The Tale of The Pink Ghost part 3

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The rest of the group had sad expressions on their faces as they watched the ghost fly away crying Maybe she wasn't so dangerous and scary after all, truth be told she looked more like a princess than a scary monster.

They all turned around to glare at the red DJ except Creek because he was screaming and crying like a baby because everyone knew how much of a coward he was even though he tried to act tough. "Dude! Why did you say all those awful things about her?! She seemed harmless!" Barb said as she crossed her arms and glared at the red troll, Suki rolled her eyes because she was tired of Barb acting innocent.

"Oh please don't act all innocent, you were screaming and running too!" Suki said as she glared back at the rock troll who looked offended at her accusation and glared at her again. "Yeah I was doing all that but she didn't look scary and dangerous when I got a good look at her and besides Trollex and Maya knew her very well and I believed them when they said it, and come on this is her house and resting place so technically we just barged in here unannounced!" She said as she put her hands on her hips, whether Suki liked it or not she knew that Barb was right and she really felt bad about the things she said. "My baby! Please come back, I missed you so much!" The security guard said as he barged out of the room but then turned to glare at Suki. "Thanks a lot for making my daughter fly away!" He said and stomped away from how angry he was.

Meanwhile with Branch, Trollex and Maya they were still running after the crying ghost who apparently was a really fast flier and they had trouble keeping up, this house looked a lot smaller on the outside but  damn was it huge on the inside. "Poppy wait! Please slow down, we're sorry we all barged in your house unannounced like this and we're also sorry Suki said those terrible things about you! Can't we just slow down and talk about it?" Branch said running out of breath from running so fast, seriously this girl could have been in the Olympics from how fast she was.

Poppy came to a halt and looked at them and gasped in shock when she saw Maya and Trollex and the cute boy from a few minutes ago, she stopped her tears of her sadness and started crying tears of happiness as a huge smile spread across her face. "T-Trollex. M-Maya. You guys have no idea how happy I am to see you." She said as she flew over to them and gave them a big hug, they smiled and hugged her back. "Poppy we missed you too, we thought about you every day and prayed for you to come back. We're so sorry we all just barged in here it wasn't our idea to come here and we told Suki time and time again we didn't want to come." Maya said she snuggled her face in Poppy's luxurious ghostly locks and cried tears of joy from seeing her old BFF, after all it was her who brought her and Trollex together as a couple and was like a sister to her.

"It's okay guys it's not your fault but I'm so glad you guys did come because I was feeling lonely without you guys, and without D-Daddy." Poppy said as she thought about her father, she knew that he was always the security guard here but he hardly ever worked here. He used to be the mayor of the town but ever since Poppy died he just couldn't focus on taking care of the town because of his depression and would always break down crying so he quit and gave the job to Quincy and Essence Cooper's and Darnell's parents and adopted a cat so he wouldn't be lonely but it wasn't the same.

"Ahem." They heard Branch say and broke their group hug to look at him and saw him waving his hand with a sheepish smile. "Oh right sorry about that Branch, Poppy this is our friend Branch." Trollex said as he introduced them to each other, they took each other's hands and locked eyes with each other and couldn't stop blushing.

"Wow Trollex and Maya were right you really are a beauty Queen. Did you wear that dress every day?" He asked trying not to say something stupid to offend her because you know how boys with crushes are. Poppy looked down at her gown and the rest of her ghostly appearance and shook her head. "No I didn't I didn't even own this dress and tiara when I was alive, believe it or not when someone dies and becomes a ghost their appearance changes to something they were in life. Like you could be in normal clothes and when you die and become a ghost you get a wardrobe change because you were something specific in life, as for the chains I purposely think that they're a bit of a stereotype but they are pretty." Poppy said as she told them the basics of being a ghost, she made lots of ghost friends and she even met her relatives that passed away way before she was born and she even met her mother but truth be told she missed being alive because she missed her father and friends and she didn't want her dad to be alone anymore there was a way to come back to life but it was impossible because she had to have true love's kiss she never had a boyfriend when she was alive so how in the world was she supposed to kiss her true love if she didn't have one?!

"Wow that's insane. What's it like being a ghost?" Branch asked because he was fascinated with her ghost life and other ghosts. "Well it's okay but I miss being alive with my friends and my dad and I also miss the adorable iguanas that would come visit me and my dad." Poppy said feeling sad because she would do anything to come back to life and spend the rest of it with her loved ones, oh how her ghost life was filled with misery.

"I'm sorry I'm asking you all these questions, I'll stop now." Branch said as he saw her sad expression and thought that these questions were making her more upset. Wait did she just say that iguanas came to her house and visited her and her dad? "It's okay don't blame yourself besides I've met lots of great ghosts." Poppy said as she turned to look at him and that was when he agreed but something in him was telling him that this night was going end on a happy note.

And that's it for this chapter and yes I know Halloween is over with but I want to continue this but anyway bye everyone and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Broppy one shots??Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum