Exactly, when?

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‘Twas winter month, full of surprises, a month of cold, white, vast lands dominated by warmth and peace. Every winter month is exciting, not only the games, activities, and etc., it is also the month to confess with others and be forgiven, or will pour the glass full of thoughts.

Well, certainly, I was on the school, each of us skipped the class to watch the snowfall. It was so fascinating. Some students are teasing each other, while some are astounded to the beautiful show outside.

At the distant, I saw something lying on the soft, white ground, with some spit of reddish liquid beside it. I immediately run out of the school and get to see what’s it. I’m petrified on how this feline looks. It looks so hurt from something that its head bleeds. I carried the kitten to our classroom and get the wooden tray I have brought— that is about to use for our cookery subject. I laid my apron inside the wooden tray, and cleanse the wounds of the kitten. It took me some minutes because I’m afraid of seeing wounds, but I tried.

Someone is looking at me, intently. It’s like he’s observing me from afar, and then take away his sight from me when I look back at him.

It’s finished! The kitten’s comfy on her improvised bed, and it’s so lucky the bell rang, so it’s time to go home. But, it’s too cold outside, how can I carry it home when the temperature is too low?

I undress my sweater and laid it to the squirming feline. Going out of the shelter without something that’ll cover me against the cold air is very challenging, knowing the home where I stay is approximately more than ten meters away from here.

Got to have some courage to walk, just to take us both to home safe and sound.

The feline’s so adorable sleeping on the tray, making me smile. Students started to pour the corridors, and as the door opens, the cold air occupies the space near the door. I started to walk, and passed by the door.

It’s very cold outside.

I released some warm air so that the cold feeling will somewhat be gone, but it still feels the same. I tried to walk more fast paces so that I can easily go home, but I felt something put a coat above my shoulders, giving some warmth, and its perfume tingles my nerves when I smell it.

“It’s too cold, why did you took off your sweater, Saoir?”

It was him. He took off his coat to make me warm. He’s walking along with me, and stares at the distant.

“Aren’t you going home?” I asked. I couldn’t make an eye contact with him, ‘cause it’s so hard to keep what I felt every time I see his enchanting eyes.

“No, unless you’re already home,” he replied. I insisted that I could go home alone, and will take his coat back on the next time, but he’s eager to accompany me back to home.

We’re at home, so, I decided to invite him for a tea treat, and he gladly accept it.

The day after, it’s cold again. But, he’s colder than the weather. I mean, I greeted him, but I received no response. It seems he’s ignoring me at all cost. Yeah, at all cost. I had a little accident on the corridor, and he just shrugged and walked away.

What’s wrong with him?

Is it because I’m unpopular? Not a girl that every man dreams?

I’m always alone, can’t make friendships — I’m not good with it, and it’s very awkward to initiate starting a conversation.

Days passed, until the liveliness of every living thing sprouted everywhere. Another day to face his coldness. Spring already came, but he kept the winter on his silhouette.

Another day of being nobody. I was alone sitting at my seat, sketching him on a piece of paper. After doing that, I slept, how bored it is to stay at the classroom.

I woke up to the stomps of some of my classmates, implies that the next class will be soon. I immediately make myself up and get some of my things back to my bag, that are unnecessary to the next class.

This day, is a total cycle of boredom. Is it because I’m tired of being alone?

I’m sleepy now but I gotta do some of the assignments. I laid my notebooks above my study table, and something caught my attention: the drawing.

He has this lots of charms, and I love his personality so much, or it is him— that I love?

At the edge of the sketch, there’s a comment.

“I like the way you draw me, same thing with you.

I like you.”


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