Be my valentine

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(Takes place when they're in high school and when Branch was grey, enjoy.) It was Valentine's Day in Troll Village and the high school was getting ready for their annual Valentine's Day Dance that they do every year, everyone was excited about it. Well almost everyone except for Branch. Branch was a grey troll teenager with black hair, blue eyes and a purple nose, he usually wore a dark green hoodie with black jeans. He always thought Valentine's Day was a waste of time, all the gifts The poetry and gross kissing and hand holding but knowing deep down that he's just like that and the fact that this cursed holiday was always colored with red the color of blood the color of the troll he secretly loved but couldn't possibly have because she was with someone else so he usually avoided the bloody holiday, he always celebrated it with his grandmother when he was little but ever since that stupid ugly cold hearted evil Bergen Chef took his grandmother he found no reason to celebrate it but he still had to go to the stupid dance other wise he'll get detention. "Stupid teachers making me go to this stupid dance for this stupid holiday." He muttered under his breath, he suddenly heard a locker close and saw her. Poppy the troll of his dreams. She was a beautiful pink troll with beautiful hot pink hair and gorgeous hot pink eyes and adorable white glitter freckles and a cute hot pink nose. She also wore a cute light blue top with white jeans with a bedazzled belt and a beautiful white flower in her hair. She saw him and smiled a beautiful kind smile. Oh my troll I just want to kiss those lips Branch thought, but Poppy was his best friend and pretty much his only friend other than Guy Diamond and his younger cousin Tiffany Sunshine who lives in Trolliforna. "Hi Branch." Poppy greeted him with her beautiful angelic voice. "Oh Poppy if only you knew how much I love you and how much I want to kiss you, but I can't." He said in his mind. He snapped out of his thoughts when she said hi to him. "Uh hey P-Poppy." He said stuttering like an idiot. Poppy giggled at his cute stuttering. That adorable giggle was music to Branch's ears. "Are you going to the Valentine's Day dance tonight?" Poppy asked him. "Yeah unfortunately other wise I'll get detention so I have to if I want to keep my perfect score. "Are you and Creek going together?" Branch said. Creek was Poppy's boyfriend and him and Creek hated each other's guts because Creek always made fun of him saying stuff like "Poppy will never love you." And "Poppy is mine and you can't have her." Branch rolled his eyes at comments like that and told Creep that Poppy doesn't belong to anyone and is a beautiful sweet kind hearted princess who can make her own decisions. "Yes I am." Poppy said until they both heard the bell ring. "Oh no we're late, come on Branch!" Poppy said worried and grabbed his hand. For some reason Poppy blushed when she held Branch's hand and stopped to stare at the handsome grey teenager. Branch stared at her too and blushed a dark grey. They slowly started to lean in and just when their lips where about to touch one of the stupid teachers interrupted them. "That bell means get to class both of you! And no kissing in the hallway!!!" A purple troll woman with greyish white hair and blue eyes and nose and dressed in a beige outfit and black glasses yelled at them Branch recognized her as the math teacher and the stupid teacher who threatened him with detention if he didn't go to the stupid dance. Her name was Mrs Butterscotch. Neither of them knew why that was her name because whereas butterscotch was sweet and golden she was mean purple and rude. They both walked to their class muttering something under their breath. This could have been it, where Branch finally kisses Poppy and tells her he loves her but stupid Mrs Butterscotch had to ruin it. Curse her!! (Time skips to after school.) Poppy was walking down the hallway thinking about what happened earlier with her and Branch. They almost kissed, why did that happen? Could it be that Branch was the one for her than Creek? No that's crazy! Her and Branch were best friends she could never love him like that although she did think that Branch was handsome and sweet and cute. She snapped out of her thoughts when she saw a most horrific sight. Right in front of her Creek was making out with another girl. Tears started to form in her eyes. Creek and the girl he was making out with who she recognized as Cybil pulled away and Creek saw that Poppy was standing there with tears in her eyes. He was caught. "P-Poppy I can explain. You see-" Poppy slapped him on the face with an angry face. "It's over." She said and ran away crying. Branch was walking down the hallway until he heard sniffles and sobbing Coming from the janitors closet. He opened the door and saw Poppy sitting on the floor sobbing. "Poppy? What's wrong? Why are you sitting in here crying." He asked. Poppy looked up at him and wiped her eyes sniffing. "I caught Creek making out with Cybil." She said upset. Branch was so furious that Creep cheated on the most beautiful and sweetest girl in the entire school with someone else. How could he do that?!! Poppy had been nothing but a sweet and kind girlfriend to Creep! And what does she get in return? A stab in the back! "What?!!!" He yelled angrily. He saw Creek walked by but he stopped him and punched him right in the face. "You idiot!!! How dare you cheat on Poppy with another girl?!!! Poppy is the most beautiful sweetest and most amazing girl in the world and you just cheated on her with someone else!!!!! She's my best friend and I love her but you just stabbed her in the back!!!" You're going to pay for this!!!" He yelled and started beating him up. When he was done he went right up to Poppy and lifted her off the ground. He grabbed her waist causing her to become shocked by what he was doing. He started leaning in until his grey lips touched her pink ones. Her eyes were wide open at his sudden action which soon caught the attention of Poppy's friends and everyone else in the school. Poppy started to close her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. The entire school started smiling even Mrs Butterscotch because even though it really annoyed her that students kissed in the hallway she really wanted them to be together and be happy. Poppy and Branch pulled away for air and stared in each other's beautiful eyes. "Poppy I love you. Will you be my valentine and go to the dance with me tonight?" Branch said. Poppy had happy tears in her eyes and smiled. "I love you too Branchie. Of course I'll be your valentine and go to the dance with you she said and gave him a hug and laid her head on his chest. Branch put his chin on her head and hugged her back. "Awwwwwwwwwe" They heard everyone say minus Creek because he was still passed out. Poppy and Branch broke the hug and rubbed their noses against each other's. Branch took out a red rose and gave it to Poppy who happily took it. "It's beautiful." She said. "But not as beautiful as you my Poppy." Branch said. Poppy looked at him with a smile and kissed his cheek and together they walked home hand in hand spending the the rest of their Valentine's Day together before tonight. Spencer a light green troll with light orange hair and nose and purple eyes and glitter freckles and glasses who wore a white t shirt with a purple jacket and blue jeans smiled at the couple and hoped one day he'll find love like that one day and unknown to him he will meet a girl in the future but right now he was in school to be a doctor like his sister Plum. Well here's the first story, I hope all of you enjoy and happy Valentine's Day💖💙

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