Chapter 3.

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to tell that I love you all. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Without you there would be no sequel!

Shinozaki's POV

    The principal called out the first name. Kanate Aino. A girl with pure white hair ran up to the stage holding her hat down to keep it from falling. I could tell this was in alphabetic order.

    All of our last names are, Kishinuma, Kizami, Morishige, Mochida, Nakashima, Shinohara, Shinozaki, so that means Kishinuma would be the first of us to get our diploma.

    The Principal called out names, and we watched as a line of people forming on the stage.

    "Kinomoto, Otonashi." The principal called out once more. A guy with reddish brown hair ran up to the stage to receive his diploma. "Your next!" I exclaimed. Yoshiki turned his head around to see me, and smiled. 

    "Kishinuma, Yoshiki." Yoshiki smiled even bigger and said, "Well guess it's me now." He stood up waving at all of us, while we either waved back or gave him a thumbs up. 

    He ran up the stairs leading to the stage. He stopped running and he walked on it confidently to receive his diploma. We watched as the Principal shook hands with him, and handed him his high school diploma.

    He looked to the crowd trying to spot us, and when he did he made a big smile and held two thumbs up. We all did the same back at him.

    He jumped over the whole case of stairs and started running towards us. I jumped up from my seat, and when he made it back he grabbed me twirling me around. And ended it with a hug.

    "I got my diploma!" He exclaimed. I smiled at him showing him my support. Kizami was called next and he received his award. He only walked casually there and back with a smile on his face. Then Mochida was next. "Wait so does that mean I'm next?" Mochida asked.

    "Mizuno, Ani!" Another girl with pinkish hair with bangs in her face ran up the stage. "Mochida your next after her." I said to him, he smiled and nodded.

    "Mochida, Satoshi!" Mochida instantly stood up from his seat, and dusted off his graduation gown. "Wish me luck!"

    He ran up the stage like everyone else to receive their high school diploma. He shook hands with the principal and got his diploma. He waved at everyone, or us then ran down the stairs off the stage.

    He quickly ran back to us, carrying his diploma. "Guys look I have it! I did it!" Everyone congratulated him while he took his seat.

    Many other names were called before they finally called Morishige, Nakashima, Shinohara, next finally me. 

    "Shinozaki, Ayumi!" When I heard my name I instantly jumped out of my seat. I ran to the stage, filled with confidence. I finally made it to the principal..

    "Congratulations Shinozaki." The principal said as he handed me the diploma and shook my hand. "Thank you so much!" I squealed, running down the steps off the stage.

    I instantly ran to Kishinuma. He smiled warmly at me and stood up from his chair. Ready for the impact. I ran as fast as I could and jumped on him, making us both fall on the ground. I ended up on top of him. We both laughed and so did everyone else around us.

    "All that's left is Suzumoto." I said. Morishige turned to Suzumoto. "Are you prepared Mayu?"

    She gave him a big smiled and replied, "Yes!" 

    Many names were called before Suzumoto, so we had to wait. "Suzuki, Mika." A girl's name was called and a blonde girl walked to the stage. She was tall, thin, and definitely what every boy wanted. But her eyes... They were an indigo color, so familiar..

    She got her diploma and sashayed back down the stage and back to her seat, leaving many boys stunned. Except for Kishinuma, who had his eyes on me.

    He smiled, making me smile back. I couldn't help myself!

    "Suzumoto, Mayu!" Suzumoto gasped. She quickly stood up, ran to the stage, received her diploma, and squealed when she came back. "I got my high school diploma!!!" 

    "Congrats!!" We all exclaimed, hugging her tight in a group hug. Felt so good to be all together again..

        All the last names were called and we were all about to leave. "I can't believe we actually graduated!" Suzumoto exclaimed. Our families ran to us. They all cried our names and hugged us deeply.

        "KIZAMI!" Yuka cried out jumping on him so he could reveive her hug. "Woah Yuka Chan, I just left for an hour." He replied.

        "Hello, I would like to congratulate you all." A familair voice said. I quickly turned my head to see the blonde from earlier. "Suzuki Mika." I said, as she smile and nodded.

        "Yoshiki, it's been too long." She said and she instantly hugged him. Sending me through confusion. "Yoshiki, who is she? And how come she says your first name?" I asked.

        He laughed awkwardly while scratching his head. "Oh, she's an old childhood friend when we were little."

        "Oh.." I replied awkwardly. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and he calls her a friend?!

        That also means he knew her longer! And by the looks of her, I don't think I've got competition.

        Because me compared to her, I'm nothing.

        I've lost.



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