Chapter 40.

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RECAP: IT WAS YOSHIKI B DAY NOW BACK TO DA STORY ROMANCE THING and don't get creeped out by the story with Yuka and Kizami, both of them are like 24 or 27 xD. Also in thr last chapter Ayumi and Yoshiki were 19.

Seven Years Later

Kishinuma's POV

        I kept trying to be settled into my chair. I took a sip of my coffee with my left hand, my right hand holding a newspaper.

        "Damn government.." I muttered, reading yet another problem that occured in our economy. Can't fix everything.

        Ayumi would always lecture me on about how one day that our government will crash down, and everything will spin out of control, causing our society to go chaotic. That's her alright, always talking about things falling apart and the occult.


        I nearly choked on my coffee. "Y-yes?" I yelled, waiting for an answer.

        I heard running footsteps, they came from the hallway, then appeared my little girl at the end, staring at me with Ayumi's blue eyes.

        "Do you need anything?" I asked, standing up from my chair, laying down both the newspapers and the cup of hot joe.

        "Daddy what's this? Aunt Shinohara told me to give you this box, it says condo-" I cut her off by immediately snatching the box of condoms.

        "Ah, don't touch that!" I put the box on the table behind me.

        I looked at the hallway, spotting a head popping out. "Tee hee." A familiar laugh came.

        "SHINOHARA!" I yelled.

        "I just couldn't help myself Yoshiki!" She laughed out, walking away from the hallway and approaching the front door.

        "Naomi is waiting for me, Hinoe and I had such a great play date! See you tonight!" She exclaimed while walking outside, and shutting the door.

        "Hinoe, what exactly did you two do?" I asked my daughter.

        The six-year-old shrugged. "Stuff."

        "Yoshiki!" A yell came from the same hallway, as well as a baby's cry. "God damn it." I muttered to myself.

        "Coming!" I yelled, quickly jogging to the hallway, through it and stopped at a door that lead to a nursery.

        "Yoshiki, could you please handle Yuki, she's only calm when you hold her." Ayumi said as the baby in her arms cried loudly.

        "Don't worry, I got this." I assured her, walking to her, as she carefully handed me the infant.

        "There, there.." I mumbled as the cries went away after a few seconds.
        "I still can't understand how you're able to do that." Ayumi spoke.

        "Well, lets just say it's a gift." I said with a smirk.

        "Did Shinohara leave?" She asked. I nodded back at her, still rocking the child in my arms.

        "Yeah, she just left about a minute ago."
        "OK, now we musn't be late for tonight, get ready." Ayumi demanded as she walked passed me.
        "Ayumi it's practically morning." I groaned. She laughed.

        "It's 3:00 in the afternoon," she walked closer to me until she was right at my side, she stood on her toes and kissed my cheek, "go get ready sweetie." She finally said.

        My cheeks flushed a bit. "Alright.."

        "Mommy, mommy!" Hinoe's yell could be heard. We both saw her come running into the room.

        Ayumi bent down to Hinoe's height. "Yes honey?"

        "Help me pick something to wear for tonight!" Hinoe squealed, tugging on Ayumi's robe repeatedly.

        Ayumi smiled warmly at her. "Sure honey, come on lets go!" She exclaimed shile she grabbed Hinoe's hand and walked out of the room.

        "You better get ready Yoshiki! I'll get Otonashi ((Otonashi is their four-year-old son)) ready!" Ayumi yelled from outside the room.

        I rolled my eyes. "I will!" I yelled back.

        I looked around until I laid my eyes on the baby crib. As soon as I saw it I laid the baby back in.

Two Hour Later

        I drove the car until we reached a red light. I laid back in my car seat, sighing.

        "Are you OK Yoshiki?" Ayumi asked from the passenger seat.

        "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, just wondering how Yuka's baby shower will go." I said.

        "Daddy!" I looked back to see Hinoe, Yuki sleeping in her carrier, and Otonashi playing with his seat belt.

        It was Hinoe who acknowledged me. "Yes Hinoe?" I asked. The red light turned green. I drove on.

        "Daddy, are we there yet?"

        I sighed again, knowing what came next. "No Hinoe, but almost."

        "M'kay!" She exclaimed. I smiled a bit as I drove on.

        I looked around until I spotted a familiar street. "Turn here." Ayumi said.

        "I know." I said as I turned into a street, driving on a bit more until I pulled into the driveway of Yuka and Yuuya's house.
HEHE. SORRY TO END HERE, THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER! SO YEAH. Yoshiki named Their Daughter's after two people Ayumu cared a lot about, but can never remember, and Ayumu named their son Otonashi after her best friend Kinomoto. He got super depressed when he found out about Ayumi's marriage, getting preggers with Yoshiki's kids, and comitted, suicide.... ._.

So yeah, Ayumi got sad and decided to name her son that, alao Yuka is 23 in case you were gonna ask.. she is preggy is Kizameh's kid so YEES. SO COMMENT WHAT U THOUGHT AND COMMENT IF I SHOULD DO A SEQUEL OR WHATEVS. :P
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..└┐▒▒▒   PECE

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