Chapter 2.

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Chapta Tew Enjoy! Also someone new comes in, GUESS WHO IT ISS!!

Shinozaki's POV

    I stood up dusting myself off alone with Yoshiki. He looked down at me with that same smile that speeds up my heart every time. The moment was broken when someone had spoke up. "I'm here everyone."

    We both turned around to see a tired looking Nakashima. She looked pretty weary. She had bags under her eyes, and she looked pretty droopy. She trudged her way towards us, and in a exhausted tone every time she spoke. "Naomi, are you alright?" Mochida asked.

    "Yeah, I'm fine." She paused from speaking and yawned. Then continued. "I'm just tired that's all."

    "Oi, Naomi. Your not lookin' too good. Did you and Satoshi have fun before you guys came here?" Shinohara asked in a playful tone while winking at her.

    "Seiko, I really don't have time for this. I'm not really up to my game right now, so I'm going to take a quick nap during the name calling.." She nearly dozed off until I snapped my fingers in her face.

    "What?" She asked awakening from her short doze. "You were about to fall asleep." I said.

    She scowled at me. "Why do you care?"

    "Hey, no need to reprimand me I'm just trying to help."

    She fixed her eyes at me and glared. "I don't need your help. I think I've had enough 'help' from you this year."

    I gulped. Because I knew exactly what she was talking about. 

    Heavenly Host.

    I shuddered at the thought. I crossed my arms and stared at the floor dejectedly. "Ayumi, are you OK?" Yoshiki asked worridly.

    "Yeah." I replied with a shaky voice. "I'm fine, I just had a macabre thought, but it's all fine now."

    Yoshiki then fixed a glare on Nakashima. "I thought we were over this."

    "Well maybe not everyone's OK, to the thought of forgetting unspeakable moments." Nakashima hissed.

    "You have to move on. Everyone's here and alive. We just have to forget all about you-know-where."

    Nakashima cursed under her breath, turned away from us, and crossed her arms. Everyone just stared at us during our short conversation.

    "And, now we're moving on.." Mochida trailed off.

    "Kids! Or should I say adults!" Ms. Yui called out. Snapping everyone out of the tension. She ran her way here staring at all of us. "Look at all of your. All grown up.." She said after stopping to look at us.

    "Oh! And Suzumoto, you never explained why you never transferred!" Ms. Yui exclaimed quickly, changing the topic. "It was weird, but it was like my mom forgot all about me transfering.." Suzumoto trailed off.

    "Well at least you stayed, that's the good thing. Now kids, start over there by the bleachers in the stadium, first 20 rows go to the graduates. Hurry!"

    "See you later Yuka Chan." Kizami gave Yuka a hug before leaving with us.

    "Bye." She choked out. Mochida groaned putting a hand to his face. Yuka has been spending some time with that guy, but what's the worse that could happen?

    My family started heading to the bleachers with the kids while we headed for the first row.

    We went through a gate with a huge sign that read, "ConGRADulations!" I got the notion.

    "Everyone stay together!" Suzumoto exclaimed. I wish, we were nearly getting split apart by the crowd of students.

    "We finally split from the pile of students, "Man it was tightly packed in there!" Mochida exclaimed after taking deep breaths. "I couldn't breathe!" Suzumoto exclaimed again.

    Well we're already at the first row, no come on before all the seats are taken!" I said, dashing to the seats with everyone else. We all piled into the seats along with everyone else. We were all together in the end.

    I searched the crowd for my family, but I noticed a certain someone..

    She had indigo eyes behind a red colored bottom framed glasses. She has short medium black hair, with a red pentagram-shaped hair ornament on the top left part of her head.

    Where have I seen her before?

    She quickly disappeared before I could take a closer look at her. Weird..

    "Hey Kishinuma."


    "Did you see that girl over there? Over by the gates near the side bleachers. Did you recognize her?" I asked.

   "Umm, no?" he answered with a confused look. "I must have been hallucinating.." I rubbed my head in embarrassment. 

    "Ayumi, of course it's graduation. You must have been stressing lately. Just calm down alright?" He replied soothingly, to calm me down.

    And it did.

    I sighed. "Your right, and I have been stressing lately." He smiled reaching for my hand, and gave it a tight squeeze after he held it. "Don't stress out, it's just graduation, the start of a new beginning."

    "Or the end of everything!" Mochida called out. Shinohara started laughing out of control, "Oh Satoshi, since when did you tell me you were a comedian?"

    "I didn't?" Shinohara started bursting out laughing again sending Mochida back to puzzlement once again.  It really did humor the rest of us. Except Nakashima, she was still pretty pissed and grumpy.

    Hey, at least it's not me. Well kind of.

    The principal of our school took the stand as everyone got settled. I settled in my seat laying my head on Yoshiki's shoulder. I could tell he was smiling, he always did when I gave him this gesture.

    He began the speech of how we started from the bottom and rose up all the way to the top. That we were no longer kids, but brand new adults.

    I spotted her again.. She disappeared around the curtains behind the stage, I was curious.. It's like I met her before..



Fallen Apart (CP Fanfic sequel to Yoshiki x Ayumi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora