Nothing compares to you

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It's been seven hours and fifteen days, since you took your love away,
I go out every night and sleep all day, since you took your love away,

Since you've been gone, I can do whatever I want, I can see, whom ever I choose,

I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant, but nothing, I said nothing can take away this blues

Cause nothing compares, nothing compares to you

It's been so lonely without you here, like a bird without a song,

Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling, tell me baby, where did I go wrong.

"Thank you, my love!", Gabriel hummed into Nathalie's ear, before he kissed her tenderly, "I have been listening to that song after Emilie died all the time and I really thought, I could never be happy again. But as it turned out, you even make me feel more complete, than she ever did! Because, nothing compares to you my darling."

"Th-that's s-s-so very sweet, from y-you. But y-you're making me cry again. I-I....l-love you so much!", Nathalie sobbed.

The designer chuckled. Then he kissed her again.

"I love you very much too!", he cooed and laid a hand on her belly, "both of you!"

That made her cry even harder.

"Oh come here, my love. You know, I can't see you cry!"

He kissed her yet another time, to then hold her taut until she calme down and could stop crying. It was Saturday afternoon and Adrien had gone to eat ice cream with some of his classmates.

"Is that 'special' classmate coming too?", had been Nathalie's first question, when he had asked, if he was allowed to go. Gabriel wanted to deny his request immediately, but the young woman had taken his hand, before he could say anything and had whispered into his ear:

"Don't you dare, keeping him from going to his very first date!"

The anxious father had taken a very deep breath an had looked into her beautiful and mesmerizing eyes for a moment, then he had agreed.

"Alright. But you will just go for ice cream and nowhere else and you will be home by six!"

"Seven!", Nathalie interjected and looked at Gabriel with the saddest puppy eyes, she could make.

"Seven!", he sighed, "but not a minute later, do you hear me?"

"Yes, of course", the boy blurted out enthusiastically, "thank you father! And thank you, Nathalie!", he hugged her ecstatically and gave her a very light peck onto her cheek.

But right now it was barely five o'clock and they could hear Adrien's voice calling out for them:

"Nath, father? Where are you?"

Gabriel opened his office door to almost run into his son and a dark haired young woman.

"What are you already doing here? Did something happen? Were you att...."

"Everything is alright, father. But it started to rain like 'a lot' and well.....Marinette was just walking me home, when it started and it's sa really stormy weather outside, so I couldn't let her walk all the way back, right? Oh and...", he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck, "this is Marinette!"

"N-nice to m-m-meet you, S-Sir!", the teenage girl stuttered.

"And this", Adrien blurted out, as Nathalie joined them, "is Nathalie, my.....well.....hopefully very soon officially, but I feel like it already, new mum! Nathalie, this is Marinette, my classmate!"

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