The perfect gift.

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Hello everyone, I'm back and I decided I wanted to make a Christmas one shot since I missed the opportunity to make Halloween and Thanksgiving one shots anyway let's get moving. It was Christmas Eve in the Troll Tree and everyone was shopping and decorating and in a pink pod a beautiful pink troll who's name was Queen Poppy was just about finished wrapping a gift for her beloved best friend Branch although she wished they were more than friends. She was finally done after she tightened the green fabric ribbon into the perfect bow although not too tight. "And done. Branch is going to love this." Poppy said as she put the present under her tree. She stood up and admired the decorations in her pod. She was going to have a little Christmas Eve party with her friends and father in two hours so she decided to go get ready. Meanwhile in the center of Troll village Branch was walking past the shops pulling a wagon of gifts and was looking at the list he had in his right hand. "Let's see, new headphones for Suki in case she loses her pair. Sparkly sunglasses for Guy, new jumpsuit and dress for Satin and Chenille, Reindeer antler hat for Cooper, new Camera for Biggie and a new top hat for Mr Dinkles, 2 weights for Smidge which are really heavy, hair lights for Fuzzbert, a new Scarf for King Peppy after what I did to his old one and for Poppy..." he said before he looked in the wagon and saw he didn't get a present for his beautiful pink friend yet. "Oh my god I didn't get Poppy a gift yet!!!" He exclaimed. He stopped panicking and thought of what to get her. It couldn't be just anything, this was Poppy he was talking about here and she deserves the best. So while thinking about what to get her he walked by a jewelry shop but stopped once he saw the perfect gift in the window. It was a gorgeous silver ring with a beautiful sapphire in the shape of a heart, it also came with earrings and a necklace. He was so amazed by their beauty he knew he had to get them for his beautiful Poppy, so he went in the store and purchased them and he also decided to buy a beautiful golden jewelry box that played true colors and read my true love. When he was done he went home to wrap the gifts for Poppy and got ready for the Christmas party at Poppy's pod. He wrapped the gifts in shiny silver wrapping paper and tied a sapphire blue fabric ribbon on them and he went to his bedroom to go get ready for the party. Meanwhile at Poppy's she was beautifully dressed in a gorgeous red dress with green trim and a red headband with mistletoe, she also put some red eyeshadow, thick mascara and thin red lipstick. She heard a knock on her door and went to answer it. When she opened the door she saw all her friends and her father all dressed up in Christmas themed outfits.(I'm too tired and lazy to describe the outfits so just imagine them XD) she saw that they all had sacks of gifts in their hands. "Welcome everyone, come in. And let me take care of all those while you guys sit down and help yourselves to some refreshments." Poppy said as everyone handed her their sacks but she didn't see Branch. Perhaps he was running late and will be here soon. She took out the gifts and put them under her tree for opening them later. She was about to join her friends but heard a knock on the door so she went to answer it again and saw Branch standing there all handsomely dressed in a green dress shirt and a silver tux vest and pants with a red tie. The sight of the handsome troll made her face start to turn red. Branch was thinking of the same thing when he was looking at how beautiful Poppy was. She gestured for him to come in which he did. "Here let me take that for you." Poppy said pointing to the sack Branch had but he nervously shook his head. "Oh it's okay Poppy I got it, you just go enjoy yourself okay?" He said with a reassuring smile. "Are you sure?" Poppy asked. "I'm positive." Branch said. "Okay but if you need help just let me know." Poppy said with a smile. Branch nodded in understanding. Poppy went to mingle while Branch took out the presents from his bag and put them under the tree. After that he went to enjoy the party himself, the party was amazing the food and drinks were delicious and he had a great time with his friends.(again I'm too lazy to describe it.XD) "Okay everyone, Present time." Poppy sang and As soon as she said that everyone gathered around the tree and sat down. Everyone passed presents to each other and opened them to see the stuff they knew they'd love and hugs were shared. Branch was almost done opening his gifts because there was one more, a boxed present wrapped in red wrapping paper with a green fabric ribbon wrapped around it, it said "To:Branch From:Poppy" except he noticed that the tag had a big heart that was drawn around it which made Branch blush and smile at Poppy who blushed and smiled back. Branch looked back down at the present and unwrapped it but made sure to save the tag and the ribbon, when ripped all the red paper he saw a box and opened it and when he saw that it was a gorgeous golden double picture frame he smiled a huge smile and looked at Poppy. "Thank you Poppy, it's perfect." Branch said. "Open it Branch." Poppy said. Branch did what she said and opened the double frame and what was in it made him tear up. One picture was of him with his family when he was a little boy and the other picture was of him and Poppy that said "To my one and only Love." Branch looked at Poppy and walked to her and gave her a big hug which she returned. They pulled away and looked at each other. "I love it Poppy thank you, I have something for you too." Branch said and picked up the silver paper and blue ribbon wrapped gift and gave it to Poppy. She unwrapped it and gasped when she saw the beautiful necklace, earrings, ring and jewelry box. The box read my true love. She Wound up the box and was surprised that it played their song True colors. She looked at the beautiful ring, necklace and earrings and put them on and they were a perfect fit. "Oh Branch their beautiful, I love them and I love you." Poppy said and hugged the blue troll with all the love she had for him. Branch was shocked when she said that but smiled and hugged her back. "I love you too Poppy." Branch said which made Poppy smile. The Snack Pack looked at the adorable moment but looked up to see that Poppy and Branch were under the mistletoe which made them all smirk. "Hey guys." DJ said to Poppy and Branch and got their attention. " what is it Suki?" Poppy said to her bestie. "Look at what you guys are standing under." Suki said pointing up. The couple looked up and was shocked that they were under the mistletoe and looked at each other and blushed but smiled at each other. "Well a tradition is a tradition. Isn't it Poppy?" Branch said smirking at her. She blushed and giggled. They wrapped their arms around each other, closed their eyes and kissed on the lips.(what am I doing with my life. 😂) the Snack Pack looked at the new couple with smiles. Okay everyone that's all for now and have a very Merry Christmas 🎄🎁.

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