Chapter 16.

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Nakashima's POV

        "Seiko, can you pass me my phone?" I asked while looking in my drawers for my phone charger.

        "Sure Naomi!" Seiko exclaimed jumping off my bed. She fumbled through my dirty clothes basket and took out my phone out of a dirty pair of shorts.

        "Here you go!" She handed me the phone.

        "Thanks Seiko." I thanked her, taking the phone from her grasp.

        "Your welcome!" She exclaimed back with her mouth the shape of a 3.

         I groaned, giving up from fumbling in my drawers, searching for my phone charger. "Hey Seiko, have you seen my phone char-"

        "AHH! NAOMI!!" Someone suddenly screamed. The outburst was so sudden, it nearly gave me a heart attack

         "Mrs. Nakashima!!" Seiko exclaimed.

        "MOM! What's wrong?!" I yelled, what happened? Sounds important.. I quickly darted out of my bed room through the halls. I bolted into the living room in search for my mother. "MOM!!"

        "Naomi!!" She cried out. "Stop please!!" She cried even more.

        "Mother what's going- ON?!" I barged into the kitchen looking at my mother with a worried look on my face. She was clutching her broom, whisking it at something unknown. She was panic stricken, scared stiff might I say.

        She looked so pale I swear she could pass out anytime. Until I noticed what she looked at, I soon found out why she was so panic stricken..

        A hug black mist in the middle of the kitchen nearly filled half the room. There was two bright white spots on the face of it, it might have been the eyes.

        "Mo-" The thing instantly lunged at my mother. "MOM LOOK OUT!" I screamed. My mother shrieked whisking her broom at the monster with more force. 

        "EYAHH!" Seiko shrieked coming into the room. She clutched my arm and hid behind me. But I instantly moved to push my mother out of the way.

        My mother fell to the floor while the thing still went for her. I growled, no more fear, no more getting scared! I can't keep losing anymore people!!

        "HEY! Over here freak!" I screamed at it. The thing stopped at it's tracks. It slowly turned around to face me. It's macabre look didn't scare me none. I saw a spoon in the corner of my eye. Well I didn't really stack any weapons for this kidn of situation.

        I snatched the spoon and threw it at the monster. It went right through it as it it were water. I gulped. It lunged for me instead. "Seiko go hide!" I yelled running out of the kitchen.


        "JUST HIDE!!" I screamed running out of the door, leading out of my house. I just realized that I never turned around. What if it's after Seiko? the thought instantly came in my mind. I quickly dismissed it as soon as I  took a look behind me. That thing was still after me.

        "Naomi!" Seiko cried out chasing after me. "Seiko! I said go hide!!" I yelled.

        "No, Naomi please!!" She pleaded running after me.

        She was closer to me than the monster was. I sighed and quickly stopped running, snatched her hand, and continued running, but even faster than usual. I can't lose Seiko again.

        I saw it closing in on us. Oh no, it's coming even closer! I thought.

        I veered around a block and found myself in the city. I saw an alleyway between two buildings and as soon as I saw it I hid Seiko and I in an alleyway. As soon as I hid us there, the monster passed us by harmlessly.

        Phew! I slowly put my head out for a look. Guess that thing wasn't alone..

        "EEK!!" A woman shrieked. I saw hundreds of them everywhere. They covered the blocks, roads, buildings chasing people. I thought I could be ready and brave for this. 

        I guess I was wrong.

        I spotted a child falling to the ground. I was about to go help him, but.. it was too late.

        One of the black mists engulfed him full. The boy screamed yelling for help, but the monster took him into the earth, leaving nothing, but the boy's shoes.

        I gasped, covering my mouth so stifle a scream. Seiko didn't scream, she whimpered helplessly in my arms. Soon after another black mist appeared out of where the boy disappeared.. He's one of them now..

        A single tear left my eye.

        How did it come to this..

Shinozaki's POV

        We made it to Hinoe's home in no time. With the pace Hinoe was going at we were bound to get there real soon.

        "Yoshiki, are you alright?" I asked, checking if his wounds opened.

        "Yeah I'm fine, but- SHINOZAKI!" He screamed snatching my hand and pulling me down. A thing flew right above us and over us.

        "What the hell.." 

        "What is that?!" Yoshiki exclaimed.

        "Get over here, NOW!" Hinoe screamed at us. She came over with a gun in her hand. I shrieked pulling my head down.

        I peeked a little bit to see what's happening. Hinoe shot the thing down, the bullet exploded and water spilled everywhere. The thing made a horrifying screech before wavering away.

        "Wha- What is what?!" I asked. Hinoe quickly walked over to us and snatched both of our hands. "Come in, QUICKLY!!" She ran with both of us trailing behind her. She threw us in her house slamming her door shut.

        "Hinoe, what the hell is happening?" I asked, because something is definitely out of place.

        She sighed. "Something's gone wrong with both of our worlds." 


        "Here, take this." She handed me a gun, the color of gold and an enormous cross embedded into it. "What is it?"

        "It's a Holy Gun. The bullets are filled with Holy Water, those things are the work of dark magic. Only Holy Water can get rid of them, and I want you to be prepared, those things can do more than you can think of.."

        Yoshiki started rubbing his head in puzzlement. "So mind boggling.." He quietly said.

        Mind blowing...

I had to upload the new chapter earlier, enjoy! Plus I thought two days had passed so rofl.

Fallen Apart (CP Fanfic sequel to Yoshiki x Ayumi)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz