Chapter 11.

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Ayushiki moment in the last chapter! :D!! Here's next, please vote! It would help and follow if you like, and I'll follow back.

Naho's POV

        To be honest, I kind of felt bad for the girl, to die in the hands of her own best friend. But I only wanted Ayumi, so I wouldn't harm them in any way. So I'll let them live, for now..

        I turned around and notice the both of them walk to a house, I could sense the hatred the girl had for Ayumi. That I will use.

        I walked towards the house, and faded away to where I appeared in a room. The one's who died came back to life, but for some reason, I was still dead. At least I could go where I wanted. "Seiko! I'm going to go in my room for a quick second!" one of them called out.

        I smirked, and waited for her to approach.

Nakashima's POV

        I was headed for my room to fetch my phone. I forgot to bring it with me when I left the house. I turned the door knob as soon as I approached the door.

        For some reason I felt like.... someone was in there. A dark presence, dark enough for me to feel it. I hesitated for a moment and walked in.

        And I was right, someone was in there waiting for me. It was Mika, one of Kishinuma's friends, or girlfriend. 

        "Um, why are you in my room?" I asked. Because obviously she had to sneak in here. My mom would have told me if someone came in our house.

        "Oh, sorry for my disguise, let me change back." She said, as her skin began to peel off. My immediate reaction was to freak out, so I freaked out. I was about to run out of the door, but it slammed shut before I could.

        "What the-" I was cut of by looking at Mika, who no longer looked like her anymore. Half her skin was peeled off. Half of her hair was medium short and black. One eye was indigo, and it seemed weird.. like the eyes of a dead fish.

        All of the skin finally peeled of and landed on the floor. And someone stepped out of it. Oh my gosh, she was wearing Mika like a... costume!

        But then when I saw who it was, my first instinct was to become angry with her, but instead I felt fear rising from inside of me.

        "Ahh, you must be Naomi." Naho said. "I'm not going to harm you in any way, I just came, to talk." 

        I was backed at the door, trying my hardest to turn the knob. Didn't work.

        "You are familiar with the name, Ayumi. Am I correct?" She asked.

        I noticed that Naho was glowing, but it was a dark glow, a dark essence coming of her. I noticed that glow from anywhere, but she asked me that question. Just a mention of that name gets me mad in an instant.

        "Yeah, I am, so what about Ayumi?" I asked, I guess she noticed my tone when I said Ayumi's name. "So you do not like her, I suppose?"

        "I guess you could say that.."

        She giggled for a bit. "Well, I am thinking of making a bargain with you, a deal.."

        I rose an eyebrow. "What kind of deal?" I asked. I wanted to make sure Seiko was no where in this "deal".

        "Hmm, well you do hate Ayumi, correct? Just wanting to make that clear." 

        "Well, to be honest I do hate her, she's the reason we all got stuck in that place." I replied.

        "Well then, here's the deal. I am going to kill Ayumi, and I need help, and since your the only one of your friends that despise her, I'm going to need your help. Are you in?"

        I can't believe she just asked me this. I mean of course I hate Ayumi a lot, but enough to kill her? But, maybe.. What about, um, ugh I can't think! Maybe though, we weren't such close friends before. I mean what meaning does she have for me? I don't really care for her safety at all so I guess I could help Naho.. I mean it's such a small thing right?

        What could go wrong?

         "I guess.." I replied slowly.

        "Splendid!" Naho exclaimed quickly, clapping her hands together. "And do not worry, your other friends will not be harmed, only Ayumi will be exterminated in the process." She replied again, answering the question I was about to ask her.

        Then she stuck out her hand. "Lets shake on it." I hesitated. I didn't know if I made the right choice or not. But my hand kept going forward to hers until they made contact. She quickly shook my hand and said, "Thank you for your patience." then suddenly she disappeared. "Naomi!"

        I quickly turned around and saw Seiko at the door. It was wide open. "Come on Naomi, your mom is making us noodles! Hurry!" She exclaimed running off to the kitchen across our hallway. I sighed and followed her.

Kishinuma's POV

        It felt so good to kiss her again, but it didn't feel right when she didn't know what happened between me and Mika. But it's been a month since I've seen Mika, so I guess she wasn't really a problem anymore..

        She was laid flat on her bed when I kept kissing her, but then someone had to rudely interrupt us. Someone knocked on the door, and I groaned. "Sorry Ayumi, we're going to have to stop here. I don't want to get you in trouble."


        I smiled, "Don't worry, we'll have time next time." I replied.

        Her face lit up quickly. "Really?"

        I chuckled softly. "Really."

        "May I come in?" Someone at the door asked.

        "Depends, who is it?" I asked.

        "Hinoe, is Ayumi in here?" Hinoe asked.

        "Yeah, she's in here." I replied. I heard the door knob turn and Hinoe walked in. Ayumi gasped.

        "What's wrong?" I quickly asked.

        "Nothing, it's just, that.. I remember you.." She replied, but replied last thing to Hinoe. "I know who you are, what you specialize at, and I remember when I was younger you'd always be there for me, you and me Hinoe!" Ayumi exclaimed jumping to Hinoe to give her a huge hug.

        "I'm glad you remember me Ayumi, I'm really glad.."

        Maybe things would turn out for the better now, I felt like things were finally going back to normal.

Or will it? Hehe, comment what you thought guys, and I might have made errors, I wrote most of this in the middle of the night in my tablet, please vote, follow, and comment if you liked it. :D


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