Those were the days, my friend!

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Gabriel scowled. He was furious at André, who just didn't stop, trying to convince him, to go into the little music bar, a friend had told him about.

"Oh come on, man. It's about time, that you go and meet other human beings. I am not saying, you should look for a new relationship. But simply having a couple of drinks, listening to some music. Bob said, the girl he hired for that little tavern, isn't the prettiest, but has a nice voice. She doesn't even like to be seen, so it's just like listening to a music box!", the Mayor of Paris begged.

"You know, that I don't go into bars late at night, André. I would just like to go to bed early, so that I can do my business tomorrow and go back home to my son!", the famous designer answered.

"The son, you can't even look at, because he reminds you of Emilie? The son, who scares away one tutor after the other? It's about time, you get your ass up, Gabe. The boy needs someone to rely on. Come on, this is your chance, to start a normal life again. Go out, have a drink, maybe a couple. For one night, forget, what happened. Do it for Adrien. He needs someone who acts normal for heaven's sake!", André Bourgeois scolded him. "Look at me. My wife doesn't even care, if I am here. Do I look sad?"

Now Gabriel snorted through his nose.

"Well, if I had your wife, I would rather go out with another guy too!"

The two men now broke into a guffaw.

"Fine, maybe for an hour or so!", the designer eventually gave in.

André beamed at him.

"Brilliant. Go and get ready. We'll have to look gorgeous. Maybe we can have some fun tonight!"

Now the greyish-blond man looked at him with disappointment.

"You are married, André. And I, well, you know I can't. I am done with love. For the rest of my life!"

The massive man just laid an arm around his old friend's shoulders.

"Oh Gabe, you are so old fashioned. I wasn't talking about love, I was talking about a nice, quick and no-strings-attached, one-timer!"

Gabriel scoffed. "That's even worse!"

The Mayor just shook his head and laughed, then went into his wife's bathroom to get ready, while Gabriel Agreste shut the door behind him and took a cab to his hotel.

Two hours later, the men arrived at a small club. There was a sign, but the spotlight, that should light it out, was broken and so only a small, weak light above the entrance showed the way inside.

André raised an eyebrow.

"That's what Bob was talking about? This dirty, little...."

But Gabriel just shrugged and stopped his lamenting by saying:

"Well, now that we're already here... I didn't dress up for nothing."

His friend gazed at him.

"You did at least better than I did. Look at me. I thought, this is some exclusive club, but this...?"

"Is exactly, what you described, André. A small bar, with an unknown singer, who doesn't like to be seen. I wasn't expecting much more than this."

With a sigh, the mayor stepped through the door. The interior didn't look as bad as the outside, but was old and used anyway. Gabriel was glad, he had decided to wear a pair of plain black jeans and a black shirt with a dark grey suit jacket above it. He looked at his old friend, who had dressed up in a dark blue tuxedo, a dark red, satin shirt underneath. He chuckled without letting him see, when he noticed, that the mayor of Paris even wore eyeliner and face powder.

After they had taken a seat and ordered their drinks, André choosing the most embarrassing cocktail, he could've, a 'Sex on the beach', Gabriel considered, it would be best, to go with something simple, and being strong enough to kill all germs in the not so clean looking glasses. Just in case. So he ordered a double scotch.

Then they looked around, doing a bit of small talk, about work, business, children. There wasn't much more they had in common nowadays.

The designer considered to leave already, when the barkeeper stepped onto the little stage and spoke into the microphone:

"And now dear guests, you have the honor to listen to one of the most beautiful voices, you have ever heard. Sadly the young woman is a little shy and likes to stay in the dark, but still she is hear to perform for you. Please welcome...Miss Nathalie Sancoeur!"

Gabriel looked at André.

"She's French too?", he asked.

André shrugged.

"Seems like it"

And then they heard the first chords of a rather popular oldie. The one that made a shiver run down Gabriel's spine, because he immediately was reminded of his first time with Emilie in that little tavern, they used to go to. It was the song, 'Those were the days'.

And when he heard the deep, hoarse voice coming strongly from the silhouette on the stage, he knew, he had to stay and listen. He wasn't sure, if it was the song or the voice itself, but it reached his heart. And though it made him sad, it seemed to calm him and give him comfort at the same time. Sitting here and hearing the shy woman sing, was worth every hour in the aeroplane, he and André had chartered. It was worth the jet lack and the unpleasant, uncomfortable hotel bed. Though he wouldn't admit it, he would take a flight from Paris to this place in the economy class, just to hear that voice again.


He flinched and looked at André.

"What did you say?", he asked.

His friend smirked.

"I asked, if you were alright!"

"Yeah, sure", Gabriel muttered and waved him off. Then he gestured the barkeeper to pour him another drink.

After a few other songs, the young woman made a short break. Gabriel called for the barkeeper.

"Would you be so kind, to bring the talented lady a drink on my bill and ask her, if she could sing something in French? Thank you", he nodded, as the man walked of.

A moment later, he could see a female figure standing in the door frame, that led to the premises behind the counter. She shortly nodded at him before she quickly shut the door again.

Gabriel took a sharp breath. How could that moron of a producer, that Bob Roth say, she wasn't pretty? Though he had only gotten a short glimpse, he had seen a beautiful, young woman, with dark hair and a red dyed fringe. Though she wore glasses, he had noticed those incredibly sparkling, blue-turquoise eyes.

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