Chapter 19.

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Please vote, comment and follow if you liked the chapter. AND SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER, AND SORRY FOR SAYING THIS. 

If you want me to post the next chapter I need to have at least 5 votes on each chapter. ((I KNOW  I SOUND LIKE A SELFISH BISCUIT RIGHT NOW)) Sorry guys, it's the only thing that keeps me going, but I'll probably post it any way whether I have like 0 votes or not, :P

Kishinuma's POV

        Been kicked out of my home by my parents, but invited back, been accused of drugs by a coach, but I have been stood up for..  by Ayumi.

        She's the only one who stood up for me, been there for me, and kind of hated me for trying to kiss her the first time. Well she did kind of accepted the next kiss in her bedroom.

        I can't bear to lose her, she's the only thing I have, she's the light of my life... well except Miki, she's important too.

        "We're almost at Suzumoto's everyone." Hinoe said while driving us there. 

        Shinozaki sat next to me, while Satoshit sat next to her. (((I meant the Satoshit part, NOT A TYPO, This isn't Kishinuma's POV when I do the double curved thingies.))) 

        Nakashima sat next to him, Yuka sat next to her, Kizami sat next to her. "We're here! And look out, those things are all over!!" Hinoe yelled.

        We prepared ourselves to barge out of the car. "Ready... GO!" Hinoe yelled jumping out of the car. She shot one down with no mistakes. Holy water spilled everywhere, while we made our way to Suzumoto's house.

        I ran, but I heard crumbling from beneath my foot. Did I step on something?

        I looked down and moved my foot. There I saw glasses on the ground. Those.. glasses.. so familiar.

        They looked just like.. Morishige's.

        I quickly picked them up and ran to Suzumoto's door. I banged on it hard. "SUZUMOTO! OPEN UP!!" I yelled.

        The door immediately opened. "Come on everyone inside!!" 

        Everyone ran inside. We slammed the door shut and took a look at who opened the door. It was Suzumoto, but something was wrong..

        Her eyes were red and puffy, tears were streaming down her face. She wiped them away. Ayumi gasped and quickly came to her. "Suzumoto, what's wrong? What happened, why are you crying?" Ayumi asked.

        Suzumoto started crying, and whimpered. "The- They- They too- took him." She stammered out.

        "Took who Suzumoto? Took who?" Ayumi questioned her.

        Suzumoto couldn't hold it in much longer. She closed her eyes tightly and balled up her fists. "SHIGE-NII!! They took SHIGE-NII!!" She cried out falling to the floor. She started crying uncontrollably.

        "They took him... THEY TOOK HIM!!" She screamed. "Shige-nii! Please... DON'T LEAVE ME!!" 

        She started wailing while rocking back and forth on the ground. "Suzumoto-san.." I trailed off.

        We all stared at her. Morishige's gone..

        I still held the glasses of his in my hands. I leaned down to put the glasses in front of Suzumoto-san. She whimpered and slowly stuck a hand out to reach for the glasses.

        She took them and held onto them as if it was her own life. I looked at Ayumi, she looked back at me with a look of concern and worry.
        Suddenly, we heard laughing. Or giggling, I looked down at Suzumoto, she stopped rocking back and forth, but something was... off.

        Her eyes were bulging, she started laughing through her teeth. She stared straight forward, not really focusing on anyone. "Suzumoto?"

        Then she automatically shut her mouth. A creepy smile snaked it's way on her face. She looked at Hinoe and smiled bigger. "May I borrow that?" Suzumoto asked, pointing to a gun in Hinoe's hand.

        Hinoe looked at her with a concerned look. "For what reasons Suzumoto?" Hinoe asked.

        "I want to help fight these things." She finally said. Hinoe took out an extra Holy Gun from her bag. She hesitated when handing the gun. But with Suzumoto, she snatched it with no hesitation.

        Suzumoto started giggling while playing with the gun. "Me and Shige-nii will finally be together now.." What?

        Suzumoto pointed the gun in her mouth. "Suzumoto what on Earth are you talking abou-" Ayumi's mouth quickly shut at Suzumoto's action. Then BANG!! Was the only sound that echoed in my head. It ricocheted off the walls.

        Ayumi got cut off and gasped. "Suzumoto!! NO!!" She screamed. Suzumoto fell forward, revealing where the bullet left it's mark. Which was the enormous hole in the back of her head.

        "No, no, no, NO, NO, NO!!" Ayumi screamed. "This can't be happening!!"

        She fell to the floor right in front of Suzumoto's body. I quickly came to her, "It's OK, Ayumi, it's OK.."

        "No! It's not! Suzumoto just DIED in front of me!" She shrieked. I wrapped my arms around her. She cried into my chest. "All the more reasons we need to kill these things off." Naomi said.

        "Come on, we have to get to Ms. Yui's apartment! She could be in danger! Come on!" Satoshi exclaimed, after snapping into his senses. 

        "Satoshi's right, come on Ayumi, we have to go. We will not let Suzumoto's death be in vain. Come on.." I lifted her up slowly, with one arm wrapped around her. She sniffled.

        "OK.." She said quietly. We all ran out the door to Hinoe's car. Hinoe started the engine and floored it all the way to Ms. Yui's.

OH NU, PLEASE DON'T HATE ME FOR THIS. ALSO THE ((( ))) Part in the story means I'm the one talking, ok please vote, comment, or follow if you liked it! :D

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