Chapter 32.

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Haha, I'm broke- (see end of chapter)







"Eren, honey come on, look at me. I told you I" A snort escaped me, my shoulders shaking from laughter as I tried to get a reaction from the exhausted teen leaning on my shoulder, "-rry. But come on, it was funny!"

"It...wasn't!" AH! A reaction! Finally, he wouldn't talk to me ever since we began the trip back to HQ ten minutes ago. Despite the slight drowsiness in his voice, proof of how exhausted he was after only 3 transformations, he managed to sound offended. "You...said you'd go easy on me..!

"Eh? Should've focused more on fighting instead of trying to book it."

"I wasn't running away!" Eren fumed.

"you were definitely running away." Hanji confirmed with an easy-going tone from her horse, her squad right behind her minus Moblit who was the one driving our cart. Eren flushed in embarrassment. "though I must admit I'd be terrified too if I saw an 18 meters rush at me to take me down," she laughed.

Flustered, the boy mumbled something that made me snort and look away before he could see my grin, though that was for naught since I felt him pinch my forearm...or try to. Remember, exhausted. "stop mocking me! I can't believe you did Annie's move on me! That was low!"

I turned to him with an amused look about to respond when Petra interjected curiously from behind us.

"Annie?" to them it was a new name so they were right to be curious.

My lips curled up in a smile, kinda missing the sweet-toothed little blonde.

"OH her, she's one of us-" and involuntarily blurted out before freezing in horror. 'crap-' I didn't mean to-

"one of you? What do you mean? " Hanji's head snapped to our direction, her lips twitching upward in that dangerous, borderline creepy smile. Oh no-


"Yeah..! She's a friend from the 104th brigade! She's really good in close combat!" Eren informed with a smile, unknowingly saving me. He got understanding nods from everyone. ALLAH BLESS HIS SOUL-"the move Colith did on me earlier came from her actually, she's the one who taught her. I know it too but I didn't think she'd use it on me. I wonder if she's okay though..." his smile faltered as he mutters in worry before yelping in surprise when the cart went over a rock. Out of instinct, I caught his wrist, preventing him from falling out of it before wrapping an arm around his shoulder to keep him secure, which got me a thankful smile from him.

'Oh sweet Eren I promise to cherish you till my death-' "heh, don't worry lil bird, I'm sure she's okay! She's tough! Pretty sure we'll see her around soon!" I forced a nervous chuckle out, getting curious glances from everyone. Bruh I almost messed up, of course I'm nervous!

"you got a problem?"

I managed to stop myself from flinching and slowly looked to the front where Levi was specifically looking at me from the corner of his eye as he rode his horse. 'ALL KNOWING BITCH ACT, ALL KNOWING BITCH ACT-'

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