princess. "Are you here to mate with a Royal too?" The female techno troll said clutching on to her mate, the male techno troll felt sorry for this pop troll and the princess they didn't deserve this. None of them deserve this. "It unfortunately seems that way Maya." He said in sorrow, Branch felt sorry for these poor trolls having to go with this only to have their babies be cooked up into food.

"LET US OUT OF HERE, PLEASE LET US OUT OF HERE!!!" They all heard a voice say, the group of trolls recognized the voice and hung their heads in sorrow, Branch however did not recognize the female's voice it was so new to him. "Who's that?" He asked, the others looked at him in confusion. Did he not recognize the voice of his village's princess? "That's Princess Poppy. Do you not recognize your own Princess's voice?" The female rock troll said in confusion.

"I'm sorry I've lived in Pop village my whole life and I never saw a princess, I've seen the king a couple of times but never a princess." Branch crossed his arms, the others nodded in understanding. "Makes sense, King Peppy always kept her locked in her pod because he was worried that the Bergen might come for her but what good did that do? The Bergen found her anyway because a purple pop troll was scared and told her where the princess was." The male funk Troll said shaking his head in disappointment at what that purple troll did.

"I can't believe a troll would stoop so low as to tell the enemy where the princess was. Poor Darlin' she's all scared and crying and saying she wants to go home and can't say I blame her because we all want to go home." The orange country troll said as she glared at the thought of the poor princess being sold out by her own kind.

It broke all their hearts as they heard the poor princess crying and calling out for her father. "Poor girl, she's taking this so hard we all tried to comfort her and calm her down but it's no use." The male techno troll said as he heard the hysterical cries of the princess.

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