Chapter 7.

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As days, weeks and months passed, a vast majority of refugees worked tirelessly to rejuvenate arid lands, aiming to enhance grain production. Initially, the looming threat of dwindling supplies had been a growing concern. Fate took an unexpected turn, and that's where my intervention made a difference.

Using my abilities, I not only assisted the refugees but significantly increased crop yields. This triumph not only averted the scarcity crisis but also showcased the resilience of Wall Rose residents in improving harvests.

Despite the positive outcomes, a rather drastic decision was made to randomly select some refugees to "Retake" Wall Maria the following year—an approach I found excessively dumb, and infuriating. Armin's grandpa was still among those chosen, something I was already aware of, unfortunately. Allowing him to die was out of the question though, especially if it meant saving Armin's only relative.

That day, I discreetly equipped him with something that would aid his survival out there. He wouldn't be aware of my action, but it was all I could do to keep him alive at the moment.

Though he believed it might be the last time he'd ever see his grandson, he still passed on his hat to Armin and thoroughly thanked me for everything I had done for the past year. I won't deny that I bawled my eyes out despite knowing that he'll mostly be fine, but I just couldn't help myself. I embraced him tightly, surprising him and the trio.

So, I put my plan into action—a tweaked version of my [Notice Me Not] , geared specifically against Titans to keep him safe. Tossed in some survival tips in his head, you know, in case he found himself roughing it in the woods until we meet again, which I'm pretty sure we will.

Back then, their numbers were 110,000, like 10% of the population. But here's the kicker—only a hundred folks made it back from that whole mission. A real gut punch, sacrificing so many and only getting a handful in return. It did save the rest, but man, it hit hard.

Even with my attempt to ease the aftermath, I've never been this mad at their government. They knew they didn't have to pull a move like that, but nope, they went ahead and sent them straight into the jaws of doom. Total jerks. Good news is, people were starting to resent them, so that was that.

That night, I held Armin tightly as he wept in sorrow. Eren and Mikasa observed, well aware of the anguish of losing a parent. I felt a pang of guilt for not saying anything, but it was essential for him to follow the path meant for him. My role was to ensure their safety, and although I'd only known them for a year, I began questioning some of my past decisions. Could I have done more?

"It's all the titans' fault! If we could just kill them or drive them away, we could return Home..." Eren's voice seethed with anger.

'No, Eren... They're victims too, trapped in their fates just like all of you...' I grimly pondered. Man, fuck Marley.

"Listen, Armin, I'm enlisting in the military next year," he declared, determination blazing in his eyes. Armin glanced at him, utterly surprised, while Mikasa sighed in resignation. "Then I'll become strong enough to fight!"

Armin gazed at him for a long moment before casting his eyes downward. "Then count me in."

Eren squawked in surprise, clearly caught off guard. "You can't do that!"

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